dfyb's Forum Posts

  • Hmm, not much to report on now, seeing as how it's just the base movement engine. I don't much like the controls the way they're set up, but if you're making a customizable control scheme then that's okay.

    well, it's a bit more than a movement engine -- it's a weapon/character select engine, too

    And I'm not a fan of the blur, at all. I don't know what it is, maybe it just looks crappy on my machine but motion blurring just never looks right in any game I've ever seen. It's way too choppy.

    Here's a screenshot (linked for size).

    Is it supposed to look like that? Could someone with a good computer post a screen of what motion blur looks like for them?


    this is what it looks like to me when dashing (most blur possible in the game atm -- walking around, you're moving slower, you'll have less blur)

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/blur.jpg">

    here's blur while walking:

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/blur_walking.jpg">

    but i'm definitely not set on keeping motion blur. once i get more art assets in there (and put in enemies/shooting etc), i'll be tweaking the other options. i think soft motion blur like what you see in my screenshot can be great, but i'll need to make sure it's not having a negative effect on framerate etc. and i'll probably just set it as being optional anyway.

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  • it looks pretty sweet, but you should revise the controls a little, pressing space to jump is a little difficult, maybe set it to W so your hands dont sprawl across the keyboard so much, i have big hands and its annoying for me, i cant imagine what a small handy would feel lol.

    yeah i already plan on allowing "W" to be used as jump -- just haven't gotten around to it. i plan on building a control system that lets the user change out their controls completely.

  • Seems controls create at their position relative to the application window; they'll need to be modified to show relative to their layout. Good find.

    i also noticed that if, for example, i placed a sprite -- it would correctly APPEAR to be located where i placed it. but when i want to click on the object, i would need to click over to the left in the incorrect position.

  • here's an early release you can try out -- again, i warn it's very basic as i'm still building the foundation systems for the game. all of the art is placeholder art that will be replaced later. there are no enemies yet. only the MG weapon can shoot right now, but you can change weapons for slot 1 and 2 in the options screen (it'll save your weapon selection and load it next time you run the game).

    http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/Raket_p ... _0.0.1.zip

    move left -                   A
    move right -                  D
    jump -                        space
    double jump -                 space (while in air)
    dash L/R -                    double tap A/D
    shoot -                       up arrow
    toggle weapon slots -         right arrow
    open/close options screen -   O
    restart game -                R[/code:3a6hz5ne]
  • i've been to japan and i'm minoring in japanese, but i can't say i really like much japanese music. one band i like is The Pillows and i guess i like some of Polysics stuff, but not much beyond those two bands.

  • platform/animation example:

  • why not keep both? adds variety. i don't really think they clash with eachother

  • <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/position_error.png">

    top half shows in-construct view, bottom half shows runtime

    so i'm building an options screen using the layout object. the text object seems to place itself fine, but as you can see, the buttons and drop down box have a disagreement. i haven't confirmed it, but they seem to be placed where they would be if the modal layout was up and to the left at 0,0 instead of where it is actually placed, near the middle of the screen. the inlayed layout is fewer pixels w/h than the layout it loads into, so i figure this skipped passed testing when they put in this feature.

    preparing to write a bug report -- just wanted to post a thread to make sure i wasn't doing anything wrong.

    edit: a secondary problem... for some reason the first button press of "o" doesn't open the options... but after that it'll open/close it every time

  • hmm.. your download link seems to be broken

  • well i found an easy bandaid fix... i do the 'start of layout, change layout' thing, with another condition to confirm it's the right layout before switching.

    still not having any luck changing the order of the layouts though..

  • i always think that instead of making a fangame, it's better to just make an original game (original characters, etc) but still adopt whatever gameplay mechanics you want. it just gives you more flexibility that way -- not only in respect to gameplay, but also as far as distributing and promoting your game because you won't be using someone else's IP.

    with that said, the art shown so far is definitely nice and i'll be keeping an eye on it (already subscribed to your blog rss)

  • But theres one little problem, if I do it like "C:\Documents & Setting\user\Name\Game\Music\Music.mp3" it will only work with me but if someone else tries it wont play them.

    put the sound file in the same folder as the .cap or .exe and use

    AppPath + "music.mp3"[/code:v7tgm7n7]
  • pretty sure i've played an .mp3 file easily with xaudio2

    as far as the OP goes, make sure to include the path of the file (not just the name).

  • the modal layout resets the events so after closing the modal layout, all the trigger once events activate again even when they shouldn't.

    this may also be related to my small issue --

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/modal_bug.PNG">

    if i sustain my run animation, it will basically add a new instance of the animation on top of the one already there.. one duplicate for each time i create and close a modal layout (options screen). switching animations corrects the problem.

  • <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/pirate_progress3.jpg">

    a little bit more progress -- been busy with other stuff. hope to have a very early alpha version to post soon, but i'll warn it's very barebones and nothing of worth is really implemented yet -- been busy with all sorts of stuff over the past few weeks.