Heyo, I'm having a little difficulty finding ways to use families in picking objects
How exactly would i go about it? because what if i want to compare variables from two different objects in the same family?
if Blue.Value('Value') is greater then Blue.Value('Value')???
Would that work? I'm not really getting any results
I need my events to look something like this: (Blue is the family)
If Blue is overlapping Blue
Pick Blue with highest ZHeight - bring to front
As it stands, i don't really see anything happening, nothing's being picked and the sprite order doesn't seem to change, so i tried something similar:
If Blue is overlapping Blue
If Blue.Value('ZHeight') > Blue.Value('ZHeight') - bring to front
But this has the same result, nothing. Am i doing something wrong? is there a better way to go about this? or do families have a hard time picking objects with differing variables?
please .... halp ..... *cough* *splutter*