when i first worked with arrays, it took me some time to realize they are the only objects that are accessed with an index starting at 0 for the first element, while all the other plugins goe to some length to have any first element indexed by 1.
i was guessing that you (the devs) did this to keep in line with the idea of 'simplified' programming, since 0-indexed stuff is admittedly a reoccuring source of (human) errors.
but since most of the medium-and-above-complexity events / conditions & expressions that are often used in working with lists of objects are centered around 0 as a starting point (e.g. the LoopIndex, the random() expression), all the 1-indexed plugins actually generate more complexity by demanding extra attention to treat them different.
so i was wondering if you are planning to strictly implement everything as 1-indexed, or if that is a notion you would open to negotiations :)