DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • u can add a global variable , and set on start of layout or when u character needs to be created to a random number, global variables cant be random by default as RamPackWobble Said

  • try using the system event pick by comparing, and then use when on mouse over uritem pick by comparing z index is greater then uritem.zindex that way will automatically pick the item u hover that is above

  • XDK had the audio problem from 1 year back, seems its still there, phonegap never tried it, the best experience for sound was by using the coconjs by ludei, you have however to install the new plugin and right click show deprecated exporters on exporting ..

    coconjs new plugin ludei and yea the latest versions having a bug in ios9 which was solved in r214 as stated in the change logs

  • Edited : since offer expired... i removed my previews post, as when it was 12$ was worth it, but the normal licensing not worth it really, maybe if u already know how to use GM and work around the problems it has, but then ul know if its worth it or not.

    PhoenixNightly i see your point there, hopefully when r300 comes which means C3 gets released... i think that is the plan, the third-party exporters will go away from the c2 repository and will have some native compilers.. i mean i used a few game engines similar to c2 .. inferior most of times, but ... all had the compilers built in, i wish that wold be possible with C3 in future.

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  • well of course they are plenty who do it, but then i wold not leave my day job for doing this as with no background or knowledge of how to do it what so ever. unless you have a stack of cash laying around and you can use it to learn how to make games, and hopefully the stack doesn't dry off before you make a living out of it.

    P.S your in the wrong section... this kind of questions goes possibly in Open Topic Area

  • just dropping by to say hello cheers

  • for understanding how android works and how you can call all intents for android phones i suggest read the official android documentation works best using Browser Object in C2 and go to url or execute JavaScript its a matter of copy pasting ...

    Developers corner Android and for understanding how to use it in C2 as above read the official C2 Android Corner

    you can also check the tutorial in my signature... and create a basic idea how the API's for different mobile platforms can be used.

    all android, ios , windows platforms, have their own apis, Uri's, SDK's , scripts to be called by default... since they always listen to commands, you just need to find out which are those, and how you can use them, most of the platforms (android/ios) or apps(whatsapp/skype) have open documentation and easy implementation, others lacks it.

    or you can buy thisplugin by basically does what the tutorial i have does.. which is based on his twitter tutorial.. but having a behavior/plugin may improve the options u can use.. outside the only share button

  • make sure ur graphics are larger or equal with the largest targeted device u want to use it on, for example if u target devices with a 640,1136 screen dont make ur graphics match 480,860 (portrait sizes) landscape is reversed 1136,640 / 860,480

    so ur graphics should proportionally match the highest device u can use it on ... as larger the game will be made in browser as better will be showing in small devices, tablets etc

  • Bought this a few months back, when can we expect an update?

    hey micklor thanks for your purchase, yes i did said il updated it soon, and that was like 1 month ago, lately did not had the time to work on it, started working on the new version, and some c2 version i was using just kept doing weird things, and i stopped and waited for a stable version. the update is about 90% done, it will be up on store in 1 week, with all the items that are uploaded on my profile. and 3 more templates outside the ones uploaded are coming, please have a bit more patience, hope you understand... im really really sorry for the delay.

    P.S new version i tried to cut the events down to 200 from the initial 700 .. and no custom plugins will be required.

    also there will be some mobile share systems via whatsapp viber and hopefully gchat

  • Hi, Thanks for the feedback, I'll update the template over the weekend

    thats awesome

  • dont know then.. im out

  • hey just wandering... is a r212.2 problem the touch plugin seems isn't working on iPad or iphone5 or above.. but on android when i load my website i can use the touch ... is it me or i should so something for the touch to be recognized on ios ?

  • hey really great job on the template, 2 questions... will you update the capx anytime soon? and if so... will the bug where the falling reel stops but objects are still getting created will be fix? also can u add a multiple line reward not only the highest? i mean if i get 3 wilds.. and get a 5 full row... but also 2 small rows.. can u make so those will be shown also?

    bought a few packs of graphics, but the engine doesn't seem to work properly in here.. and its very confusing cause you didn't told us what the JavaScript in the browser execute does? i know it checks for line wins just i cant tell if its checking for the combinations or for the reward... also... can u tell me which event is the one that only picks the highest reward? so i can add the multiple one?

  • mudmask 3d modeling and level designing for C2? blender is your best choice for 3d modeling... you wont need a insane computer to use it, you can animate things very fast, and export any models for you C2 3d game. as for level designing C2 top view thats how i do it, first visualize the concept of the map lets say in ur mind, then load the json files... or the models exported from the blender, then edit your level in a TOP down view using C2 normal editor, by default when u lead your game, if your using q3d physics the world gravity is on Y axes which is the wrong depth for c2, so you only need to tweak that on the start of layout events, the movement axes will be the same as before, just youl only need to raycast so it recognizes the Z distance, you can develop a Mario 3d World like game very fast, if you dont overreact with webgl effects, and you use only 3d models/3d sprites.

    Note that : using normal sprites will only increase the user minimum spec requirements. since the gpu card and game engine will have to double render the objects in 2d and 3d in the same time, since both are meant for different usages, but you can use a 3d sprite, and make it act as a 2d sprite.

    im currently working on 3 projects, a personal one, this fps kit thing, and a platformer 3d world, and im telling u the 3d games, are working faster, and are easier to make then i was expected, sometimes easier to solve problems then in the 2d ones. For now they are pc games meant, but im running and building them on a garage "pc" very low spec.. if works on mine, will run like an 24bit game software on this days computers, and im pretty sure i could compile them and optimize the engine of the game to make it work for online hosting sounds crazy but is real. i mean you cant expect the same performance boosting like a game made in unity... cause c2 isn't meant for 3d games, its meant for 2d, and for that i think is why the 3d games made in it, kinda are slowing down some times, the 2d is overlapping in some parts, and forces the boxweb physics that is implemented... but thats another story so i guess... that answers it? for 20/30 cad to have full access on 3d games made easy is worth to buy the plugin.

    dheart88 they where possible before also, just they where more of fake 3d (2.5) .. now they are full 3d .. unity /blender like awesome right?

  • i like the new logo written... but t he new tab icon? thats a bit weird... i kinda got used with the red g+ sign but its good they finally brand their name like a multi billion dollar company .. not not some dude in a garage .. nothing wrong in that.. just you'd expect the logo to be something you know and care... i wold not change the favicon on tabs