dop2000's Forum Posts

  • First issue - change your event to this:

    if Enemy has LineOfSight to player -> Set Enemy angle to Anglelerp(Enemy.Angle, angle(Enemy.X, Enemy.Y, Player.X,Player.Y), dt*4)

    Number "4" here is the speed of rotation.

    Second issue - after 1 second you can move your enemy to this position:

    MoveTo ->

    X=Player.X + choose(-1,1)*random(20,50)

    Y=Player.Y + choose(-1,1)*random(20,50)

    This will simply move the enemy to a random point around the player within 50px, but not closer than 20px.

    Or, if MoveTo behavior has "Move at angle" action, you can do something like this:

    Set dist=distance(Enemy.X, Enemy.Y, Player.X,Player.Y)*random(0.2,0.5)

    Move (dist) at Angle (angle(Enemy.X, Enemy.Y, Player.X,Player.Y) + choose(-1,1)*random(30,60))

    These formulas are just off top of my head, may not work very well.

  • Sure, just add a global variable JumpEnabled=0

    On Key pressed "Space" change this variable to 1

    Add a second condition to your "player > platform is on floor > player > Simulate platform pressing jump" event:

    System->Compare global variable-> JumpEnabled=1

    (to add another condition, select this event and press "C")

  • If you can't open the capx, rename it to .zip, unzip to an empty folder, open .caproj file in Notepad and edit this line:

    For example change to:
    Then open it normally in C2.
    To speed up objects in C2 you can use System->Set Object Time Scale. This will speed up (or slow down) everything related to this object - animation, timers etc.

    It's a completely different kind of game. The light ray is moving (growing) slowly and you need to place mirrors on its path. And all this in isometric projection.

  • Please reload the capx, I made some more changes.

  • You really need to read a few tutorials and look at some examples of other people's projects.

    This will save you a lot of time!

    You should not create dozens of identical sprites! This is the biggest and most serious problem with your project. Don't do this!

    Create just one sprite and make lots of its instances.

    Learn to use instance variables.

    Learn to use functions.

    Define correct collision polygons and image points in your sprites.

    I fixed some of these issues in your project and optimized your code a lot.

    As for the ray reflection, it still needs some work, I didn't have time to finish it. See my comments in the event sheet.

    I don't think Light plugin can be used in this game, so I removed it.

    Here is the capx: ... .capx?dl=0

  • Your link is broken.

    Try posting it without the "https://" and make sure it's not get shortened.

  • kentoy

    What's "H5"?

    I haven't tried this, but there are 2 plugins to convert images to/from string (which you can save in local storage):



    Links in those posts are dead, you can download the behaviors from github:

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  • wizdigitech

    What if there are many boxes piled at different angles? I also need to throw them and boxes should bounce and knock off other boxes etc.. So no, I can't change their density.

    I already have a solution in place with temporary setting boxes as Immovable. It seems to be working quite well. If I have any issues with it, I always have an option of switching to ChipMonk.

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  • An easier way in just one line:

    System-> Compare two values-> ((a=1 & b=2) | (a=2 & b=1)) Equals 1 : bla-bla-bla

    & means "and"

    | means "or"

    1 means "true"

    0 means "false"

  • You can definitely do this with CSV plugin:

    There are demo projects to help you get started.

  • Sprite.ImageWidth


  • Have you tried simply multiplying SoundVolume by 1.2?

    SoundVolume changes linearly, so 20% increase would be SoundVolume*1.2

    You might want to add clamp() or min() to limit max volume.

  • There are many ways to do it - with arrays, dictionary, CSV/XML files etc.

    Here is an example where list data is stored in string variables: ... .capx?dl=0