deadeye's Forum Posts

  • I hope you won't be on your holy mission to hunt every troll/moron/noob? Please... no <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />. Just being older doesn't make you more mature when it comes to internet community.

    Hah, no worries. Generally I just cry silently to myself.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

  • But i think there will be plenty of morons here, cuz construct is free.

    God I hope not, but... yeah, you're probably right. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

    These are the halcyon days, folks. Enjoy 'em while they last. Next thing you know there'll be a hundred Phizzys running around here like they forgot to take their Ritalin.

  • Finally got around to messing with animations. Works like a dream! Now I can get serious about starting a real game. Thanks, Ash!

  • every successful product/community has its own trolls.. usually they disappear when they get a social life <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" />

    True. Being older than your average klik user I tend to forget that I'm dealing mainly with 14yo kids when I post on the forums.

    Which makes me realize what having a smaller user base means: Fewer morons <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />

  • Nice job on the movement of the character. He does seem really magical and floaty.

    Just a few suggestions:

    Make him move a little slower. If the object of the game is to avoid obstacles and pits and such, he's a little too zippy for that to be much of a challenge. If I move at just the right time in his "bounce," I can zip across the entire screen and avoid everything on the ground. Also, he bobs up and down kind of fast. Maybe he should cut down on the caffeine <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    Abdulah's little ghost trail is pretty sweet, but it's being made in front of him, which looks a little odd.

    Perhaps a drag-and-drop feature as well as the "launch objects" feature? To add to that... when Abdulah has a hold on an object (like when the user is picking up a plank or a crate or something with the left mouse button held) then maybe he could rotate it left and right with a couple of additional key controls? Like he's, you know, manipulating it with the power of his mind. It would make placing objects easier I think, like making a bridge across a gap or something.

    It might be interesting too to limit his field of influence, like if an object is too far away he can't pick it up or launch it. Maybe the player could tell where the area ends by the magic glow around the eye fading, or something. There could even be powerups (and power-downs?) to change his field of influence. Just a thought.

    Nice demo, though. Keep it up!

  • I think it uses 360 degrees, with decimal precision, so it'll hit its target.

    True, the bullet object uses 360 degree rotation. Anyone wanting to know more about the bullet movement should check out the Ghost Shooter tutorial... the monsters in that use bullet movement. Bullet movement can do a lot of stuff that doesn't actually have anything to do with bullets.

    And I see you're using part of the clever pathfinding routine you posted on TDC <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    As for the memory usage, just have the bullets destroy themselves when out of the screen, or on contact with an obstacle or player. Instant hit means they'll be gone in just a couple of cycles.

    I don't see how the memory usage would be all that much higher than a raycaster updating every cycle for every sentry on the screen. It would be pretty negligible. And creating a line-of-sight routine with the bullet only constitutes coding a few events, as Dines showed. If there were a dedicated raycasting object, you'd still be creating at least three events with it (shoot ray, does the ray hit, does the ray not hit), so you'd only be cutting down your events by a small handful when making a line-of-sight routine. I just don't see how cutting out that handful of events would warrant the time it would take to develop a whole new object. An object should make the event coding process easier by replacing large amounts of events, not small ones. But hey, the SDK is there for a reason, maybe someone could take a crack at it anyway.

    As for lighting effects, yeah it would be pretty useful, depending on the scope of the object. It's a pretty big leap from casting a ray to rendering a shadow.

  • I think most people are waiting for construct to mature. It got panned by a lot of people during the first testing which i thought was unfair.

    It still has it's detractors. There's a bit of drama still going on over at TDC. And if I'm not mistaken, LIJI is pretty much making it his personal mission to crap on Scirra at every opportunity.

    But I agree that there will likely be a spike in users once Construct is out of beta. A lot of people at TDC seem to be adopting a wait-and-see attitude. Though with .86 fixing a lot of the nastier bugs, maybe folks will start rolling in sooner.

  • It would be great to be able to compare physics movement properties, eg: if angular velocity > 10 then ...

    Would add a little more control to some of the functions

    I dunno...

    It'd also be nice to be able to retrieve a physics collision, as opposed to a sprite collision. I don't know if that'd be possible, though.

    For instance, I can't reliably add sound effects to my billiards demo just by using sprite collisions. They don't trigger properly because the physics collision takes place first. If we could check for physics collisions and retrieve force, not only could I add sfx, but varying degrees of loudness depending on how hard they hit, which would be pretty sweet.

  • You might be able to do that with an instant-hit bullet. Just have your sentry (or whatever) fire an instant-hit bullet in front of him every cycle. If it hits the player, then your sentry "sees" him.

  • Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough, you're solution doesn't account for angle, what I want to be able to do was to move the object relative to itself, as in, move the object to ITS left rather than just left on the screen.

    Ah, that's a different story. Sorry.

  • It would be cool with familys that really worked perfectly with every kinds of stuff. The 'qualifiers' in mmf was pretty buggy (or at least the 'groups' in tgf was, haven't used the qualifiers very much.)

    Edit: Think it will be in the nex trelease? I've got an awsome game idea, and i just need the familys to work to get started on the first full game made with construct that i know about! (eccept the billiard thing, but Deadeye aparently didn't think it was a game)

    I uploaded a simple demo of the concept to the Creations forum!

    I don't recall any major bugs with the qualifiers in MMF, except that people were using them incorrectly in object behaviors. People would mix up their qualifiers and end up sending actions to them that didn't match the object type.

    That's more of a user error than a bug, though. Still, CT decided to bar qualifiers from behavior events to "make it easier on people." Pretty stupid if you ask me.

  • if a "quick hotspot" (alt+numerical keypad in the location) hasn't been created, that's something to consider as well

    If you mean you want to place the hotspot according to keypad presses, you can already do that. Hit 5 to center it, hit 7 to put it in the top-left corner, etc.

    What I'd like to see is being able to nudge it with the arrow keys.

  • There is already a way, and it involves some pretty simple math. It's one of the most basic things when creating just about any 2d game. Construct wouldn't be much of a game dev platform without being able to do this.

    Sprite: Set X to sprite.X+2

    Sprite: Set Y to sprite.Y-50


    Shouldn't this be in Help/Tech Support?

  • Awesome news! I can't wait to try it out...

    Thanks Ashley!

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  • Yes, that would kind of ruin the idea of event sheets. However, it could ask when cloning layout, whether the user wants to include event sheet into the cloned layout.

    Seconded. It's a simple, yet effective solution.

    Though I do like Dine's idea for an Event Sheets tab too.