Drasa's Forum Posts

  • I love my DS, it has lots of fun games to play. And if your friends have DSs too, it gets a ton more entertaining. For example, Mario Kart WiFi with 8 players - pure awesomeness.

  • What you are actually trying to do? If you are setting objects to move to 16 pixels below themselves, they shouldn't stop either, as they don't stop with lerp. If the condition keeps evaluating true, the actions will happen again an again.

  • Yes, that indeed would work.

    But only when using one outline. If you wanted to build a labyrinth using many tunnel sprites and their outlines, the outlines would block the character from moving from one tunnel to another in an intersection.

  • > With what event's?


    you must have missed what was said. Ready Mipey's post

    No, I didn't miss what was said. The method suggested doesn't work the same way as proper solution would. "Is overlapped by passable" is different from "is totally covered by passable".

    Imagine that there is a mountain and a tunnel. With "overlapping passable" the character could move inside a solid rock wall, if it overlapped "passable" by just one pixel. If there would be "is totally covered" condition (= There isn't ANY pixel which DON'T overlap), it would be possible to do correct way - so that character couldn't overlap the solid rock at all.

  • With what event's? It is already stated that you can do it with canvas, but that solution wasn't too perfect.

  • you can:

    Oh, I see. I'm embarrassed to say that I have clearly used canvas object too little :P

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  • If I understand correctly, you just want an attribute that undoes 'solid' and makes its opaque area count as non-solid space?

    I'm not sure using hundreds of anti-solid sprites for destructible terrain is a good idea performance-wise - it might be better just to use lucid's suggestion, especially given it could be tricky to program an antisolid attribute.

    There is another things you can do with this too. And it isn't possible to create simple moving and resizing etc. holes in solid with canvas. Say you want to have liquid, where the character can't go, but there's bubbles in the liquid, and the character can move inside these bubbles.

    Also, I can think uses for is fully overlapped/covered/whatever by ... -condition. Is it hard to do? For Construct 2, at least?

  • if 'object overlaps solid object'

    (negated) 'overlaps nonsolid object'

    Yeah, but that isn't same. With "Overlaps nonsolid" (Though I prefer antisolid, it's clearer way to say it) collision event triggers only when the sprite doesn't overlap tunnel at all, but collision event SHOULD trigger when even PART of the sprite is not overlapped by nonsolid. In another words, the condition should be "(negated) totally covered by nonsolid object". And we don't have this kind of condition.

    That "totally covered by" would be nice feature to have also... the collision checker wouldn't search for pixels which collide, but pixels which DON'T collide.

  • So, you're talking about... like "un-solid" or "anti-solid" mask. If the force field overlaps a solid block partially, say, it overlaps the upper part, but not the lower part, only the lower part would act as solid, since the anti-solidness would cancel the solidness of upper part of a block.

    So, it would would work like mask - but it would mask the collision mask, not graphics. And it would indeed be useful for destroyable terrain, or let's say that you have a solid object "mountain" and then you place antisolid "tunnel" on it, and the antisolidness masks off the solidness of the mountain - and you can move in the tunnel, but not elsewhere in the mountain.

    I think it's a really useful feature to have, but the problem is, how easy it is to implement technically. I think the devs could say something about that :)

  • Seems that the file was corrupted only in one of the mirrors - when I downloaded it from another mirror, it worked! Testing now.

  • "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program."

    This is the message I get when I try to start the installer. I have tried to download and run the install file again, but without any success :/

  • It's not so strange, really. MMF does it.

    Yeah, but if MMF does it, it doesn't mean Construct should do it. Why an object should be placed in a layout, when user doesn't want to place it in a layout?

    It has to exist somewhere. If you don't want it there when the level starts, just check "Destroy on Startup."

    There are non-layout objects too, which don't get placed in the layout. I think that if there's an object type you want to later use in your layout, there shouldn't be need to have an instance of it. There is no such a need even in programming languages - object classes and object types are totally separate.

    Also, if you delete the last instance of an object, the object type disappears too. I think that object types should be like Plato's ideas, they should exist in their "own world", in some kind of object bank, and then you could make instances of them in layouts.

  • Heh, remember, we had an irc channel for few days, before chat was introduced :P (I like IRC more too, since almost all my friends use it for daily communication :D)

  • But isn't there any libraries available that you could use? Or could you make a "flash embed" object, a box which would contain a flash movie in the same way than browsers and media players show flash movies?

  • Also, DS is a great console. I agree that Wii may be gimmicky and cheap, but I have had A LOT of fun with my DS.