I would like to raise the issues with the website for ideas and suggestions. Something needs to be changed, because in its current state the usefulness of this platform is really limited.
You are constantly adding new cool features to C3, and it's awesome! But improving existing functionality is just as important.
I browsed 100 recent submissions, about 10 of them have "already exist" or "declined" status, others have no status and no comments from Scirra. Only 2 are marked as "shipped" this year. Frankly, it's discouraging to post suggestions which get no reaction at all.
It would be really helpful if you could mark ideas that you are considering to implement. Some of the suggestions I posted are quite important for me, for example this one - I need to know if there is a chance it will be implemented some day.
Also, the voting system is pretty much broken. I have only 25 votes. There are 1000+ suggestions, 35 of which are mine. Every time I post a new idea, I have to revoke a vote from one of my older ideas. I want my ideas to show at least 1 vote, but I also would like to be able to vote for other interesting posts, so what am I supposed to do?