If there may be a variable number of users and many rounds, you need to create this table with loops. You probably also might need to scroll it.
Check out this demo, it may give you some ideas:
Are you creating the string to display in this textinput in runtime? You can try something like this:
Compare two values: (len(TextInput.text)%3)=0 TextInput set text to Self.text & " "
When you create an instance of an object in runtime, it takes all properties from the first (default) instance of this object in your project. This default instance can be on this layout, or on any other layout.
If you don't add this object to any layout, then there will be no default instance to copy the properties from.
So, make sure you have at least one instance of this Text object added to any layout. What I usually do is I create an unused layout "Assets" and store all my default instances there.
No, tilemap object will not stretch like that.
If your array of sprites is not very big, you can use an invisible placeholder sprite with image points defined on it. For example:
On start of layout: For "n" from 1 to 10 Placeholder spawn Sprite at image point (loopindex) Sprite Pin to Placeholder
This way if you resize or move the placeholder sprite, other sprites will move accordingly.
You can increase the max speed temporarily. For example: increase max speed to 1000, do the recoil (set vector), wait 0.2 seconds, restore max speed to 200. You can also disable player controls during the recoil.
Change type to "Text area" in TextInput properties (on the left panel).
Another option is to use Tween. Not sure if it will work if you tween from 0 to 360 degrees, but you can always tween a value and set sprite angle to self.Tween.Value
If you don't need multi-touch, use index 0.
So, for example you can use an event like "Touch.SpeedAt(0) is between values 100 and 2000"
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To convert coordinates from layer A to B:
X = CanvasToLayerX("B", LayerToCanvasX("A", x, y), LayerToCanvasY("A", x, y))
Y = CanvasToLayerY("B", LayerToCanvasX("A", x, y), LayerToCanvasY("A", x, y))
Put angle(self.x, self.y, player.x, player.y) in Degrees field.
You know what they say - "one demo project is worth a thousand words" :)
I am not sure if I understand what you are asking. But if you want to replace only one occurence of a sub-string in text, you can use expressions find, left, right and len
Something like this, but I haven't tested it:
Set s to left(s, find(s, "Pie")) & right(s, len(s)-find(s, "Pie")-len("Pie"))
Use Anchor behavior.
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There is a Mobile Notifications plugin in the Construct Master Collection.