dop2000's Forum Posts

  • If it's the same action, yes you can add another variable "PreviousScore" and do this:

    If Score not equal PreviousScore
    ....Set PreviousScore=Score
    ....Action A
  • You don't hear any change of volume? Are you using headphones? Check condition "Advanced audio supported", maybe your browser doesn't support it.

    With your first example when I set SoundOn=1 for just one enemy, it worked fine for me.

    You can change volume depending on the distance to the player, something like this:

    volume = lerp(-10, -100, abs(enemy.x-player.x)/1000)

  • Move "Set listener" to On start of layout.

    Also, you have two enemies with SoundOn=1, so when you play sound at object Enemy, the instance with the lowest UID is selected. That's why the sound is only played from the right. If you need to play sound at each enemy, use "For each" loop and different sound tags.

  • You are asking very basic questions, you should really consider reading some tutorials, open different game examples, see how they are made:


    I can't open your link, but I'm guessing your Intro layout doesn't have an event sheet associated with it. Or maybe there is some mistake in the events.

  • Simply set First layout=Intro in project properties.

  • If you mean Button object, you can do this with CSS:

    If your button is a Sprite, simply add an event like this:

    Mouse cursor over MyButton : MyButton set animation frame to 1
    Else : MyButton set animation frame to 0
  • What you can do is to create a Global layer, put these sprites on this layer, and then add a layer with the same name to other layouts. This is a common method when you want to have the same layer (for example "HUD") on multiple layouts.

  • I'm guessing all objects on this layer simply appear off-screen when you change orientation. Try running the game in Debug Mode and check their position. If this is the case, Anchor should help.

  • I don't know if you can save to JSON directly from Excel, but you can definitely save to CSV and convert to JSON using online tools. Also, you may need to manually edit JSON header after that. (C2 had a different JSON format, I'm not sure about C3)

  • You need to make two versions of UI layer - for portrait and landscape layouts. Or you may be able to automatically adjust objects on the UI layer with Anchor behavior.

  • So you currently only have one Spriter object, for the player, but planning to add many more for enemies, trees etc.? If all objects are going to be Spriter objects, you can add them to a family for z-sorting.

    I don't know which method will be faster. You can try the one that doesn't use families for now and modify it later if you notice that it uses too much cpu.

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  • Try creating a new post about this, maybe someone who knows the answer will see it.

  • In event 2 you set player angle to (mouse.x, mouse.y)

    You need to do this only when playing with mouse. So you can add a variable ControlType and check if ControlType="mouse", then set player to mouse position. If ControlType="gamepad", set player angle to player.8Directions.MovingAngle or something similar.


    Also you should consider making separate event groups for different control types. Then activate/deactivate these groups depending on which control type is used. This will make the code more manageable and easier.

  • I don't see the "Shake screen" action on your screenshot. Are you sure it's triggered only once? You can add something like Browser Log "Shaking" into the same event, open browser console and see how often this event is triggered.