[PLUGIN]Newgrounds plugin Alfa by Raiper34

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The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • >

    > > Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    > >

    > I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:


    Hey, you do not use my plugin

    Edit: Here is example, if you lazy to search this topic

    What a bummer, it was saved in a version that is higher than mine.

    it wont let me open it.

    and as i have said before newer versions crash meh pc

  • >

    > > Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    > >

    > I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:


    Hey, you do not use my plugin

    Edit: Here is example, if you lazy to search this topic

    I have got it all sorted out lol

    next time i would recommend having it support older versions

    I had to update... here comes the crashing again.. but thx it works

  • >

    > > Yes, but first use "Start API" action, where you set your codes...

    > >

    > I dont know if i have to do this for it to notify you or not D:


    Hey, you do not use my plugin

    Edit: Here is example, if you lazy to search this topic

    http ://www. newgrounds. com/projects/games/777380/preview

    everything is black now....

  • http ://www. newgrounds. com/projects/games/777380/preview

    everything is black now....

    Are you using correct API IDand encription key? You can find it in API tool section:

  • >

    > http ://www. newgrounds. com/projects/games/777380/preview

    > everything is black now....


    Are you using correct API IDand encription key? You can find it in API tool section:

    I has did that D:

  • >

    > >

    > > http ://www. newgrounds. com/projects/games/777380/preview

    > > everything is black now....

    > >

    > Are you using correct API IDand encription key? You can find it in API tool section:



    I has did that D:

    Can you post any example?

  • >

    > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > sure give me a min...

  • So has the html5 api made any progress? I'm really excited for leaderboards

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  • So has the html5 api made any progress? I'm really excited for leaderboards

    Sorry, but i am not author of API, i am author of plugin only. API does not have progress now :/ I contacted author of API, but i have not reply so far....

  • This is awesome, I will for sure put it in all my games from now on. And even update new ones to use it.

    I am waiting for the High Scores Board, I know it depends on the other API to be further developed.

  • Thanks for this plugins.

    I need to change NG.min.js in line 2454

    //var NG_SERVER = "http://ncase-proxy.herokuapp.com/www.ngads.com/gateway_v2.php";

    var NG_SERVER = "https://ncase-proxy.herokuapp.com/www.ngads.com/gateway_v2.php";

    With this it work... in debug

    When I export the game freeze when "start api". If minimize - maximize browser, the game continue but the api don't connect.

    Error in console (chrome):

    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function


    (function(){function d(){}var l=Jb.prototype;l.Wd=function(c){this.oa=c;this.b=c.b};l.Wd.prototype.Ka=function(){};l.lc=function(c){this.type=c;this.b=c.b};var c=l.lc.prototype;c.Ka=function(){};c.fp=function(){};c.xb=function(){return{}};c.fc=function(){};c.sc=function(){};c.ob=function(){};l.N=new function(){};d.prototype.Mh=function(c,d){NG.$o(c,d)};l.Jc=new d;l.uc=new function(){}})();function Kb(d){this.b=d}

    Any idea ?


    When export to html5. Disable "Minify script"

    And... it work !

    I don't know who is to blame c2, plugin, ...

    Export without minify is bad then I hope someone fix this.

  • Thanks for this plugins.

    I need to change NG.min.js in line 2454

    //var NG_SERVER = "http://ncase-proxy.herokuapp.com/www.ngads.com/gateway_v2.php";

    var NG_SERVER = "https://ncase-proxy.herokuapp.com/www.ngads.com/gateway_v2.php";

    With this it work... in debug

    When I export the game freeze when "start api". If minimize - maximize browser, the game continue but the api don't connect.

    Error in console (chrome):

    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function


    (function(){function d(){}var l=Jb.prototype;l.Wd=function(c){this.oa=c;this.b=c.b};l.Wd.prototype.Ka=function(){};l.lc=function(c){this.type=c;this.b=c.b};var c=l.lc.prototype;c.Ka=function(){};c.fp=function(){};c.xb=function(){return{}};c.fc=function(){};c.sc=function(){};c.ob=function(){};l.N=new function(){};d.prototype.Mh=function(c,d){NG.$o(c,d)};l.Jc=new d;l.uc=new function(){}})();function Kb(d){this.b=d}

    Any idea ?


    When export to html5. Disable "Minify script"

    And... it work !

    I don't know who is to blame c2, plugin, ...

    Export without minify is bad then I hope someone fix this.

    API is already minified... so I do not know, how to solve it... if you have any idea, you can help

  • Hiiii! is the plugin up to date?

  • Is there any way to avoid having the encryption key publicly visible? Doesn't it allow anyone to fake medals?

  • Hiiii! is the plugin up to date?

    It is using latest version from NG unoficial plugin, there is no step forrward in this project... :/

    Is there any way to avoid having the encryption key publicly visible? Doesn't it allow anyone to fake medals?

    I can make hash function for it, but i have lot lot and lot of work on my school projects, so you need to wait 1-2 months, if you are interested...

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