this is what they do: lerp does this
<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Bezier_1_big.gif">
Qarp does this
<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Bezier_2_big.gif">
could you implement something for cubic curves, they're the most difficult, and the most confusing to set up (i know you can just do lerps but still)
Theyre either lerp(qarp(a,b,x), quarp(a,b,x), x) or quarp (lerp(a,b,x), lerp(a,b,x), x)... And I'm not exactly sure if those two are the same thing, I won't bother to solve the equations now X)... But you could make your own function with function object, unless the cubic equation gets implemented.