dre38w's Forum Posts

  • Okay that's odd. So among some more careful examination and testing I found out what the issues were. One was any level that I had the layer set to transparent was going nuts. Took that out and it's fine on those. Now remember that level that I said didn't do anything? I had an object with the platform command simulating a jump. Took that out and it's fine. Made a brand new project and put another platform simulate jump and it did the exact same thing. Froze it. So now that we know exactly what's causing it that should help yes?

    I'll send the .capx anyway to show you what happened. Let me upload it to drop box.

  • I'll post a .capx but give me a few to strip some stuff out if you don't mind?

    And I might of messed up but it was all working just fine until I updated. I also have an event sheet for each layout dedicated to that layout. So 10 levels 10 event sheets.

    I forgot to post my stats too. My OS is 64 bit Windows 7. I don't know if that makes a difference but let me put together a .capx for ya.


  • Where to start? First I want to say how awesome the engine is. haha I don't want to sound like I'm being harsh at all but lot's of issues are going on with the new release. haha

    I'll say how I have the game set up. The game has multiple levels. All named like so: level0, level1, level2 and so forth. So far it's up to level 10. I have it switching to the next level by use of a global number variable called level that counts up one and goes to the next layout by name like so: "level"&level. Does so by a button press.

    Now for the bugs.

    level0 works fine. But when I win and press the button it'll go to the next level sure enough but nothing will happen. Not even the object I have outside of the layout will perform the destroy outside layout behavior. Everything is just static.

    Next issue was when I try to start on one of the other levels and all kinds of trippy stuff goes on. "Shadows" of the moving objects show up. Like a trail behind say a rectangle that rotates and it'll look like a circle because so many 'shadows' of itself trail behind. Even starts lagging my computer a tad. But stuff does happen but not properly of course.

    I tried to recreate this in its basic form, but it worked just fine so I don't know if I can make a .capx for you guys. I can see if I can recreate it again. See if I can't encounter the bug in some way. I'll do that when I get home.

    That's all the bugs I've encountered so far. Thank you for the awesome engine and hopefully these bugs get fixed. haha


  • Sorry, I searched and that didn't come up, but thank you very much it worked great. I had a feeling it would be along those lines on how it should work but I couldn't figure exactly how to do it. Thank you.

  • How do you go to the next layout in order? I want to prevent having to make tons of Go To Layouts for each new level. I can't seem to find a command anywhere for that. It's probably something stupid that I'm overlooking but none the less.


  • Sorry to bump but don't know if anyone saw this. Still wondering if it's a bug or am I missing something to make it work properly? Thanks.

  • Hello, I seem to be having a very similar problem with the wrap behavior. It'll go to wrap around the X axis but then it'll jitter most of the time. Then wrap oddly. I've used Firefox and Chrome. (Chrome seems to work much better with Construct 2 because when I test in Firefox the whole game screen will flash that's sort of off topic but just thought I'd mention that.) And you also asked what OS we're using. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit. And I'm running the newest build of Construct 2. Is this a bug still or am I doing something wrong?

  • Sorry. I searched and nothing came up. Thanks for redirecting me though. This one is going to be helpful. Thanks guys.

  • Excellent. That sounds awesome. Thanks so much for the info.

  • Okay cool thanks. What about in game purchases in general? Like make a browser game and the user must purchase coins to do something?

  • Hello. A couple things I'm wondering. Can you test your game on a mobile device before exporting with phonegap? And do we know if in game purchases is or will be available? Thank you.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ah yes. My stupidity, I remember reading that before my business partner got the standard license. Sorry about that. Regardless, thank you very much guys.

  • I searched around here and couldn't find a straight forward answer. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places.

    Can I sell a game made with Construct 2? And if so what kind of royalties will there be if any?

    Thank you.