Desory's Forum Posts

  • well more or less.. i do want to make a hook toward the swiped angle.. for that i need to know how to detect a swipe WITHOUT releasing touch

  • Hello everyone, got a problem..

    I am trying to detect a Swipe, but it wont progress as i wished to..

    Would be thankful for any help.

    I tried with absolute values but didnt change a thing..Help me plx :)


    you can freely use any sprite just be aware of the conditions, some creators want their name called in the credits

    thanks very much i will look into it when i get home and post an answer then :)


    pw: capxfortests

    only this once i will allow you to look into my construct :D its horrible and not properly done , thats why i didnt upload it until now :D

    but i hope you can help me.. it does not work like yours do...

  • Nice thanks most of it works, but now:

    Problem 1: The width of the Laser increases proportionate.

    Idea 1: Setting the position every 0.1 seconds to Fly.ImagepointX(0) and the same with Y doesn't really solve it.

    Problem2: The Laser does not reflect on collision with the Wall (TiledBackground 3)

    Idea 2: Tried playing around with Imagepoints of the Laser, but does not really work because i cannot say "IF Imagepoint 2 [Right side of the laser] collides with wall" its only possible with "IF laser collides with wall" which would take the origin.

    Do i have to play around with Variables?

    Edit: I know ANGLE is not really what i should use with a Laser, but dont know what I could use instead.

  • At first i would like to thank you for the quick answer.

    Is bullet compatible with physics?

  • Here a Picture of my problem and my informations and questions:

    informations: Fly is my player, TiledBackground 2 is the right side of the window, where you have to touch to shoot.

    I want to create a laser ray.

    Do i have to apply physics to the laser as well? every other object has physics behaviour. Don't know how to do it with the Length of the Laser and the reflection with TiledBackground 3 ( The Wall )

    Thank you!

  • explicit and understandable, thank you so much

  • Thanks for all of your replies:

    fassflash: on start of layout i destroy the bat, thus the problem is solved , and anyway the bat was outside the layout positioned so i would not be able to see where that item spawns.

    Bat.X and Bat.Y because the shuriken which collides with the bat gives the bat a .this function (in java) and spawns on destroyed bat an item.. didnt work, but hey,

    I FIXED IT ..


    1. Every Second set Randomdrop to random(2)

    2.Shuriken -> on collision with bat AND randomdrop = 1 -->> spawn item at bat.imagepointx and bat.imagepointy

    3. Shuriken on collision with bat , -> bat destroy, shuriken destroy,

  • Hey its me again :x

    I got the following problem:

    I have 1 Object "Bat", the Bat is Created Random every 1 - 5 seconds and moves left toward my player,

    My player shoots the bats with shuriken and destroys them.

    What i want to do: When you shoot a bat, theres a random chance this bat Drops an item, but how do i do that? Thought about using UID's but then i would have to know which bat got hit..

    Tried the following: "Shuriken on Collision with Bat"-> "Bat Spawn another Object Item on Bat.X Bat.Y" "Bat.Destroy, Shuriken.Destroy" but that doesnt work :/ it creates the Item somewhere in the screen, but not at the position of the bat..

    p.s.: its important that the bat drops the item and not the shuriken, because i got particle weapons as well, which would look strange

    edit: tried with pick nearest bat from shuriken, but same problem like above: creating item somewhere on the layout

  • thanks you two, but abhishan, i know what you mean^^ i am familiar with java, what i mean is: in java, you have the variables prevtouchx and curtouchx.

    when you set Prevtouch X to TouchX , then TouchX = PrevtouchX

    but in the next line you set CurtouchX to TouchX, which means that Curtouch X = Touch X , and prevtouchX gets deleted, doesnt it?

  • hm ok, nice nice, but the explanation feels little small.. Could you explain in more detail? e.g. what each line is for, with the actions.. because settings in variables is one thing, but using them in math and such at the same time is another.

    what I mean is, the last 4 lines: Set prevtouchx to touch x and set curtouchx to touch x, which is now touch x? prevtouch oder curtouch? it overrides them , doesnt it?

  • I have a Shuriken (you all know what a shuriken is)

    I throw the shuriken from my Players position towards the wall, it should bounce off with the "angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection" law...BUT IT DOESN'T !^^

    i played around with the elasticity (now set to 1) and it works better, my collision polygon is a Bounding Box,Immovable No, Prevent Rotation NO, Density 1, friction 0 , elasticity 1, linear and angular damping both 0, bullet no, so.. it rotates 720 degress / second by the way, not that it matters i think..

    What i did:

    Shuriken -> on collision with Wall -> set angle to 180 + shuriken.angle

    help me plx

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  • allerdings, seh ich auch so:P sch�ner w�re es w�rde mir wer helfen

    Would be better if I would get help from somebody :P

  • i do not have enough reputation points to send you a pm :/

    ye i'm from germany^^ so obvious?

    send me a pm with your icq number, best would be skype or xfire but icq is fine ,too

    my icq: 222255422