DogeDev's Forum Posts

  • Ay bois, so, my error this time is, how the hell do i make an decent and not warping position knockback when getting hit by a bullet? And, yes, i tried using vector X but, he's so glitchable and didn't worked. If you know how, please tell me!

  • You should try to add a "For each" condition on top of the event, so the game will check separatly each enemy entity, because right now it doesn't know which one to pick

    But, another question sir, if possible, you can try to reply the A.I of the flying enemy in the video that is on the topic?

  • Take the logic out of the every X seconds. You need to pick all pistols so use 'for each pistol' to compare if the X is greater or less than player.

    Thanks man, it worked perfectly!

  • You should try to add a "For each" condition on top of the event, so the game will check separatly each enemy entity, because right now it doesn't know which one to pick

    Yes, thanks for the solution! That worked perfectly, you're my savior!

  • Ay bois, so, my issue now is, i have an Enemy that can shoots, but, the player can move himself up, down, left and right from the enemy direction. So, i made A LOT OF WAYS to do that but, the better way that i find to do that just have an issue that, if has 2 enemies in different directions, one will flip good but, while the other enemy in the one direction will have an flip just locked and will not flip anymore. The images are below and help me please!



  • Hi, can you post a screen of your actual AI code, so we can figure a way on how to fix it?

    Sorry, i just erased then after getting frustated. But, it was like:

    If Enemy has LoS of Cube

    If Enemy X < Cube.X - Platform Simulate Moving Right

    Else - Platform Simulate Moving Left

    But, it triggers on every enemy in the map so, yeah, it make the game even worse.

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  • Ay bois, so, my problem here is how i can make an simple ( or can be advanced too ) follow A.I for some enemies, i know some things like Compare X, Line of Sight, Custom Movemente & etc, but, when i tried all these and more options, instead one of separated enemy follow, every enemy on the map will follow based on the coordenate of the enemy that is trigerring the event to detect and follow. And, i'm very fan of a youtuber called Dani so, below there, it's a video of his Cube Shooter and, the way that the enemy moves is pretty good actually, so, if possible to make one like the video below i would be really grateful! ( But, it's not only the specific A.I in the video, if you have an one that is not bugged / glitched you can freely tell too! )

    Edit: If possible to make the Flying Enemy A.I in the video of Dani, it would be really nice though!

    Dani's video:

  • Ay bois, it's me again, so, this time i want to make an specific trail that i see in some videos of a developer called Dani ( The Karlson 3D boi ). So, in the video below it will start in an specific time on the video, and my objective is to make an trail like the trail on his bullets in the specific time that appears. So, please help me bois i need then!


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  • Ay bois, i'm trying to add some effects on my game but the effects that i love didn't have on c2, so, if is possible to make an gloom effect ( gloom effect is not blur and glow so don't ask me to apply blur vertical horizontal and more ) and grain effect or an thirdy part plugin / effect, please say below!

  • Hey!

    Sorry for the delay. Been away a while.

    You'd have to use the string manipulation expressions. The "Text" section of the System Expressions page in the manual would be specially useful for you. Take a look at it here.

    If you say exactly how you save and what I may be able to help you with more specific detail.

    Feel free to contact me directly through pvt or tag me in your message if I don't answer for a long time. ;)


    I just solved already, but, thanks anyway, you helped a lot!

  • Very thanks bro!

  • Ay bois, i'm making an game that will need to get an value from an text file. So, i already loaded him into the construct and i'm getting the text that i want, but, i want to get an specific line/caracter of the text, like:

    Example text.

    Just to get the "text.".

    So, my original text file is: OnStartup:LoadLayout("None"); , and i want to get only the ("None"); part (Like, geting the 21 caracter and just all the nexts after him.).

    Objective: Get the ("None"); part on these text: OnStartup:LoadLayout("None"); .

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  • You can read and write external files using the NWjs object.

    Check the NWjs object documentation and this example capx.

    Hope this helps...


    Thanks man, that worked perfectly! But, can you tell me a way to select in the specific line that i want in the txt file? Like: OnStartup:LoadLayout("Blank"), just to select the 21 caracter: ( and all the text next: "Blank") , because i need to save then to an variable.