deadeye's Forum Posts

  • I had my own little one-hour compo with myself earlier todayduring which I made this:

    Use the mouse to aim and shoot eggs. It's about an hour's worth of work and it's pretty stupid but I thought it was kinda funny so here you go.

  • Well then I don't know what it could be. Leprechauns, maybe?

    Seriously though I don't know.

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  • I still don't know who that is and furthermore...

    ...I don't care

  • I don't know who that is.

  • Have you checked the Ghost Shooter tutorial out?

    no, why?

    Because you should. That's what it's there for, to teach people basic stuff like this.

  • > Is this what you mean by ease in and out?



    Old time term?

    Yes, it's term that's been around since the 1920's at least, so I would say it's an old-timey term. It was a concept first used for hand-drawn animation. Sometimes called "slow in/out" instead of "ease in/out." It's one of the twelve principles of animation as written by Disney's Nine Old Men.

  • This is one of the strangest games I have ever played.

    I have no idea what's going on. I really like the cutscene where the girl walks in and moons the two people in love. I hope you don't mind when I say I found your game to be hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing because it was so random and weird.

  • Yay, David's back . Congrats on the new place.

    I dig your Game Jam game. The concept is cool, reminds me of that hacker-platformer thing you made a demo of a while back, where you see the "real" platforms in hacking mode. I think the bees are kind of hard to kill though .

  • Yes, that is pretty much exactly what I mean. It's an old animation term.

    Flash uses it for their path movement and motion tweening and stuff. Back in the day it* was done as a simple percent like so:

    In 50%, Out 0% = Object starts slow, gets to full speed at the halfway point, and stops at full speed

    In 25%, Out 25% = Object starts slow, gets to full speed 1/4 the way through the path, begins slowing 3/4 the way through the path, and ends slow.

    I'm sure you get what I mean even without the examples, I'm just making sure

    *(I say back in the day because Flash apparently has these fancy graphs for creating your ease in/out settings now)

  • I found the problem! I had two Event Sheets included:

    Color Select Event Sheet


    Main Event Sheet

    The problem was that Color Select Event Sheet INCLUDED the Main Event Sheet too. So it was running the event sheet twice!

    Ah, I had a feeling it was something simple like that . Glad you got it all sorted.

  • Have you by any chance accidentally placed two coins right on top of each other?

    Also, delete every coin except one, then run the debugger. See if it only shows one instance in the debugger or if there is more than one instance.

  • I'm looking into using the custom collision edit from the physics behavior for edit time path creation. There's a lot to it though so it may take awhile.


    Also, some features I know I would like to see, and maybe perhaps might possibly get implemented if you have the time and energy:

    • Bezier/Linear toggleable option
    • Easing in/easing out option for motion at path beginning and end

    Someone else mentioned branching paths but eh, you could always just draw two paths and jump the object from one to another. Of course this would probably require an "On node reached" condition to work.

  • We already talked about your sprite usage in chat, so you know what's up there. Now let's talk about backgrounds.

    That serene forest floor background you have is awfully pretty. It's also huge and wasteful. You need to make that background out of separate objects.

    Do this:

    1. Make a nice repeating grass texture. A size of 128x128 might do. You might need 256x256 if you want a lot of detal. Okay, stretch a Tiled Background with that texture over your whole screen.

    2. Make an assortment of rocks. Maybe, say, four different rocks of varying sizes. Have those be single-frame sprites. Place them over your grass texture in semi-random spots.

    3. Make a few kinds of bushes, two kinds trees, and a handful of different little flowers and maybe some small clumps of grass. Do the same as the rocks, copying instances around to fill up the space.

    Ta-daa! You have a pretty, serene forest background that doesn't take up a MILLION TERABYTES OF VRAM. That's how game graphics are done. With small, repeatable bits that you can make large pictures out of. Not with gigantic images.

  • Ah, I just realized that you have to create the path first with actions. Never mind on that part.

    I still think an actual visual editor would be best for this sort of thing. It would make it much more user friendly and remove the need for .path files. Still, I suppose it's no big deal to set a path with small "waypoint" sprites in the editor and use a loop to designate your path with the path object.

  • Okay, this is interesting and all that. But do you care to share with us how the paths are made? And what these .path files consist of?

    And I know you've probably done a lot of work on this, and that's appreciated, but it seems to me that a path movement like this isn't going to be terribly useful unless you can easily draw the paths. Also, having a bunch of external .path files seems rather odd to me, is there any way possible that you could internalize them somehow? The best way for a user to draw the path in my opinion would be in the Construct IDE somehow. Perhaps in a similar method to how the custom masks are drawn with the Physics plugin.

    Other than that it appears to work rather well. I'd like to play with this some more but... I don't know how the paths are made.