dop2000's Forum Posts

  • When I go to add the condition and I select "Icons" (which is my family), there is no option after that for any ObjectTypeName.

    ObjectTypeName is an expression. You need to use a condition like "System Compare Two Values" to check it:

    Compare Two Values Family.ObjectTypeName="SpriteName"

    Make sure to pick the family instance first.

  • If you want the typewriter to start when Sprite_Calm is tapped, then you should move Next function call to that event.

    I don't understand your code. Why are you setting Paragraph variable to "-1"? It's a number and it's supposed to increment with every block of text.

  • The problem with this approach is that most of the cells will be empty, so a lot of memory will be wasted. Also, referencing 50 values stored on Z axis by their index will not be fun.

    I would probably use JSON and store only the cells which contain objects. Or it could be a combination of an array+JSON. Say, the array will store only object types for occupied cells (belt, pipe etc.) And the rest of the information will be in JSON under the key with the same coordinates - for example "Pipes.152_330". Knowing the object type and cell x/y you could easily access it. This will be a flexible and expandable system.

  • Aizuddin1573 Your question is too general and vague. This is not how this forum works. You need to do your own research first - there are official examples, tutorials, youtube lessons, google. Once you've started working on your game and have specific questions, we'll be happy to help.

  • Did you manage it to work with the keyboard?

    Typewriter text "txt" over 0 seconds makes no sense. It will just print "txt" immediately.

    Also, I think event #6 is triggered every time you tap the text, whether the typewriter has finished or not. You should probably change events 4-6 to this:

  • If the bullet is very fast and the target is thin, then even stepping won't help. In this case use raycasting feature of LineOfSight behavior.

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  • Ah, it's not a condition, it's an action.

  • I'm afraid there's no easy way, only manually.

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  • It's one of the most basic actions, it's definitely available in free version.

    Make sure to disable "Use simplified user interface" in program settings.

  • The first animation plays fine. Budo_talk. The second Budo_N won't play even though it does on various other layouts and event sheets.

    We can only guess why it doesn't play. That's why I suggested you to use Debug Mode - you will see what's going on with the sprite.

    Maybe the default animation speed is 0 and it's stuck on first frame. Maybe some other event stops this animation. Impossible to guess without the project file.

  • The only way I know is to do it manually - copy objects, copy files, layouts, event sheets etc. If there are objects with the same names, you'll need to resolve these conflicts first.

  • That's not a second animation, it's a different object. Run in debug mode and check that object - visibility, animation name, animation frame, animation speed etc.