Drasa's Forum Posts

  • I guess that editing alpha channel directly (as a greyscale picture) would be useful for this purpose. You could "paint" transparency and opaquency. (<- Is this the right word :D... )

  • How does it work? I've been experimenting with sound and I don't quite understand the decibel level settings. I set the volume to 0 and I can still hear the sound :?

    I had to set my volume to -100 to mute it, but that seems a little strange. What exactly is the range for the volume on this thing?

    Decibels are a logaritmic scale work so that minus inifinte means "no sound"... Or that's what I think. I have no clue how it really works in XAudio2, though :P...

  • Its looking good guys. Drasa, what did you make that tune in?

    Yeah, I'll be working with CHAMBER's musics now :)

  • I experience this glitch too. And it doesn't show up on any dev's comp? Bad luck :D

  • Wow! I was thinking of making this kind of demo too, but with skewed sprites...

  • Hello! I got an inspiration of the title "Chamber" and the mood of the game and made a piece of music. (Well, the game itself could be a little darker...) You may use it in the game, if you want to :) (And if needed, I can make it a little longer and loopable)

    Edit: Whoops, almost forgot! Here is url: http://drasa.nipponfever.net/biisit/Drasa%20-%20Chamber.mp3

  • Maybe effects could be on their own tabs like behaviors are currently? That'd make sense.

  • Thirded.

  • Well I think that basic equalizing would be cool effect, and very useful for mood changes in the background voices/music. If it isn't huge trouble to add, go ahead! At least I would appreciate it :)

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  • If XAudio2 would have "get pointer to buffer" expression, then everything should be all right. And if you're going to make 0..20kHz in few bars like in Winamp, you'll have to sum/average parts of array.

    BROO: What are the minus frequencies representing :o? I don't quite get why does the function return those also.

    I just began to wonder if it is possible to combine the frequencies afterwards and input them back to XAudio2 :D. I was thinking some kind of controllable equalizer...

  • BROO: That FFTW looks promising... but yes, there is the problem of getting the buffer. I don't know much about Construct's plugin architecture, but even if there would be an function retrieving the buffer in XAudio2 plugin, how would it pass to separate audio analyser plugin?

  • maybe just add some plugin or new Expressions for audio.

    Yeah, and if the XAudio2 doesn't offer the features, some 3rd party library could be used :)

  • Dave: Btw, have you checked my post about instance picking? (I'm sorry for advertising it, but it would be cool to hear if it was useful/implementable idea or not from devs)

  • The spectral analysis of audio (which equalizers like that do) requires pretty ******** math, so unless there is some tools for that in the new XAudio2, it would be hardly possilbe.

    AFAIK the audio is divided into different (ie. bass, mid and treble... of course there could be more) bands in digital enviroments using so-called Fourier transformations. (Or discrete cosine transofrmations) but that would require a direct access to the waveform and pretty hc math... Is here anybody here with signal engineering degree :D?

  • Ouch, I don't deserve compliments, I made a mistake XD.

    Its either

    Every time the number of objects is changed:

    Set timescale to 0.99^NumberOfObjects


    Every time an object is added:

    Set timescale to TimeScale * 0.99

    The first would perform little bit slower, but it would automatically rise the timescale back towards 1, when objects are destroyed. The second is faster but needs a separate event to rise the timescale back... :D

    AND... 0.999 or 0.9995 seems better than 0.99, the scale drops too fast with 0.99... with 0.9999 the timescale is 0.5 with about 7000 objects.

    AND... btw, lowering the time scale doesn't remove the fact that it still needs to produce the fps the v-syncing needs...