deadeye's Forum Posts

  • God seems like a silly idea to me. Knowing where the universe came from would be nice, but a) it's too important a subject to be making up stories about and b) it's too big a subject to tackle what with all the day to day living I've got to do. I'm perfectly satisfied saying "I don't know."

    In my view it's kind of egotistical to even think you can know. Leave the conjecturing and wondering to the younger generation (as I conjectured and wondered when I was young). To ironically quote from Corinthians: When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

  • Eternity is a long time to make computer games. The black hole thing might've turned out OK anyway.

    Forgot to mention we'd all be torn into elementary particles but otherwise, yeah not a bad deal.

  • Hmm, guess Dr. Freeman didn't **** it up this time.

  • Man...imagine if the world does end....we NEVER EVEN GOT TO CONSTRUCT 1.0

    I'd be too busy accelerating towards the center of a black hole for all eternity to make games anyway.

  • Yeah, I was just kiddin too (I used the stick-out-your-tongue emoticon that's how you can tell).

    But seriously, Austria's nice. Vienna is beautiful this time of year.

  • You know what's awesome... I don't have to live in Australia (did I do that right )

  • I thought about making the gravity go in the direction of a second sprite's image point, but then there was the problem of rotation. I messed around with it a bit more and came up with this: ... g+maze.cap

    I just make the gravity controller sprite always set to the opposite angle of the display. It actually works better than I thought it would. Thanks for the inspiration, linkman.

    (By the way the new friction and elasticity settings are nice... good job guys )

  • Would it be possible to add a Gravity Direction setting to the Physics behavior? I was tinkering around trying to make one of those roll-a-ball-around-a-maze things, where you rotate the entire screen. I'm sure there's some way to do it by adding force in a particular direction, but having a gravity direction thinger would make things easier, like:


    • Physics: Set gravity direction to (System: Display angle) degrees

    I'm sure there would be other uses too

  • If all you have are tutorials, then users won't know how to make their own games, because they won't understand why the tutorials work.

    That all depends on how you write your tutorial.

  • is the one I've been pimping around. It's nice and simple. One click upload, one click download, no annoying ads*. is good, too.

    * At least, until it becomes more popular, like mediafire did

  • It's the same with the 3D boxes. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the same with all objects. Once an object is added to your .cap, you can add as many instances of that object as you like and your filesize isn't going to go up any appreciable amount. It will a little bit, just for the information on where to place it, what UID it is, and such... but we're talking a matter of bytes.

    Runtime is a different story, but as long as you don't have a metric crapload of 5mb .pngs with alpha flying around your screen at HD resolutions you're probably not going to see much in the way of a performance hit.

    In other words, you don't have to worry too much about it.

  • If you have an .mp3 as your background music, just put it in the .rar file along with your .exe. Make sure the relative paths match what you have coded in your .cap.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Not bad. Your vertical platform is about as good as I've ever been able to do, what with the jittering and all.

  • The only sound is the series' intro theme at the starting.

    I don't even hear that. And yours isn't the first Construct game I've played where I can't hear the sounds. Again, I'm wondering if you created them as external files or have them embedded in the .exe as a resource.

    I don't know how to make the .exe file not to create the log .txt.

    Me neither, it's been something I've been meaning to ask about. I didn't know if it was Construct or my stupid AC3Filter codec thingy with the annoying interface that's a pain in the ***** I guess Construct is generating them?

  • Okay, first you need to set up your image points. Open the sprite editor:

    <img src="">

    1. Click the Image Point tool.

    2. Click the "+" button next to the point name dropdown and enter a new image point. Give it a name that's easy to remember, like "hitbox."

    3. Select the newly created "hitbox" image point in the dropdown and click the sprite where you would like the image point to be set. (You will have to do this step for every frame of your sprite's animation.)

    Next we go to the Event sheet and set up your action:

    <img src="">

    Viola. (It also helps if you don't disable your event group )

    Also, when did mediafire become so stupid? It used to be nice and streamlined, with one-click download, and no popups. How the hell are the popups getting past my blocker anyway? Ugh. Everyone should use , it's much less annoying. </rant>