DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • wait so you are saying that if you set the width of the arrow to negative width its not mirroring it anymore?

    cause that is weird... i had made a card flip based on that and using the same inputs and it worked... you sure isn't something you have in the code that stops you from doing that? like setting the width and height to a surtain value everytick(or a Boolean that is always on which acts like everytick basically) ?

    let me test it first though il be right back. im using R240 atm hope you can open it.

  • good graphics... simplistic controls. i loved it, i want more

  • edited version

    in your case using revolute joints ... you dont have an update ratio that you can freely modify by just imputing a number in that parametter... i was thinking at distance joints ...

    but ...the update ratio here is reacting on how heavy the DOT is and how much friction elasticity it has... all physics values matter/image points/collision box are all affecting the way physics weight force/gravity is applied.

    hope my edit version is fixing what issue you had. click on dot object you have and check what i changed its mostly only physics values same for the Blue box

  • I commented the same days ago and if i understood well, the 0.5 will have plugins of a "new mesh object", "new light object" etc... with all the creation tools the original SceneLoader has for creating new stuff from 0 and change it referencing the new objects created in C2 using events.

    I didn't know we can use at the same time the new plugins and the 0.2 one with all that functions, i have to test it

    im not using the 0.2 sceneloader version... i just installed the first addon... and the new 0.4 however it might be that the addon had some remains left inside and thats why i see the original old sceneloader plugin also... weird.. but the functions are still missing no matter what... but you said its going to be updated in 0.5 so i shall wait sorry for not reading the previewst posts... but the new posts are stacking at a high rate

  • randomly you still need help on this?

    even if not i took your first capx and created a hanging animations based on your ragged doll was more of a setting the right values really... also if you want to brake a leg or hand .... lol ... it does sound weird... just disable that joint from the body...

    here it is

  • edited: nevermind the solution was already posted ... by randomly

    by the way what is the ? meaning in the angle formula you used never seen it before in C2.... what the expression mean?

     aimAngle > 0 ? aimAngle : (18+(18-abs(aimAngle)))[/code:5jp73zi6] 
    and im reffering to the [code:5jp73zi6]0 ? aimangle : [/code:5jp73zi6] part of it
    Edited2: found the manual expression but still want to understand your code
  • there is no delete button... hmmm

    edit first post page and

    under or above Subject : Your title saying once deleted you wont be able to recover your post

    you will see Delete checkbox written in small letters however you might not be able to delete it anymore since people already replied to your post.

    and a moderators help should be asked zenox98 ... please if you are kind?:D

  • well... its using chimpmunk physics behavior... not sure how different that is from the original C2 one... maybe call R0J0hound on this one?

    but in the default physics you wold increase decrease the joints stiffness... by increasing or decreasing the update ratio of the joints... if you have such thing in your capx...sadly i cant open it ... dont have the behavior installed im to lazy to search for it at the moment. but the idea is basically the same and i think you should have a parameter for Joint Update Ratio:0.3 or something by default

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  • what are you asking help on exactly?

    replacing the .jpg? or editing the _code file? or both? im confused sorry

  • X3M

    there is something i think is missing... while the original SceneLoader plugin works and has all the mesh functions object creation functions... the new Scene plugin doesnt have them... i know you added a mesh object so it can pair with the 3d models.. but they lack functions from the original SceneLoader... and if i try to use both the SceneLoader and the New Scene ... there is a overlapping error of the 2 and things brake. any plans on that? maybe drop the original SceneLoader plugin? and only transfer the functions to the new Scene ?

    also the mesh vector manipulation doesn't work on my side is that working at this point? i tried to manipulate the shape of the skybox example Sphere001 object since has more vector points ... but nothing is happening ...

  • Newt, I appreciate the response, but it's not a capx issue - when I open a new project and load the video it still comes in upside down. It's an app issue.

    its probably a browser cache issue, or windows compatibility cache issue/localstorage cache thing.


    you said it was around 1 hr difference between the presentation and your test so there is no way you changed your Windows or C2 version between that time also..... so it only remains the fact that it might be your graphic drivers from your laptop, that have quit'd on you, or even worst the graphic card itself its to old and wants to park in the GPU Heavens. Which sounds more probabilisticly possible from the mentions you did.

    P.S that big title based on your frustration today shouldn't be like that ... we all feel the frustration when stuff goes wrong when we expect them the less.. however is not the reason to ask for help in a harsh manner, its a high chance you will get a harsh response or probably 0 solutions.

  • i know it sounds simple well its not as im not talking about copy pasting it like importing stuff... but more auto updating a picture based on different topics like lets say the presidents in the world pictures which usually are on the 2nd or 3rd row in right side in the posts searched as "Country name - President"

    so im trying to make a memefull type of app.. which require this feature... basically i need a reliable source for each year.. or whenever the president is changed so i dont have to upload any files or change nothing to the app itself.. but get the link from wikipedia posts... see my point?

    even though wold be much easier to just host the images myself... and update it via ajax calls... but i want to avoid that. since im probably going to never revisit this app ever again after i publish it.

    the only problem is ... the images on wikipedia are having a link similar to this,_March_2015,_Brussels_(cropped).jpg
    etc etc 
    see the issue? there is no pattern to follow. like president picture link folder: presidentsnapshot.jpg which should be general for all but in countries different name media folder.. big issue.
    i was thinking to find the .jpg file then search for a key word in its name like president... but as you can see above... for romania there is no president mentioned in the .jpg name... so its a frustrating issue and i think i answered myself when i mentioned the ajax... but if you have any ideas let me know  are more then welcome.
    Edited... i did found a html5 code for the area div box that are globally used for the president pic... and i could just load the file that way based on their div container [code:lrojzikq]<td colspan="2" <---- this repeats on all pages... but have no idea to smoothen the search for that trough C2---------im not even sure if that is even possible in find the page div with colspan=2 then inside that div load the .jpg that is present there without knowing the name of the jpg, but only the extension format .... challenging right? in websites i wold crawl that thing simple fetching data but C2 is a bit weird when it comes to that... the double brackets thing makes it 1000 times harder for code to implement.... [/code:lrojzikq]
  • As someone else said in first replies:achievements, leaderboards and multiplayer are a must! plus we cant have online multiplayer without Cloud saving, maybe with this opportunity, there will be time to repolish the gamepad controller functions? so that it may act more like keyboard object instead of just guessing the input codes, to map the buttons? since xbox controllers is similar to other controllers, including generic PC ones,PS and other they all have around 6-8 buttons that are largely used , we all know they have the 4 important ones, X, triangle, circle and square, then comes the movement buttons or stick, and start /menu buttons, having input mapping to them wold be great(input mapping i mean, x was pressed triangle was pressed etc). the back buttons are important for combo moves in most console games, but they can still be mapped as well to a more simple way. i hope i got my suggestion understood, wold make C2 users more opened to make console games having a cleaner gamepad input plugin.

    I can't wait to see if the XBOX Live plugin wold be supported i hope it gets enough interest so it gets approved.

    P.S ...... im a bit hyped about this plugin, but.... is there a trick where you ask people for interest in it and only make it available for C3 and not the current C2?

    P.P.S ---this is my quote for how much i want XBOX Plugin ... You kidding me ? im waiting this for years... and now its a chance to get over ecstatic. I want it like "2 years ago"

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  • You can set effects on layouts, right? You don't have to go through all the layers you want to assign an effect to, you can just assign it to the layout itself.

    Is there a way to exclude a certain layer on the layout so the layout's effect doesn't affect it? Thanks in advance!

    well no.. you have to do it for each layer ...however i see how this request could be in handy