DexRage's Forum Posts

  • Hi, I'm looking to make use of this plugin called "linear Gradient"


    to develop a system where, when the player taps on screen, the colours in the linear gradient shift from one set to another smoothly. Does anyone know if this is possible?

    From what I checked, after you get set-up with this plugin, it gives you 2 parameters (Start colour and end colour). For each colour present in the gradient. If we change the values in the mentioned parameters, we change the colour. The problem is that I am not able to figure out how I can change these values using the event system.

    I can probably accomplish what I wanted using sprites and animation, thought using this plugin might be a more optimised way.

    also, I see that this plugin that i'm referring to is old, can any one tell me if construct 3 is still supporting it for mobile? Hope someone will be able to guide me on the mentioned points. Thanks.

  • Thanks for the update. Before, I never knew things like Hierarchy or containers existed in Construct 3. You have been a lifesaver :)

    sorry for the late reply by the way, for some reason, the community section of the portal was down. I think Scirra just brought it back online.

  • Hi, is there any way we can create 2 or more instances of a single sprite in construct 3?

    In the project that I'm working on, I have a platform where the center part is transparent and it moves left and right using “Sine” behaviour. Behind this platform, I have included a thin dotted line so that the player understands how far the platform will be moving.

    To hide this line as the platform moves on top of it, I created a new layer below where the platform is located, moved the thin dotted line sprite to this layer, created a white sprite (mask) in the shape of the platform in this same layer, applied “destination out” for its blend mode, then applied “force own texture” on the layer and finally, “on start of layout”, I create and pinned it to the platform using events.

    As such, if I try to duplicate the main platform, the mask only applies to the first instance. Any thoughts on how I can make/ call other instances of the mask appear if I create more than 1 instance of the main platform? Following are a few screenshots to better explain this.

    I tried looking into other posts that discussed the same problem, but they don't seem to address the issue that I’m trying to solve. Hope someone will be able to guide me on this. Thanks in advance.

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  • Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, I'm new to construct 3. will you be able to provide me with any kind of examples on how I can get this done?

  • Hi everyone.

    I've been working on a top-down tank game that makes use of the 8-Direction behaviour for player movement.

    Additionally, I'm using animations to precisely determine the direction the tank would be facing when the player hit's the arrow keys.

    Following is the screenshot of the events that control this.

    The issue here is that the tank sprite turns instantly towards the corresponding selected direction. Instead of this, I'm looking to incorporate a system where I would like the sprite to rotate smoothly in 40-degree intervals towards the direction the arrow key is being pressed. For example, if the tank is facing up, and the player presses the down arrow key, I want the tank to rotate smoothly in 40-degree intervals until it faces down and then start moving. Hope someone would be able to help.

  • Just went through it, you are right. It works perfectly now.

    Haven't been able to figure out why I deactivated the controls group though. thanks for your support :)

  • Great, thanks for the update. greatly appreciate it. will make sure to look into the point that you mentioned.

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  • Surething, Do you mind if I share it with you via email?

  • Hi, hope this wasn't posted before.

    like most mobile games, I have set up my project in such a way where, once the player completes the level, they are taken to a separate game over screen and shown their star rating. If the player taps on the restart button present within this screen, they get the opportunity to replay the level. as such, once the player is taken back, the controls I have set up for the player object are completely disabled. it's only after I press the restart button, (which is present within the level), that I'm able to get back control of the player object.

    following are screenshots of some of the events that I developed.

    Can anyone help me figure out this issue? happy to provide more details if need be. Thanks in advance

  • KryptoPixel, It works flawlessly! thanks for the help. Greatly appreciate it. :)

    Apologies for not being able to respond to you sooner.

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to incorporate a 3-star rating system like what we have with games like Angry Birds. For example, in my game, if the player manages to complete a level within 5 seconds, they will get a 3-star rating. if they complete it within 10 seconds, they will get a 2-star rating, if they complete it within 15 seconds, they will get a 1-star rating and finally, if they take more than 15 seconds to complete, they get no stars.

    As such, with my limited knowledge, I tried developing a simple system, but it doesn't seem to work as intended. Following is a screenshot of this.

    The main issue with this system is that, if I complete the level within 5 seconds I get a 2-star rating, if I complete the level within 10 seconds I get a 3-star rating, if I complete the level within 15 seconds I once again get a 3-star rating and finally, if I take more than 15 seconds to complete the level, I again get a 3-star rating. not too sure what's going wrong here.

    Am very close to completing my first game in construct. Hope someone would be able to help me with this. Thanks in advance.

  • Works like a charm!! :D

    thanks a lot.

    you are a lifesaver :)

    I'm just trying to wrap my brain around how exactly the logic behind this is working. The way it works feels like magic to me!

  • Just tried it out, It doesn't seem to work :(

    Not too sure what I'm doing wrong. Following is a screenshot of my events. Please note that I have set up events in such a way where, when the player object collides with a particular object/ sprite, it loads to the next level. hope you would be able to guide me on this.

  • Sami424, sorry to bother you again. I'm facing another issue. As such, I would like to set up the game in such a way where, once the player completes a level, I would like the timer to stop to that point and then display this time on a menu. Any thoughts on how I can do this? you mentioned earlier that this can be achieved with the help of saving the minutes&sec variable to an array. Apologies, as someone who is just getting started in game development, I have no clue how to do this. hope you would be able to help me with this. Thanks for your time.