I just got information about a serious topic:
When you export a game via node.js, in the folder C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\NameofApp a file is created that is named WebData. If you rename this file into Webdata.txt, the following content can be found:
/tablemetameta CREATE TABLE meta(key LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, value LONGVARCHAR)'; indexsqlite_autoindex_meta_1meta[ƒ tableautofillautofillCREATE TABLE autofill (name VARCHAR, value VARCHAR, value_lower VARCHAR, date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0, date_last_used INTEGER DEFAULT 0, count INTEGER DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (name, value))/C indexsqlite_autoindex_autofill_1autofillN'gindexautofill_nameautofillCREATE INDEX autofill_name ON autofill (name)t?indexautofill_name_value_lowerautofillCREATE INDEX autofill_name_value_lower ON autofill (name, value_lower)‚%%ƒKtablecredit_cardscredit_cardsCREATE TABLE credit_cards ( guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, name_on_card VARCHAR, expiration_month INTEGER, expiration_year INTEGER, card_number_encrypted BLOB, date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, origin VARCHAR DEFAULT '')7K% indexsqlite_autoindex_credit_cards_1credit_cards ‚i //…tableautofill_profilesautofill_profiles CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles ( guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, company_name VARCHAR, street_address VARCHAR, dependent_locality VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, zipcode VARCHAR, sorting_code VARCHAR, country_code VARCHAR, date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, origin VARCHAR DEFAULT '', language_code VARCHAR)A U/ indexsqlite_autoindex_autofill_profiles_1autofill_profiles;99‚tableautofill_profile_namesautofill_profile_namesCREATE TABLE autofill_profile_names ( guid VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR, middle_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, full_name VARCHAR)~;;tableautofill_profile_emailsautofill_profile_emails CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_emails ( guid VARCHAR, email VARCHAR) ;;tableautofill_profile_phonesautofill_profile_phonesCREATE TABLE autofill_profile_phones ( guid VARCHAR, number VARCHAR)n;;utableautofill_profiles_trashautofill_profiles_trashCREATE TABLE autofill_profiles_trash ( guid VARCHAR) [/noparse]
It seems like there is credit card information seeked?
I suppose this is phone/mobile related content, still, it's kinda worrying for me. Could you please bringt light into this issue?