Denmla's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Hi,i want to make player buy/place object on this isometric map but there is this problem (Picture 1).How can i make object closer to this blue line (Picture 2) be layer above than the object further from it.I had idea to make 7 layers for 7 tiles and then an object that will be placed on certain tile will be assigned with certain layer.So i don't know is my idea good or bad?Is there more simple way of doing this ? And if my idea is good i would need to make some kind of "grid tile" so when someone is trying to place object it will snap to tile.

    So basically what i need help with :

    -Need help with layer sorting when object is placed

    -How to make object snap to grid of tile(and how to make that grid)

    -How to detect where object is placed and change it's layer

    If you have any ideas i'll be glad to hear them <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    Pic 1-

    Pic 2-

    Pic 3-

  • Try this method. It will work. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /> ... .capx?dl=0

    This one works just fine , thanks!

  • For some reason i can't get this to work for me Gmoney,did everything like you but for some reason i can go to negative money and my animationes are playing 2 (animation 'h1l2' and 'h1l3') at once.

    This is my animation panel,

    My event sheet

  • > I'm new to C2 and i'm really pleased how this engine work but i have problem with making my "House upgrade" event.My event is shown on pictures down below and problem is that when i click "upgbutton" it should add just 1 floor to my building but it adds to (makes 2 sprites visible insted of 1 )

    > First picture :

    > I set Global var stan1lvl (on English "house no. 1 level") to 0 and global var "ukupnepare" (on English "overallmoney") to 0. Then on layer start -> set "house no.1 level" to 1 ;

    > set "overallmoney" to 100 ;

    > Next one was :If "house no. 1 level" is = 1 then -> On mouse click object "stan1" (house1):

    > set "stan1upg" (house1upgbutton) visible;

    > set 'stan1cena" (house1price) visible

    > "house1upgbutton"(sprite) and "house1price"(text) are invisible at the beggining.

    > Second picture :

    > If ''overallmoney" >= 20 and "house no.1 level" = 1 then on Left click on "house1upgbutton":

    > Subtract 20 from "overallmoney"

    > Set text to "overallmoney"

    > "stan1drugisprat" (house 1 second floor) set to visible

    > "house no. 1 level" set to 2

    > set "house1price" to invisible

    > set "house1price" to "50$"

    > After that :

    > If "overallmoney" >= 50, "house no.1 level" = 2 then on left click on "upgbutton" :

    > subtract 50 from"overallmoney"

    > set text to "overallmoney"

    > "stan1trecisprat" (house 1 third floor) set to visible

    > set "house no.1 level" to 3

    > set "house1price" to invisible

    > set text to "house1price" to "100$"

    > set "upgbutton" to invisible (I forgot to add that when i took picture)

    > Picture 3 :

    > You can see here what is what on my layout .

    > Hope you can understand it and sorry for long post !


    You mean like this? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /> ... .capx?dl=0

    Yup that's exactly what i need. Thanks ! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • I can not help you if you want to start learning from your events sheet. It is not using instances. It is not using instance variables. It is not using animation frames to present graphics. It does not pick instances. Even if you get that working (which is impossible) it will work for only 1 house, and you will have to start over anywayz. You dont have to accept my suggestion, but this i all i have for you: plz start over.

    Yup , if i get this working it will be just for 1 house i see that now so it will be so hard to do that for multiple of them and I realized that if i want to move forward i need to start learning more stuff from others and not to just stick with my "way". Thanks for replaying !

  • You just asked like a million question. And i dont know where to start.

    Plz allow me to do everything in just 10 events. Hopefully i show you a direction to go. ... .capx?dl=0

    Wow you made it look so easy! Thank you so much ! I'm having very hard time to understand what you did but i hope i'll get it sooner or later. If you have time i will be so greatfull if you could show me where i made mistake on my event sheet (i know it's hard to understand it but i did my best to simplify it as much as possible <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /> )

  • If you gonna do this with a tilemap, the graphics for the tilemap will look close to this. ... .capx?dl=0

    I am sure that i can not make every combination with this, still. So to be complete it is a bad example.

    But, you just have to break up things so they can be rearranged as seamless tiles to make any seamless form, in 2D !

    In the end. I dont know what you plan to do. But, if it involves dynamic Z-orders, the tilemap is out of the question to use.

    Better use instances of a sprite. That way you can control the Z-order anyway you want to.

    An example: ... mtWVnc1cDg

    Using R0J0hound 's behavior.


    My project will use dynamic Z-order and now i realize that with tilemap it will be completely disaster. Thanks for pointing that out! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • I'm new to C2 and i'm really pleased how this engine work but i have problem with making my "House upgrade" event.My event is shown on pictures down below and problem is that when i click "upgbutton" it should add just 1 floor to my building but it adds to (makes 2 sprites visible insted of 1 )

    First picture :

    I set Global var stan1lvl (on English "house no. 1 level") to 0 and global var "ukupnepare" (on English "overallmoney") to 0. Then on layer start -> set "house no.1 level" to 1 ;

    set "overallmoney" to 100 ;

    Next one was :If "house no. 1 level" is = 1 then -> On mouse click object "stan1" (house1):

    set "stan1upg" (house1upgbutton) visible;

    set 'stan1cena" (house1price) visible

    "house1upgbutton"(sprite) and "house1price"(text) are invisible at the beggining.

    Second picture :

    If ''overallmoney" >= 20 and "house no.1 level" = 1 then on Left click on "house1upgbutton":

    Subtract 20 from "overallmoney"

    Set text to "overallmoney"

    "stan1drugisprat" (house 1 second floor) set to visible

    "house no. 1 level" set to 2

    set "house1price" to invisible

    set "house1price" to "50$"

    After that :

    If "overallmoney" >= 50, "house no.1 level" = 2 then on left click on "upgbutton" :

    subtract 50 from"overallmoney"

    set text to "overallmoney"

    "stan1trecisprat" (house 1 third floor) set to visible

    set "house no.1 level" to 3

    set "house1price" to invisible

    set text to "house1price" to "100$"

    set "upgbutton" to invisible (I forgot to add that when i took picture)

    Picture 3 :

    You can see here what is what on my layout .

    Hope you can understand it and sorry for long post !

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  • Oh , well i guess i'll have to do it manually,thanks for information!

  • > I can't figure out why my tilemaps still have white background even when i removed it completely?

    > -> You see that image (tilemap) is transperent but when i place it -> Can someone help me fix this ?


    I tried it and it's working fine. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /> ... .capx?dl=0

    Please be sure to save your image file as .PNG with transparency.

    You used sprites but that way it's not accuracy,i want to use tilemap system :/ ->

    And yes my images are .PNG that's not prob

  • I can't figure out why my tilemaps still have white background even when i removed it completely? -> You see that image (tilemap) is transperent but when i place it -> Can someone help me fix this ?

  • 11 posts