ilanfl You need to use dt for opacity too, otherwise the object will disappear/appear almost instantly, especially at high framerates.
If Player is moving: .. Set TimeElapsed to 0 .. Obj set opacity to self.opacity+dt*100 Else .. Add dt to TimeElapsed If TimeElapsed>3 .. Obj set opacity to self.opacity-dt*50
I think citron2010 meant to ask if you are making a game or just an image? An image would be easier to create in any graphic editor.
In Construct you can do this, if you need a clock with 60 segments:
Repeat 60 times: Create Sprite Rotate Sprite (loopindex*6) degrees
That may be a coordinate from a different layer. Try using Touch.X(layer) expression.
random(100) returns a random number from 0 to 100.
random(100)<50 condition would mean 50% chance.
random(100)<20 condition is 20% chance.
random(100)<1 condition is 1% chance.
By changing the number you can change the odds.
When using "While" loops I always add this condition to prevent infinite loops:
So even if you create an infinite loop by accident, at least it won't freeze.
If the task is not to spawn too close to the player, you can in first condition filter all spawn points by distance, then pick a random one among them:
System pick Spawn by evaluate distance(Spawn.x, Spawn.y, player.x, player.y)>200
System pick random Spawn
Everything is possible of course. You can pick all objects in the inventory, loop through inventory slots moving each object to a new slot.
Can be global, or it can be an instance variable on the button for example.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
For example:
Variable odds=50 On button clicked .. If random(100)<Odds : // success .. Else : // fail .. Subtract 10 from odds
Every click will reduce the odds by 10%. Starts at 50%, and after 5 clicks will be zero.
You can move multi tile map squares at once but I want each one to count as a "turn."
Do you want to allow moving multiple tiles at once? Then calculate the distance, divide by tile size and you get the number of turns. Add it to the variable.
I have never heard about a Scratch game, and google doesn't know about it either. Did you mean Scrabble by any chance?
"Trigger once" should never be used with objects that have multiple instances.
jawad2heaven Simply create a sub-event in "On left button clicked", and move the second event there. You won't even need the "clicked" variable.
And you can use "On object clicked" instead of checking if cursor is over the sprite.
I hope your objects A, B and C are actually 3 instances (copies) of the same sprite?
Anyway, you need to post your code or project file.
Not sure how well it would work with the player in motion though.
If a separate 'base' sprite with Platform behavior is used, you can attach the rotator sprite to it, attach player sprite to the rotator. At the end of the jump remove the rotator sprite, re-attach the player back to the base sprite.
Add an instance variable IsOccupied to the placeholder sprite.
When object A/B/C clicked, pick the first placeholder sprite with IsOccupied=0. Move the object to it and set its IsOccupied to 1.