eleanorjmorel Thanks. There is a lot of information in the internet, but I'm looking for Construct examples.
I'm looking for Construct implementation of popular maze generation algorithms - Prim's, Kruskal's etc.
R0J0hound Do you still have the examples from this old post? Could you re-upload them please?
You are doing everything right, just need to drag a little bit further :)
Oddly, there is an expression to get layer index from name - LayerIndex("name"), but no expression to get layer name from index. You can post a suggestion to add it:
You can try this:
Player On any animation finished For "" from 1 to 10 Player Is Animation "Attack" & loopindex playing
But if you only have a few attack animations, it's easier to add them all in an OR-block:
Player On "Attack1" animation finished OR Player On "Attack2" animation finished OR Player On "Attack3" animation finished
You can add the first trigger, right-click and change to OR-block. After that you'll be able to add other triggers to this event.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You need to Vector X and Vector Y in an angle from the player to the enemy. Something like this:
Player on collision with Enemy: local variable a Set a to angle(Player.x, Player.y, Enemy.x, Enemy.y) Enemy set Vector X to cos(a)*100 Enemy set Vector Y to sin(a)*100
100 here is the force of the knockback.
For example, if you have a lava tile at index 5 in your tilemap:
Tilemap Compare tile at X=(Tilemap.PositionToTileX(Player.x), Y=(Tilemap.PositionToTileY(Player.y)) EQUALS 5 ...... Player subtract 1 from health
I don't think it's possible. When I need to process many layers in a loop, I name them like L1, L2, L3 or UI1, UI2, UI3 etc.
And then I can do, for example:
For "n" from 1 to 10 Set Layer "UI"&loopindex invisible
Sound requires a user interaction to enable it.
I think it's only true for web games, in a mobile app you can start music playback without touching the screen.
Your event picks all platforms which are below the player. You need to exclude platforms which you've already counted. For example, you can disable their collisions and pick only platforms with enabled collisions:
Platform Collisions enabled and Platform Y>Player.Y+18 Trigger Once Platform set collisions disabled Add 1 to score
Or use a boolean instance variable.
Not sure what you mean by "closure" here. Local variable are always reset to their default value after a wait. If you don't want to reset, set the variable as static.
Check out this demo:
Origin image point position and collision polygons are important here.
But is this reported/getting fixed in next release?
I believe so.
Try to disable minification when exporting.
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