DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Thanks... hey how come my url tags don't look like they're working?

    because u dident added the http:// on the first link and on this 1 the link is to long, nice blood effect kinda has some issues with blood overlaping blood

  • u need to place the touch events as subevents on figure and figure inverted,

  • Hi all,

    1) I understand that publishing to Android requires going through third-parties, and a few reviews I've seen suggest that this is not always the smoothest process. Is publishing to Android generally okay? Do these third-parties charge for their services? Is there anything I'd need to bear in mind?

    2) I presume that like GameSalad, working on Windows means I can't publish to the Apple Store?

    3) In my very, very long-term idea (and I'm under no illusions that this is get-rich-quick), I'd like to atleast add adverts to my game on Android, and possibly in-game purchases. Is this easy to implement, especially with the need to go through third-parties?

    1) yes to publish to ios/android or other platforms sometimes you need to use third parties as intelxdk which is free and makes ur game compatible with all devices out there, there are a lot more others, like phonegap platform, and cordova all third parties are free to use, but since intelxdk has all of them inside and it is easier to use then all id suggest u start look into it, its a very simple interface, and u just export ur game from construct 2 for intelxdk then import it into the intexdk software, then u have to tweak the settings, which are very simple, gives u steps, then just compile and ur ready to upload to any ios/android store. (however it does not include a ios license, since that u have to purchase from ), however some options in the compiling software's , are gonna drop ur performances, depends how clean are your events in construct 2, and what kind of plugins u use, since some of plugins are migrated from python , c++,c# and even ruby to c2, and the compiling software's are sometimes using same language sometimes are not. but you could develop your games just with the plugins that comes initially with c2 there is no need for other plugins, unless u want some advance features.

    2) unlike GameSalad, with c2 you actually can publish to ios, as long u have a license, u just export for intexdk, then inside intelxdk choose compile for ios platform, it will ask u for an apple developer license which u can purchase from apple for 99USD /year. then u will have to open that project in a mac, to tweak some info settings (as logo, code, and other requirements asked by ios platforms.) but the last part is not always necessary.

    3) As for the idea of getting rich quick, its more then simple ads or iap's, to it, you have to do a market research and a good advertising of your products before u publish it.Imagine if it was that simple, all the users that scirra has using c2(over 120k registered users), will be rich by now, if it was just a matter of creating random games, and adding ads and Iap's anyone can do it this days, either using c2 either using some native language, either some other thirdpartie software's. However iap's i know is possible, with c2 initial behaviors, and plugins, or u could find some useful commercial plugins over the forum, that allows u to implement, paypal merchant purchases into ur games.

    As for what notnsane says, partially is true, but all those 1-2% apps that got successful, either got lucky(like hitting that viral spot of dark corners of internet-a good example flappy bird- not even the guy that made the game not knows why got so much success, it got viral by chance), in some other cases, making a good marketing before u even publish will be the success story, like 1-2 months, it all depends on how u want to sell it, if u will publish ur games on any mobile store, regardless if its original or not, (originality its not always a +), does not mean ur game will get 1 mil downloads overnight just because u have ur game on the stores, because the stores only gives u the market, but not the advertising, and also u have to know where u sell ur game and where u advertise it, you know that old saying, don't sell vegetables to the farmer, cause u aint gonna sell none.

    as a short notice most of the successful apps or games, those who made the million downloads, they are either made by known people, like co-founders of old companies, or they are good at marketing or they have some sort of renown to their business or name, or as the flappy bird guy that got lucky, however they not got the success over night, as for example again, flappy bird got viral after 3 or 4 months after being publish and the guy did no done any big advertising, just posted it on twitter, and someone in his list, had a major impact over the success, other games, u can check date of publishing, sometimes takes years, to make it become viral, in all my development experience, i came to 1 conclusion, it does not matter what u sell, or how good ur game is or bad, its all about marketing, if u don't do marketing, there is no point of selling anything on internet, it will be just a waste of time.

    but don't target ur games to become the viral ones, id suggest look for stores where u can share-sell ur games, and make a living out of them, if u want that, and if u have a actually job, don't quit it thinking "f" my boss i will work for myself , unless u have some stable or stashed cash. i learned it the hard way, so its your choice.

  • QuaziGNRLnose any news on the physics plugin ?:D looking forward for it

  • you sure you dident done something wrong with ur app? like stealing peoples info? else i don't see why Google will remove crosswalk.. unless u did that.

    as you said in your message "Security alert

    Your app is statically linking against a version of OpenSSL"

    you need to repack the android with the latest crowalk to solve it, my last post was a brain fart , i think i was working for 25 hrs

  • Is there a demo link somwhere?

    i just added a demo link hosted on kongregate. yousicc

  • Looks great man

    thanks, yea its based on the tutorial for physics joints, i tweaked it a bit to be more accurate added the left right tilt

    but im still working on it, want to develop something similar to Nitro bike game from miniclip but with 2d instead of 3d

  • > well take the distance from start of line and current position and measure it, if your player is first the distance will be bigger if its not the first but the 2nd then compare the distance that player has and the distance that the AI in first position has and say "if player has distance less then AI1 and bigger then AI2 and AI3 then set pos to 2 and so on. u have to do the math, and events alot of combinations, but with distance is 1 simple way to do it, take as A point to start measure the distance the startup line, and B point the end line, distance will be the space between them.


    can you give an example?

    lets say u have car1 and car2 and point A for finish line

    if car1 is at x 300

    and car2 at x 150

    u can compare two variables 1st variable to compare will be the distance from car1 to finishline and distance of car2 to finishline this is for straight drag races.(and u do next : |distance(car1.x,car1.y,finsihline.x,finishline.y)| < (less ) then next variable will be| distance(car2.x,car2.y,finsihline.x,finishline.y) | set car1.position to 1, set car2.position to 2(the position is your display rank u have in game , not the actuall position.) the logic is => if the distance from car 1 to finish line is smaller then distance of car2 to finish line, the car 1 will be positioned in first place , and car 2 to second place.

    also for drag race , you could simple compare the X values only so if car1.x >(greater then ) car2.x then car1 is 1st place

  • i have some simple game ideas but i have no art skill whatsoever, and cant hire an artist as i am broke. Does anyone here know somewhere where they might give out free sprites?

    Type in google Free download 2d art assets make sure, you don't type free royalty, cause that means can also not be free but you buy the full rights.

    also knowing to edite a image in photoshop helps u should pick that skills up a bit.

  • R0J0hound can i use it for altering the gravity to be towards Z axe? like in 3d? where u have x (lft right) y (up down) but towards Z(altitude?) thanks need to know how to achieve it with this plugin, and if its even possible, i need it to be able to use with Q3Dplugin axes, like a 3d gravity ability.


    Bummer ... Thanks keep up the good work.

  • intel.xdk.device.setRotateOrientation("portrait");

    be sure when you compile your game with XDK to change the settings for orientation, the old version its easier to use, the new one its kinda weird.

    even though you made the changes in your Capx project to landscape or portrait, before you compile, you need to go to Intel XDK project settings, and change game orientation, any settings that you change in Intel XDK will overwrite your Capx project settings.

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  • you could use the PayPal plugin to avoid the IAP issues. there is one commercial one that allows you to use your paypal merchant buttons, and not sure what you say about consumables? you mean in game consumables? you could sell 1 item in your merchant account, that in game will trigger a replenishment of a consumable(e.g buy item 100xbullets, when bought in game will give u 100 bullets, but you need to do the events for it, there is no plugin that will do that for you, you have to have knowledge of How API's works and paypal plugins. )

  • Bought a personal license and your source.

    Really good work

    Have you an eta on the latest release?

    Also you have a very basic version with less events? Its hard for me as beginner to understand just the shop functions.

    Awesome work, would buy again

    The release should be available soon on download , its waiting approval, i cant tell a date when will be ready to download, in this stage i don't have control over it, its a matter when scirra approves it. Sadly no i don't have a less events version, but il try explain what means all events in future update, right now you have some of the events explained, but the shop its new and i forgot to add comments. il try finish the new update as soon as possible and make it live also il try make it more compact and get rid of the bugs in it, if there are any at this stage, pretty sure there some, if you find any bugs or stuff i forgot to fix, please leave me a comment here and il try fix it before i publish the new update.


    When u download the template you should check to download the default version " 198 Beta Shop Ready Template v1.2 " it just got approved .

  • Hey guys wanted to show u what im working on outside the templates im currently updating for scirra store, my next template, will be a Roulette casino like game source, that can be used for facebook games, as a 1 of the casino games, also i have a American Slot game in progress, just need to make the math for the possibilities between the cards, ;d il update soon with a new video and some pictures. will be available in scirra store, as soon i finish it.

    here is a screenshot of the roulette game in current stage.


  • Thanks for speedy reply, i didnt buy it yet, just wanted to make sure of the license, this makes sense i wouldnt resell etc the source so im going to purchase now.

    This source code is more than 100 events? So cannot use with free version. If so, i will buy the personal edition along with yours.

    Thanks for any help.

    yes the current source is 800+ events, the new updated one is 416 events, so either way u need atleast personal edition, in the new updated i removed some problems with the display , i will fix it in the future update that im currently working on, that will include the display of high numbers, achievements, facebook login, avatar creation, save/load slots, and possible a connection to a private server so u just need to create the database and the SQL table, but for the last part im not sure yet.

    the source game is pretty huge, i did the coding as simple as possible that means a lot of events, it can be done in less events but that will take more advance knowledge for buyers.