deadeye's Forum Posts

  • A bit off topic though, but do i care? Nahh

    I've never been to France.

  • You could always just make your default animation whatever icon you want, then at runtime do "Start of layout > StarSprite > Change animation to 'stars'."

  • Okay Secret Sally, I think people have squeezed enough information out of you to actually be able to help now.

    Use one detector and a series of two loops to load your array.

    Let's set a couple of ground rules first:

    We're using your grid picture in the first post as reference (nine by five grid)

    Box 1 is located at 0,0

    Every box is 32x32px

    Your collider object is 32x32px

    Your collider object has a cell counter to keep track of which grid space it is over

    The places where your Collider detects an impassable area are all in the family "Hard"

    You will be using two loops in a nest, the "outer" loop runs five times (for grid rows) and your "inner" loop runs nine times (for grid columns)

    This example uses a string to store the info, like you asked, but you could modify it to use an array

    There are two text objects, "collisionText" and "freespaceText" to store the strings

    Obviously, your real setup might be different but this is just an example

    Okay, let's start:

    1. Before the loop, reset all of your strings to empty (not "0", just nothing at all. No space between quotes.)

    2. Set your collider object to 0,0

    3. Set your collider object's counter to 1

    4. Start your loops:

    + On loop "loopRow"
      +Repeat 9 times
        +Detector overlaps "Hard"
        +Detector.Value('counter') = 1
          - collisionText: Set text to Detector.Value('counter')
        +Detector overlaps "Hard"
        +Detector.Value('counter') > 1
          - collisionText: Set text to collisionText.text & ", " & Detector.Value('counter')
        +Detector does not overlap "Hard"
        +Detector.Value('counter') = 1
          - freespaceText: Set text to Detector.Value('counter')
        +Detector oes not overlap "Hard"
        +Detector.Value('counter') > 1
          - freespaceText: Set text to freespaceText.text & ", " & Detector.Value('counter')
        + Always
          - Add 1 to Detector.Value('counter')
          - Detector: Set X to Detector.X + 32
    + On loop "loopRow"
      - Detctor:  Set Y to Detector.Y + 32
      - Detector: Set X to 0
    That's a total of eight events for the loops, and that includes the redundant events to make sure that the counter is at 1 so it doesn't put a comma at the beginning.  Of course I'm just doing this off the top of my head so it might need some tweaking but the basic idea is there.
    Also, in the future I suggest you give as much information as possible when asking for help, and don't hold back if someone asks for more info.  It just makes it more difficult to help.
  • (It probably died here by not defining that I was trying to use two different instances of one object)

    Quite likely. Here's an example of ropes made with create hinge that I did a million years ago: (Arrow keys to move)

    Each rope segment is a separate object though, not instances of the same sprite. Yes, it was a pain in the *** to make. Yes, it is terribly inefficient to do things this way. But it works.

  • My questions are relevant. I asked them for a reason, to try to work out a different, easier method of detection. Collision is tied into movement which is tied into control. The three have to work together.


    Anyway, what I mean is, if I knew what you were trying to do, perhaps I could come up with a different method for you that maybe you haven't thought of. A fresh perspective, so to speak. But I can't do that unless I know what's going on.

  • Need more information:

    How is the object moved? Is it a click in a gridspace or is it with the keyboard?

    What type of movement is going on here? Will the green box teleport to it's new location or "slide" to it's new location?

    Is that brown rectangle a platform? Is there gravity? Or is this a top-down view and the brown thing is a wall?

    Edit: Why do you need a list of strings with the cell numbers?

  • If you're just moving it a few pixels then why move it at all? Do it with sprite animation frames. Just make a "recoil" animation.

  • You could do it like this:

    + On "Beat Horse" pressed
    + horse.Value('life') Equal to 0
    	[li]SuperV: Set position to 4chan[/li]
  • Even if I straight up said "Linux sucks" it still wouldn't have anything to do with you. If I was making fun of you, you'd know it.

    Do I think portability is good? Yes.

    Do I think that Construct for Linux would be good? Yes.

    Should I stop myself from making a joke and having fun on the forum? HELL NO. So just chill.

  • You guys are just plainm being asses now, my post talking about linux and opengl is not unreasonable, do you guys really think your funny poking fun at us?

    I'm not making fun of you at all. I'm just making a joke. No need to take things personally.

  • If you're going to have mouse control for the cannon then I suggest setting the Machine Gun control to the right mouse button. Unless you want to mail me an extra hand

    Another recommendation, though not as important: if you ever have any mouse/keyboard combo controls in your game it's probably a good idea to map your movement to WASD. It's just more comfortable that way. Unless you're a lefty, I guess.

  • Also of interest is Deadeye's "Hitler in Toyland" (So sorry if that title is incorrect)

    What? Nobody's interested in that.

    Speaking of which though, I haven't worked on it at all since getting my "new" graphics card. I've pretty much just been playing games. Funny, that... I wanted a new card so I could be more productive, and it's had entirely the opposite effect.

    Oh, and uh, welcome Codemonkey.

  • <derail>

    OMG NO! It's return of Terro...

    Long story short, I was admin of my very own boards with hundreds of IDIOTS posting crap by the minute... I threw the towel in because the morons decided to chew on the hand that fed them... one of the guys name was Terro, and he ALWAYS used to post that exact smiley face but in GIANT SIZE. It haunts me still...


    The History of Awesome Face:

    Like many once-funny but now tired internet memes, the Awesome Face started at Something Awful. It was originally a simple, innocuous smiley with the tag :awesome:

    As with most good things people ran it into the ground, though in this case faster than usual. SA was divided into two camps: those who used it in every post, and those who were absolutely sick to death of it.

    It spawned many variants (example).

    Eventually the moderators got so sick of seeing it that they changed the :awesome: tag to a smiley depicting a nerd regarding a large erection, and changed the Awesome Face smiley to the tag :iamafag:

    Right around the time it died at SA the rest of the internet picked it up and has been flogging that dead horse ever since. While not as infamous as "i herd u liek mudkips," "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND," or "Do a barrel roll," it's still a horrible meme and anyone who uses it should be terribly ashamed, unless it's done in an ironic fashion as I'm sure SuperV meant it to be


  • would be nice to expand the platforms that Construct could run on.

    I would like Construct to run on my Commodore 64, this is not an unreasonable request.


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  • GeForce 6200, 256 MB, Pixel Shader 3

    Demo B is bugged for me If I change the screen size to 640x480 or 1024x768 then when I press Space the program freezes. I can only test 800x600, and it seems to run about the same speed as Demo A, 15-20fps.

    Same story with Demo C.

    If anyone has any tips on stuff I can do to squeeze a better framerate out of my card, I'm all ears.