deathangel1479's Forum Posts

  • Hmm, not for me it spawns over border.

    I correct it:

  • I dont know I understand you right.

    Something like this:

    Edit: I marked the problem zones.


    No answer?

    Ok so I post it simply, if it is this problem or not.

    That should be work:

  • Ahh you make it in construct...

    I thinked you mean a Windows Application, to convert text file to json tileMap file and finaly want to import the json file in Construct.

    My misstake.

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  • How would you like specify what color, what tile index?

    By hand, entry in a list?

  • That gives me headache.

    That's why I do not use that stuff.

    I use plugins for that, can be much easier.

    Of course I use my own. Tools

    It allows me direct access.

    But other can not cope with it, I think.

    May be because my bad explain.

  • I'll be watching spritefonts.

  • instead of regular text plugin yes, buttons could be graphics and are faster and more ways too change look, depends strongly on what you need it for, it might be better too make the app first , then to get caught in optimizing like its mentioned, just letting you know

    Buttons are grafics... And the text on is Text.

    I do not think that graphics are faster than text, but I dont know it...

    If you write the app sloppy and optimizing it at end you are a bad coder... Sorry, my opinion, no offense.

  • I think you also better use spritefonts if you want best performance, works pretty much thesame and is faster, more important if you have moving and updating text..

    Instead of Text("ButtonText")?

  • You also can store something like this:

    {"name":"de","type":"JLoc","langs":["de-DE","en-GB"],"groups":{"MainMenue":["Home","Registration","LostPassword","MailVerification"],"Login":["LoginName","Password","LoginBTN","BackBTN"],"Registration":["LoginName","Password","Password2","Email","Email2","RegistrationBTN","BackBTN"],"Recover":["Email","SendBTN","BackBTN","CodeBTN","Code","Password"],"MailVerification":["Code","SendBTN","BackBTN","CodeBTN"],"ReMailCode":["SendBTN","BackBTN","Email"],"Charselect":["LoginBTN","CreateBTN","DeleteBTN","LogoutBTN"],"Charcreate":["Name","Order","HairColor","Gender","CreateBTN","BackBTN"],"MainInfo":["Titel"],"Base":["BackBTN","SendBTN"]},"data":{"de-DE":{"MainMenue":{"Home":"Login","Registration":"Registrieren","LostPassword":"Passwort vergessen","MailVerification":"Mail Verifizierung"},"Login":{"LoginName":"Login Name","Password":"Passwort","LoginBTN":"Login","BackBTN":"Zurück"},"Registration":{"LoginName":"Benutzername","Password":"Passwort","Password2":"Passwort Wiederholung","Email":"Email","Email2":"Email Wiederholung","RegistrationBTN":"Registrieren","BackBTN":"Zurück"},"Recover":{"Email":"Email:","SendBTN":"Senden","BackBTN":"Zurück","CodeBTN":"Zur Code Eingabe","Code":"Code:","Password":"Passwort:"},"MailVerification":{"Code":"Code:","SendBTN":"Senden","BackBTN":"Zurück","CodeBTN":"Code Anfordern"},"ReMailCode":{"SendBTN":"Senden","BackBTN":"Zurück","Email":"Email:"},"Charselect":{"LoginBTN":"Login","CreateBTN":"Character erstellen","DeleteBTN":"Character löschen","LogoutBTN":"Ausloggen"},"Charcreate":{"Name":"Vor und Zuname","Order":"Orden","HairColor":"Haarfarbe","Gender":"Geschlecht","CreateBTN":"Erstellen","BackBTN":"Zurück"},"MainInfo":{"Titel":"Information"},"Base":{"BackBTN":"Zurück","SendBTN":"Senden"}},"en-GB":{"MainMenue":{"Home":"Login","Registration":"Registration","LostPassword":"Lost Password","MailVerification":"Mail Verification"},"Login":{"LoginName":"Login Name","Password":"Password","LoginBTN":"Login","BackBTN":"Back"},"Registration":{"LoginName":"User Name","Password":"Password","Password2":"Repeat Password","Email":"Email","Email2":"Repeat Email","RegistrationBTN":"Register","BackBTN":"Back"},"Recover":{"Email":"Email:","SendBTN":"Send","BackBTN":"Back","CodeBTN":"Enter Code","Code":"Code:","Password":"Password:"},"MailVerification":{"Code":"Code:","SendBTN":"Send","BackBTN":"Back","CodeBTN":"Get Code"},"ReMailCode":{"SendBTN":"Send","BackBTN":"Back","Email":"Email:"},"Charselect":{"LoginBTN":"Login","CreateBTN":"Create","DeleteBTN":"Delte Character","LogoutBTN":"Logout"},"Charcreate":{"Name":"First and Lastname","Order":"Order","HairColor":"Hair Color","Gender":"Gender","CreateBTN":"Create","BackBTN":"Back"},"MainInfo":{"Titel":"Information"},"Base":{"BackBTN":"Back","SendBTN":"Send"}}}}[/code:2g608zz9]
    This really a lot!  
    Json is best
  • I have a very very great wish!

    I dont know if its consistent with Construct code, but it would perfect my scripting.

    When I create an object I always set a instance variable id, to identify it when I need it.

    When I need to use a Value of some identical Objects I need a workaround.

    Example on TextBox:

    That is no problem, all works fine, but it possibly can be much easyer.

    If there would be a optional tag you can set to instance objects.

    Similar we have it for "for" and "functions".

    And use it ~like this:

    A instand instance picker.

    Then this all, would not needed:

    That is only a little sample in code, I have this situation often in my code, and also with much more instances.

    It would be awesome to have that option.

  • Link is not valid. Has ... in.

  • The tool does not work necessarily always.

    It find only my chip, not my additional card, and also only link to old win7 driver. OK, win10 is a little special...

    You can not always rely on it.

  • HP dont make own grafic cards, HP is only a company that buy hardware and sell it to high prices. They have no interest to release drivers. They only have interest to sell new Computer.

    Find out what kind of grafic card you have (intel, amd, nvidia) and look on producer page, or ask someone who know, about those things.

  • [quote:1wy8p7pv]I suspect the problem is with the video drivers, they are 5 years old but there is nothing I can do, as the PC is no longer in production.

    Nevertheless, there will be newer drivers for the graphics card.

    Or do you have such a special?

  • No need, not for that.