Drasa's Forum Posts

  • En tiennytk��n et t��l o enemm�nkin suomalaisia^^

    Sorry for Finnish -.-

    T��ll� ollaan joo :D. K��nsin jotain varhaista versiota Constructista, mutta suurinta osaa ei voinut k��nt�� viel�... oon sitten odotellut ett� tulee versio jonka voi k��nt�� kokonaan (Sin�ns� hyv�� treeni�, kun opiskelen k��nt�mist� yliopistossa sivuaineena :D)

  • i really believe removing it would be a bad move. i know vista doesn't support it anymore but not anyone run vista. ie: me ;D

    like the old wise men use to say, if its not broken, don't fix it.

    It IS broken; for every Vista user. You might not run Vista, but the players who play your games may well run.

  • Oops, I had an error in my previous post. Of course, when the number of order rises, the amount of parameters rises too. If I'm not mistaken, it's

    And it can be shortened to [code:1w0nt6ri]lerp(qarp(a,b,c,x), quarp(b,c,d,x), x)[/code:1w0nt6ri]
    Fortunately cubic curve is the curve of highest order needed in practical computing :D...
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bezier_curves

    this is what they do: lerp does this

    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Bezier_1_big.gif">

    Qarp does this

    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Bezier_2_big.gif">

    could you implement something for cubic curves, they're the most difficult, and the most confusing to set up (i know you can just do lerps but still)

    Theyre either lerp(qarp(a,b,x), quarp(a,b,x), x) or quarp (lerp(a,b,x), lerp(a,b,x), x)... And I'm not exactly sure if those two are the same thing, I won't bother to solve the equations now X)... But you could make your own function with function object, unless the cubic equation gets implemented.

  • Woah, so many bug fixes already after 0.98? Great! And some useful-looking additions too. And that normal random! Thanks!

    And thank you for Gullanian too! (Btw. is he younger or older brother :D?)

  • I heard that there's some problems with OpenGL in the newer versions of Windows, because MS uses DirectX to render the UI of Windows...? Is this true?

  • A disc saw? You could've said!

    Well, nice.. what're you gonna use it for? :D

    I do hope it doesn't relate to the rewrite of Chamber...? (You know, maybe he is going to make REALISTIC animations :O)

  • Haha, maybe he has some kind of gravity boots :D

    If 45 degrees looks too weird, maybe you could make 26.57 degree slopes? One pixel up, two sidewards. It should look more normal :D

  • In the event where the subtracting happens, "'c' is pressed" or something like that, you must add an additional condition to test whether you have enough mana! For skill requiring 20 mana, click "insert new condition" on the menu in event editor and test if private variable 'mana' is 20 or greater.

  • Or, if your health bar is going to have some kind of patterns/images that you don't want to be squeezed by shrinking the sprite, you can make it on its own layer and make another sprite with erase effect to limit how large part of the bar is visible.

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  • Deadeye: Oh, why didn't I realise that when I was making the original version X). I solved it later, but used totally different method. Oh, and btw, thanks for the great tutorial series! I'm sure that this will help many people awfully lot on their way of learning Construct :D!

    I made a version with slopes of any steepnes. This version uses some trigonometry (to calculate the position of Charlie related to the hitbox in slopes) so it goes ot of the scope of this tutorial, though. The positioning of Charlie doesn't actually look very good, but currently that's impossible to fix. It would recuire some fundamental changes to the engine. (The hitbox's corner should be able to be "inside" the slope)

    However, you can easily modify the original to add slopes with different angles.

    Here's the new version:


  • Drasa presents: Platform School 4.5 - Slope hijack!


    There's still one known problem - the animation angles. How much would I appreciate if the rotation angles could be set separately from the animation angles. Because of the lack of this feature, I can't set Charlie to face the right way in slopes, cause setting the rotational angle sets the animation angle too. Ashley/Rich/Dave, would you mind implementing them separately?

  • In my universe demo, I made custom physics with bouncing. It isn't entirely realistic, but it's close enough. All it needs is the normal angle of the surface against whom the bounce happens. With spherical planets like in that demo, calculating the normal angle is easy, but if the object is irrelugar, calculating normal angle is very difficult. With cubes, it is very easy, though. Interested?

  • Okay, so we created an irc channel #construct in irc.esper.net. Everybody are encouraged to join in and participate in chat :)! At the moment, there's just istoleyourcar (o64 in IRC) and me, so hurry up and join so that we don't get too lonely ;D! This is by no means an offical Scirra irc channel, since only the Scirra guys could announce that, but it doesn't really matter. (Who knows if it should become offical, if the devs want to announce it? ;D )

    Those unfamiliar to IRC, you just need an IRC client program. I use Xchat myself (http://www.silverex.org/news/), it's pretty easy to set up, but there's a couple of other good clients too. Chating in IRC is a bit different from instant messengers, it's a bit like a continuous group discussion, or an browser chat, except that usually it's kept open even when you are not chatting, or idling... So feel free to just hang there and observe the discussion! You're welcome!

  • Okay, what IRC network do you want the channel to be in? I use IRCnet alot (it's popular in finland), but I guess Quakenet would be easiest choise, since it's the default choise in many IRC clients ...?

    Apparently, there's already someone in #constructkzj@Quakenet... Is it one of us?