DOTCreeper's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • >

    > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > sure give me a min...

  • >

    > http ://www. newgrounds. com/projects/games/777380/preview

    > everything is black now....


    Are you using correct API IDand encription key? You can find it in API tool section:

    I has did that D:

  • >

    > > Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    > >

    > I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:


    Hey, you do not use my plugin

    Edit: Here is example, if you lazy to search this topic

    http ://www. newgrounds. com/projects/games/777380/preview

    everything is black now....

  • >

    > > Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    > >

    > I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:


    Hey, you do not use my plugin

    Edit: Here is example, if you lazy to search this topic

    I have got it all sorted out lol

    next time i would recommend having it support older versions

    I had to update... here comes the crashing again.. but thx it works

  • >

    > > Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    > >

    > I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:


    Hey, you do not use my plugin

    Edit: Here is example, if you lazy to search this topic

    What a bummer, it was saved in a version that is higher than mine.

    it wont let me open it.

    and as i have said before newer versions crash meh pc

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:

  • where i set my codes?

    I am a newbie i am sorry if i am making you mad xD

    here is a full list of all I have done!

    I will have some screen shots if they will help o.O


    1) I made a basic game with construct

    2) I uploaded to newgrounds .com

    3) I went back to construct

    4) downloaded this extension

    5) created a thing in the event sheet (http: //imgur .com/3CFIXb5) <=== Remove the spaces

    6) I went to Newgrounds and made three medals (http: //imgur .com/sCK7Fk0) <=== Remove the spaces

    7) upon running game and getting 10 "Isaac Points" I get this (http: //imgur .com/rYFIkFb) <=== Remove the spaces

    8) after getting that it wont let me earn any more points


  • API action?

    I put the thing in my construct it asked if i wanted to install

    I installed it

    then i put a action

    when variable 10 is greater than or equal to 10 then I put java script "NG.unlockMedal(Poke_:3);"

  • Here is example of my real game with this API

    I have a question... I cant seem to get it working :/

    I have version 1.32 of Construct.

    I dont update if I do it seems to crash my PC

    will it work on this version?

    If so how does one trigger a medal unlock?

    I get this every time i use NG.unlockMedal(MEDAL_NAME);

    I put in my medals name but I get this D:

    Javascript error!

    SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

    http : // localhost: 50000 /Browser_plugin .js, line 1 (col undefined)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!

    Is there anything you can help with?

    I had to add spaces at url or they remove it :p

  • 9 posts