deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Hmm... just had a quick look and some rough ideas:

    If you add the node to a family, you can use that family as a separate way of picking objects in conditions (they keep different selected-object-lists). It's a handy way of picking different instances from the same object type.

    However, it's clearly complicated enough to warrant built-in functionality, IMO. Even if you pull it off via events, it'll be nontrivial, and easier to just tick the boxes for a blob or something.

    Perhaps something like, in the object picker you could have the option to pick an object via an expression. Something like a qualifier.

    Like so:

    <img src="">

    Clicking an object in the picker would load the object name into the Qualifier field automatically. If I wanted to just perform the action on any old innerNode object, I would leave it like that.

    But if I wanted to I could define the qualifier with an expression, like so:

    <img src="">

    Just the first thing I thought of. I don't know how easy it would be to implement, and I'm sure there are better methods, but I'm just throwing ideas out there.

  • Oh, check this out guys! Clickteam have retracted Ghost Hunter from their front page and news forum! The original thread still exists though, but is quietly sinking down the pages.

    Edit: Well, it looks like they took down the original thread too. I'm getting an error now when I follow the link.

    Yeah, Mr. Sneeze (now renamed to -Adam-) appears to be Adam Lobacz, one of the admins of the Clickteam-run Gamebuilder site, and also listed as an art and media contractor for Clickteam, which probably means they've paid him.

    I'm curious to know whether Sphax is on the payroll too. There are several clues that indicate he is. I might just be reading into it too much, though.

  • I apologize for bumping my own thread (it's kind of tacky), but does anyone have any ideas on this?

  • I don't think it's as simple as that. You can't expect people to welcome you straight away because the admins demand it... it won't happen.

    It's a start.

    Adam does art for Jeff and Clickteam, and is he the one redoing their website? Sad though.

    Wasn't Adam's name Mr. Sneeze just like, yesterday?

  • I've been looking around at this now, and while it is useful, I think you should use this and write several small tutorials. There's a lot I don't understand in here

    That what the thread is for. Questions!

    Plus, I'm lazy. I'm surprised I actually finished commenting it.


    Posted today:

    when will construct .94 be releeased?

    It's nearly ready, so I'd say within 3 days.

    <img src="">

  • Hey folks, thanks for the reply's and being so cool with it. One last thing I did make it clear on the ghost hunter page and on the news item for the daily click folks to stop flaming and fighting since this is not the place for it. And it seemed to have worked. Even the raintech demo Ashley posted is getting some good helpful and positive feedback, so thats good, and remember we are totally open in receiving construct games and demo/examples on the dc.

    Awesome. I know that fanaticism and brand loyalty on either side can cause conflicts, but as long as it's made clear by the people in charge that there's no reason for conflict, then the mob mentality should calm down.

  • ^^^ No, that sounds about right.

  • So if I said "Hey, I can do that too", in regards to making a game creation tool, why do I get letters, phonecalls and emails about it?

    Because when Construct is released then other product (censored for the protection of your virgin eyes) might lose money.

    $$$ CHA-CHING $$$

    It is interesting that Clickteam have posted more updates since Construct's appearance than ever before.

    Hehe, nothing like The Fear to motivate someone.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • If we are talking about the 3dbox .. is there a possibility that we will see some new 3d objects in the future ? or could import them ?

    It would be really helpful ^^

    It's been discussed and re-discussed and re-re-discussed.

    The answer is pretty much "possibly, but not until after 1.0."

  • Okay, I've finally gotten around to reporting the bugs I encountered while making this. So far:

    • Crash when adding sprites
    • Error when clicking the scrollbar of an Event Sheet
    • Newly created Event Sheets do not appear in Project list
    • "Close Project" crashes if more than one window is open
    • Play Sound event repeats if window is moved
    • Right-clicking the window bar title causes objects to glitch

    Whew! All submitted to the bug-tracker.

    There's still one more I'm trying to recreate that has to do with crashing when minimizing project windows.

  • It gives this error in the event viewer:

    Faulting application construct.exe, version, faulting module construct.exe, version, fault address 0x003624ee.
  • It's like the whole YouTube thing... for a long while you could just post whatever you wanted as long as it didn't contain ******* YouTube was pretty much of the stance that the users were responsible for what they uploaded, whether it was copyrighted or not didn't interest them.

    It seems like TDC and CT are of the same sort of mindset here. They're hiding behind the fact that it was a user who made this. I know it hasn't been stated explicitly, it just seems that way to me. I'm not saying it has to be taken down, because it is a "good example of what MMF HWA can do" or whatever, but an addendum or disclaimer explaining where the idea came from is in order, I think.

    There are legitimate gripes to be had here. "Let's not fight" is one thing, but "You don't fight and we'll keep doing what we're doing" is completely something else. Why censor the gripes, Rikus, and not bother addressing the issue on your own site? (On a related note, few people late to the party have posted some Construct comments since you deleted them, you might want to get on that )

    And Ashley, I wouldn't get on Snakesoft for posting there, I don't think he's seen this thread yet.

    Edit: I just realized that Sphax used the exact term "other product" when commenting about Construct... Hmm... Smells of CT bull**** to me (see Dines' edited post, more examples on page 2). I could just be reading into things though.

    Edit by Ashley: Language (when am I gonna put a filter in?)

  • It's like, totally beside the point but the Ghost Shooter demo for Construct is open source. It comes as a template with Construct. Just sayin'.


    That's all, i do not see any reason why our 2 communties can't help eachother and share our creativity. Instead of fighting lets work together.

    Thanks for stopping by to tell us this. I totally agree. But perhaps you could mention it to your own forum members as well.

    Have a good night,


  • This thread has now taken a turn for the creepy.