DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • you want the player to follow the mouse and also stay in the circle edges?? that example above only allows you to move the player when the mouse is touching the circle, but you could do it easy , by creating a more complex edge detection with position and distance of the character based on bbox ,left right top down, of the circle, and then you could click anywhere on screen if you want to.

  • well that's super easy Distinction ,

    basically lets say you have 12 animal pictures, right? now for the condition of the image selected so audio can play you have to do the on touch of if you want more advanced things you can do with booleans and trigger them as selected or stuff like that but for starters, the easy way now is

    On touched object (cow) --------------------(/ or you can use tap also)


    > play sound cow no repeat

    > tag"cow"

    and so on for all the images

    if you can add a capx i could help you out and fix it for you if you want and don't have disclosure problems

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  • thats because you dident set the animation, to have same speed, when you open up you charachter animation in the c2 editor, each frame has a speed amount, and the animation has a repeat count, or speed animation play, if you have 12 frames in the animation you should play the animation at 24 frames per second, that will make it look natural, if you crouch animation is longer then 5 frames, then for each frame of the crouch you should make it so last 0.25 or 0.5 seconds, that will mean each frame of the crouch animation has to be 0.05 or 0.1 if you have the jump animation frames included in same animation

    or you could call the jump condition to happen if you have diferent animation lets say, you have crouch, and jump animation to trigger

    now when you press the jump button the first animation you want to play is the crouch

    so the code should be calling : when spacebar pressed set animation crouch, if frame is last frame in the crouch animation, set animation to jump , if frame is the 1st in the animation jump then trigger jump behavior! thats a easyer way to do it!

    if falling set animation to falling.

    if landed set animation to idle

    if player moves left or right set animation to the keys it moves (left right)

  • do you have a live demo of it?! game looks really good! are those 2d balls rotate using sprites? for getting 3d effect?

  • you can move the bat by calculating distance of mouse :

    a good example is my pool game, basically does the same thing, the code in it, its from the construct 2 template, the angry birds example, you just need to adapt the code from the elastic thing to your needs, basically you need 2 numbers to save X and Y of the touch or mouse,

    but for your bat you need to rotate so you just need the mouse x y or touch x y and 1 original position of the bat

    and then make the bat object move left or right or rotate by using the position of mouse pressed , so the code will be like this lets say for example that you know the original state position of the bat where you want it to be so lets call that OriginBatAngle and we will use a boolean if you want to make it trigger safer so it wont make buggy moves when you random click screen, so lets call the boolean Swing

    then the code will look like this

    On start of layout

    set OriginBatangle to Batobj.angle

    On touch on object bat

    Trigger once

    set boolean Swing True

    Is boolean Swing

    Rotate 2 Degrees towards position touch.x touch.y

    On touch released

    trigger once

    set boolean swing false

    Is boolean Swing (x inverted)

    rotate 2 degrees towards angle OriginBatangle

    and that should do it! il make you a quick capx if you want! reply here!

  • you can make games for ios with c2:) atleast you could not sure anymore, i did one long time ago, using IOS exporting, or smth forgot, basically turned my c2 project into a mac project then i compiled it using cocosx

    however i changed the name of the app , and download it now button doesnt work anymore, i think its something like doodle N Dodge

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

  • welcome back! interesting tool ... when we could preview it?

  • To you guys think it is ok to just go like this?


    This game is created by (company name)

    Copyrighted (company name) All rights reserved

    Special thanks:

    Music soundtrack

    Musician name

    that should do it

    i wold add a nice logo in background of credits ) kidding. ...

  • Whole bunch of IPs definitely suggests a botnet. We are still getting hit periodically.

    This is kind of an interesting read (especially the part about Bayesian Poisoning): ... tempt.153/

    read the article , interesting thing, and "[quote:zpxvak9n]Bayesian poisoning is a technique used by spammers. Because modern day software that are powered by the Web 3.0 framework are increasingly smarter at blocking spam, spammers try to cause the spam filter to have a higher false positive rate by turning previously innocent words into known spammy words. "

    seems to be a web3.0 framework, problem, of all the websites and forums this days, maybe update the frame or downgrade it? .....will it even, solves the issue? just and idea...

  • you cand do that by calling in the text, the word after a [comma] or a [dot] or a [-] and the text automatically will read the next word, had a capx of that is really simple thing actually! let me find it and will give it to you

  • Pinball Game Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store! ... mplate-998

    Yet another Game Template from GamecorpStudio, Pinball Game Template made in 100 Events.Custom Graphics ! Mobile Ready, Automatically detects if game is on mobile platform or Desktop and automatically enables the controls for user input! Audio settings with toggle button on off,Vibration Settings visible in mobile with toggle button on off,Fully Explained Events! Easy to tweak and make your own Pinball Game! just load the project, change the graphics if you want! add more levels if needed ! and export to all Platforms that Construct 2 has to offer! H-D .PSD file graphics included.No Sounds Included!

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Pinball Game Template

    Important Notice

    Right now the assets may look doll or raw, but soon all uploads will come in shape, as I'm going to polish them and change all the missing pieces, so they look more shinny <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> and give a better idea of what the templates can be turned into.

  • this is not a spam for advertising! or people that will fall under, like yoyogames, that just got sold to a slot machine company (botnet like ) , did i mentioned this might be a botnet attack? i wander what are the odds ... mhmmm

    btw Ashley is there a way to translate the Construct 2 engine in other languages? i seen an old plugin integration from r85-6 i think was long time ago, is that still available? i will start a c2 c3 Romania websites community's soon, already reserved the domains! and i kinda need the engine to be in Romanian translated or give me the ability to add change language function!

  • We are under attacked!

    You think is possible to be related with this ?AI Controlling the Internet Spam World

    was looking for AI coding for duplicate it in C2 and do a small self improving AI Warrior hero in c2 that you take him as a baby to protect him teach him the basics, then you can log off and when u come back, the warrior will be improving offline by himself! makes me wander where i get my computer or what Tube-sites to enter anymore! *Sigh's*

  • is there a way to make npc talk or something

    update: sigh I cant use audio im trying me a rpg game where a bubble at the bottom comes up with the characters name like other rpg games have like idk final fantasy sorta like that maybe I should stick with rpg maker

    all possible! depends on your skills, and time you want to put into the creation of the game! even if C2 is a easy tool, you still need time to polish surtain effects, and programming parts, as long with graphics, (synchronization (for your talking npc)

    but the bubble chat with sound playing voice when character is shown very possible easy actually! but i guess your new to C2 and i guess again you don't have any idea how to use C2! Final Fantasy game even is a 8 pixel graphic game, the programming and interaction of actors are very heavy duty!

    Here it is

    Funny Moments Demo Talking NPC'S with bubble bar Fantasy Style!

    Download Capx asha2cool

  • its bots! not hackers! and forum is filled again!