deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Welp, I tried out the HL2 demo, and am pleasantly shocked to find that it worked almost flawlessly, even with the quality all the way up

    It looks friggin' great on my 62" HDTV (yes, I hooked my computer up to my TV, it makes for one hell of a sweet monitor)

    Color me surprised. Maybe my crappy little computer isn't as crappy as I thought it was. The demo only had the intro level and the Ravenholm level, so I don't know how it would handle that outdoor level with all the water in it. I suspect it might get a little choppy there. As it is now, it only hung up a couple of times on explosions, and oddly enough the sound skipped more than a few times.

    I was also shocked to realize that HL2 isn't as recent as I thought it was... it came out in 2004. What the hell? I don't remember it being that old. Time flies I guess.

    deadeye: I think then you would like this game:


    Yeah, I've seen screenshots and stuff. I always wanted to check that one out, and I guess now I can. Thanks for reminding me

  • You ran over a poor, defenseless lizard?

  • I came to say exactly what AsparagusTrevor said. Awesome graphics, but too damn hard... mainly because of the controls.

  • Looks great! I imagine this can be combined with other effects, to make the fire wavy and such?

  • ... 49536.html

    Try the HL2 demo.

    Eh, what the hell. I'll give it a shot...

    On a side note, a friend suggested I try Indigo Prophecy, and lent me his copy. Hot damn! That's a fine game. I dig the cinematic style of it... it's kinda like a survival horror game mixed with an adventure game, but it plays like a movie. The controls are a little funky sometimes, but otherwise it's pretty badass. If only there were more games like that. Supernatural, mystery, and horror are my favorite genres of games.

  • I'm into computer graphics, using Photoshop and 3D stuff like, generally trying to create things I think look good. I like movies...

    Same here. I actually went to school for graphic design and 3d animation, but I dropped out my third year. I kinda had a mental breakdown during one of the finals weeks. I haven't modeled anything since then.

    Some day I hope to go back to school, but I kinda screwed myself financially so now I owe an assload of money before I can go back. Ho-hum. Such is the life of an art-school dropout.

    I still do some photoshopping now and then, but nothing too special.

    I also dig movies, but after taking some film classes I tend to be more critical of them. I can usually guess the entire plot of a movie within the first five or ten minutes, just based on the introduction of the main characters. Often times I can guess it just based off the trailer. Kinda ***** watching movies when you have knowledge of plot structure and character archetypes, but it makes movies that I can't guess the plot to all the more enjoyable.

    Oddly enough though, having a little background knowledge has made watching bad movies more fun. I know it's going to be bad, so I can just turn off the analytical part of my brain and enjoy it. It's good movies that I have a hard time enjoying thoroughly, because I'm always "behind the scenes" so to speak.

    I also like reading, but I haven't really found the time lately to get into anything I'd recommend. I read Duma Key by Stephen King about a week ago, the first Stephen King book I'd read in about ten years. It started off okay, but eventually devolved into the same old crap that was the reason I stopped reading Stephen King in the first place. I don't recommend it, unless you happen to like crappy horror writers.

  • I thought a white filter would make the sprite brighter or something. It doesn't?


    But yeah, if you just want to change a specific color on a sprite, and not the whole sprite, you'll need to draw separate sprites.

  • Oh, hell yeah!

  • That opens up quite a bit (Vampire, HL2, TF2, Dark Messiah, Etc).

    What, are you kidding me? Half Life 2 would actually run on my machine?

    Now this I find hard to believe. I suppose I could borrow a copy from a friend and give it a shot.

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  • Yeah, color filter doesn't quite cut it. There's no "remove filter" option to blink an object red or something, so I have separate animations for such things.

    Edit: Wait.. what do you mean with "remove filter"? The filter is white by default, so just set it to white?

    This is the correct answer. If you want to blink something red, alternate between red and white. Setting the filter to white shows the sprite with it's natural colors.

  • Perhaps something like "dampening," where the object doesn't transfer the full amount of energy it receives. For example, a wood block would absorb more energy than a metal block, but a clay block would absorb even more than wood. A negative setting would absorb force, but a positive setting could actually add force.

    With a high positive setting you could make bouncing surfaces that don't need to move to impart energy. It could stay locked in one spot, but if a moving object came into contact with it it would be knocked away. In other words an object could hit it at low velocity, but bounce away at a higher velocity. Like bumpers on a pinball table, or mortar launchers in the bottom of a tube that launch a ball as soon as the ball touches it.

    I suppose it might be handy to have settings for how hinges would work as well. I think the hinge stiffness setting should be made into an editable property. That way you can easily change the stiffness and angular dampening to create different kinds of chains and ropes, and I suppose Chain, Rope, and Elastic could be added to the drop-down for material types.

    I dunno, I can't really think of any other settings off the top of my head but I'm sure there are some others that could be considered for making different materials.

  • I don't know about allready programmed materials. It would be better to have values for friction, bounce, etc.

    Actually the way I was thinking of it would be to have values for Friction, Bounce, etc. that you could fill in on your own, but there could be a drop-down list of pre-made settings that filled those values in for you. Like a quick-pick list or whatever.

  • Short answer: You can't really do that, at least not as it is right now. There's a "World Friction" setting in the properties for your Physics behavior, but it only has two settings. And as you might be able to guess it affects the whole world, no matter which individual Physics object you set.

    Separate "materials" that you could apply to individual objects (like wood, rubber, ice, metal, etc.) would be pretty sweet, but if that's even something being considered for the future it's likely quite a ways off.

    One way to get around it for now is to just play around with the linear dampening and the mass. You can get some slidey effects that way, it just takes a bit of tweaking. Don't tweak the surface you want to slide on though, tweak the object that you want to slide.

  • Everyone keeps saying "alterable values." They're Private Variables

    "Alterable values" are what they're called in that "other program."

  • well its imposible realy to get the same results with a particle flow source, the flame is rendered like a sort of blobmesh which selects a colour and alpha channel opacity based on its age, the flame also has an editable coolmap which makes you able to give a sort of effect to the fade away, ill post a little exe with it if youd like itll clear things up a bit

    No need, I've played with the flame object myself before. I don't know about a 'blobmesh' or anything like that but it sounds like you know better than I. I just remember it looking kinda particle-y, but that was a while back and I could be remembering wrong.