Heyah, so i'm having a problem that i can't solve or think about something for it. I'm making a Space-Shooter 2d game, and i have some wall objects that don't let the player to get off the screen. The players uses the 8 Direction Behavior, and the enemies that falls use the Platform Behavior. You can at the image below, see the red-lines that are the hitboxes of then, and, the enemies will spawn above of it.
Link: imgur.com/a/cjknfTc
Link 2: imgur.com/a/MDy1aZE
So, i want to makes the enemies pass through these walls, but, i don't want to use Physics, Bullet or other Plugins Behaviors, i want to use the Platform, becauses it gives the effect that i want.
Also, i don't want to: Turn off collisions, because the enemy won't able to get shoot in a certain moment. Creates a Hitbox Sprite, because i want then clean. Disable the Solid Behavior, because the player could abuse of it to go through of then. Use Bound to Layout Behavior, because it delays the player movement when he collides with the wall, and movement in this game are precious. Also, i don't want to modify any type of plugin at C2 folder's, unless it gives me a good solution.
If you have an idea, and thinks it's good enough, even if it has some things i don't want, tell me unless it really good and solves my problem without making it problematic for me.
Objective: Make some walls that has the Solid Object be able to let enemies pass through of then, but not the player.
If needed, you can see the .capx below.