DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • is their any way by which i can create no of dots to cover width and height of Sprite.

    For Example:

    there are a couple of ways on doing that, either making a bunch of image points on the edges of your sprite and then create dots from point 1 to point 2 and so on, or use canvas plugin to detect the color and pixel position but that would be to complicated and for mobile would eat a lot of performance, or use the bbox left right top etc.

    but since is a circle, and if it spins is still a circle, the dots won't make any animation no matter what cause there is no change in the shape is always going to look the same. the led system is meant for odd shapes like rectangles, triangles etc, circles aren't one of those, cause no matter the angle you put the circle at or position it will still look like a circle.

    id just make a sprite with dots on it and put a webgl color effect to change colors based on movement progression or some random factor.

  • I have completed the tutorial top down shooter game recently. This gives you free assets to use for your game. Now I want to build a simple game by myself. Is there any software (preferably free) that can easily make assets? Does the paid version of Construct 2 have an extra extension that lets you make assets?

    you can use the animation editor in Construct 2 to draw things but its a bit time consuming compared to other free options and more modern programs, but if you plan on doing original artwork that doesn't require more than 3-5 frames you can achieve that in C2 as well, however if you got 50$ to spare you can use your C2 license and get a 50% discount on the first year and get C3 (if the offer is still available more info about that is somewhere in C3 forum section), C3 has an onion skin for drawing (meaning you can see the before frame which helps on making the 2nd frame and 3rd and so on, and other features that C2 lacks.

    if you can't afford photoshop payment every month there is the affinity product that is similar to photoshop and is like C2 payment option where you buy ones you get it forever.

    affinity - 50$

    if you don't have the funds for it then a lot of designer are using


    or you can see what this dude showcases on his video

    cheap and free photoshop alternatives

    there are tons of softwares out there that are completely free, is a matter of picking one where you feel comfortable with the interface and its drawing/method/features. Some allow you to do transparent backgrounds some don't (like paint).

  • are the instances of the objects the same sprite or familly?

    if so then u can fix it easy, if they are not in the same familly or part of the same sprite object, then is a bit harder.

    let me know what is the case so i can make u an example.

  • there are to many events in your game, can't wrap my head what goes where since there is no comments inside, but the logic should be

    if character is hit, subtract N from character.self_HP then set character healthbar to character.self_hp/character.maxhp *N.. as you did.

    in order to get the healthbar of that character u have to have a unique identifier can be a instance variable on the character and healthbar having same value, so if u spawn lets say a 10th character u give that variable value 10 and the healthbar instance variable would be 10 also. you can also use the newly created character system UID and save it in the newly created healthbar. but that might cause issues depending on how you use it.

    then u pick the healthbar that has instance variable identifier = to character instance variable identifier that gets hit.

    Edited: here is an example i made for you explaining the above multiple-enemies-healthbars.c3p

  • that' status bar is currently having a problem as i experienced on my builds also, for me if i send the app to background and then focus on it again it makes the bar dissapear, but there is definitely some app that makes the status bar come back, not sure if is a android system problem/conflict, or a C3 compilation problem.

  • .... due to the lack of support from cocoon I havent been able to create gdpr compliance for many of my updated games.

    they are not supposed to give u support for the gdpr compliance form you want to build for your own business.

    as for the compatibility, i only tested for 5 to 7 and worked good for me. it's just better than C2 that's all i can say. but you won't have the same custom community plugins, you might find others that are similar to older ones but you will be missing a lot of r0j0s plugins and other good stuff.

    no doesn't include the gdpr consent form, it will never do that, as the gdpr consent isn't the same for everyone.

    yes the exporter you can directly compile with C3. signed and unsigned.


  • And here is the final result! :)

    lol looks so good man merry christmas

  • hi

    do i need to be aware of some differences when i follow a tutorial made for construct 2?

    Pay attention to plugins and behaviors that C3 might not have, but i doubt that.

    For sure pay attention to tutorials that are using community plugins that are not supported on C3.

    Actually any plugin,behavior, effect that is not made by scirra won't work on C3. Unless the original developer of that plugin,behavior or effect converted it to be compatible with C3.

    Other than the above everything else is the same, events are still using Conditions and actions the same way, and the actions and conditions so far they didn't changed, they actually got better a bit in C3. so u might not need to do uid picks for example.

  • I tried with and without and just removed http but it does not show up in preview. :(

    from the help file: If you want AJAX requests to your server to work from any domain, or in preview, you can configure it to send the following HTTP header:

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

    I added this but it does not work in preview.

    try this tutorial ajax in local preview localhost 50000 there are many like it. it seems is a browser access issue. it might also be your firewall ports.

    even if its an old tutorial and is for C2 it should work for C3 as well, i don't think the principle that ajax works on, has changed yet.

  • Thanks! You mean remove left and right buttons? Or all four?

    left and right arrows and keep the fire and jump.

    but if you choose to have non-sticky controls for movement you can also remove the jump, and have it so it triggers on tap. and only have fire button on screen. as it's more of a "skill".

    removing those controls and making them be non-sticky, would require a tutorial explanation on how movement is possible.

    Edited: however if you are not running advertisement that would conflict with your controls on mobile devices, or any overlay that would be on top of the controls, id pick 1 looks good position wise.

  • id go with 1 as it makes more sense to me for the shooting button be on top.

    but what i would do is remove the movement control. and have it appear from the 1st hold intent wherever the user wants. that way you don't have a always on screen movement control.

    then u would have more screen room for more buttons (like item slots: potions etc, or extra skills: healing, ultimate: destroying all enemy on screen if is that type of game.) or even space out the shoot and jump button.

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  • tarek2 Sure I got! Thanks anyway, tho. :)

    and AllanR Thanks for the sample, guys. I'm gonna take a look into them, but maybe they're a bit too advanced for me, since I'm just starting on Construct. Sure I'll learn something, tho. :)

    i updated my capx and copied what makes things centered so u don't get confused. there should be 2 everyticks 1 enabled with the edges and guides enabled, and one without. the simplified version is the one at the bottom without guides and edges that sits currently disabled. if u just want that for your project, copy the global variables and use the disabled everytick event. my version of doing things apply to spritefonts also, however u need to know the width and height of the characters in the spritefont u using, and the difference ratio of the height vs width. once u know that u can simply replace the data i previously had to the one u have for the spritefont. You can redownload the file from the same link. Merry Christmas to all.

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  • merry christmas everyone, and thanks for the convertor and the good work ... ... 2 years have passed :O unbelievable i remember when this topic was made! how time passes by sorry for zombifying it!

  • i gave it a +3 cause i think it might help with collisions maybe in future, however... the current collision system construct has in C3 atleast works pretty well ... and as i commented on the voting... never actually seen a game made in Construct that is so complex that needs a raycasting system ... but i know this been a old problem from many peoples view, so im guessing +3 till it happens ^_^.