deadeye's Forum Posts

  • i drives da batsmobile

    vroom vroom!

  • Actually, I think this looks really cool. I watched the whole thing from beginning to end. It looks to me like it could be a really useful form of communication, as long as people actually take the time to look at the potential rather than just say "meh it's another lame fad like twitter."

    I mean... come on. Their framework can update a website in real time. How is that not friggin cool? I was especially impressed by the realtime translation demo at the end.

    Once this launches I'm sure there will be more streamlined and specialized apps that use this framework.

  • I'm pretty sure that in Soviet Russia Yakov Smirnoff doesn't even tell those jokes any more.

  • The video was just made by some guy. In the actual Ghost Shooter tutorial (link) there's a picture of the UI with the Properties tab clearly marked (link) right at the top of the first page. Further down the page, when it comes time to add the player, there's a sidebar that tells you how to change the controls:


    By default the movement uses the arrow keys. If you want to change this, select Application 1 in the Project Bar, and you can change the move left, right, up and down controls under the Controls header in the Property Grid.

    I'd recommend going through the actual tut, and then reading up on some wiki articles.

  • It's broke in .99.2. Seems fine in 98.9.

    Also I tried making fullscreen (since I'm always clicking out of the screen) but apparently the .cap would need major surgery in order to do fullscreen properly.

    Other than that, the additions seem nice. I like the different kinds of blocks you can grab and such. My initial comment about the player's speed still stands, though, I think he moves a little too fast to really navigate comfortably. Maybe I just keep comparing it to Bionic Commando when I shouldn't be.

  • That sounds like a rather despairing quote to me, actually. Perhaps one in which the helpless do not bemoan their circumstance, but only because they are so far removed from hope that they no longer wail; merely abiding in listless stagnation, the lost wandering in the ashen landscape of a pitifully average existence and wondering only vaguely at the quiet unease that permeates their lives.

    This, too, is Stainsor's Wall.

  • You can prevent the player from leaving the screen, yes. But the ghosts are bullet objects and have no built-in function to keep them in when hitting a solid object. You could always make a "bounce" event that turns them away from the wall and back into the layout, though.

  • It's a phenomenon known as "Stainsor's Wall." Named after the Scirra Forum user "stainsor" (profile link here), no one is certain exactly what the origin of this strange contraption is. All we know for sure is that it works... the physics behind such a thing is beyond any human understanding.

    Here is an example of Stainsor's Wall in action: ... 20wall.cap

    If one were to try and define Stainsor's Wall (and believe me, many have), you might say it's "any Solid object placed beyond the boundaries of the Layout so as to contain the movable objects within." Suffice it to say it is truly one of nature's greatest mysteries.

    The earliest known manifestation of Stainsor's Wall was documented by the historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC. While taking account of the annual flooding of the Nile river, he wrote:

    "Circumstances rule men; men do not rule circumstances. The rising water held at bay not by the workings of mankind, but Providence, for it hath afforded a force beyond reckoning, in the form of a wall; beneficent, yet fraught with dire consequence, for yea though it hold back the raging flood man cannot hope to recompense nor even glean it's true nature. And it is in this that man sees his helplessness, and despairs."

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Change the default control keys in the Application Properties tab.

  • <img src="">


    Well now, it appears this was for a top-down game so my example is useless. Folks, please be more specific with your questions

  • What workarounds are you talking about? It's been possible to make a Tile-Based RPG in Construct since before you became a member here. It's possible to make whatever genre of 2D game you want.

    If you'd stuck with it all this time instead of wishing that Construct worked more like RPGMaker or GameMaker you'd probably have a pretty decent RPG engine going by now.

  • Confirmed.

    On top of that, the label for the System object is alternately missing or corrupted.

    Bug report time

  • I'm looking for a Mode 7 effect for an RPG.

    If you fiddle with the "camera" math in David's example, you can achieve that effect.

    Like I said, though, it's somewhat advanced.

  • If you're looking to make simple Mode-7 style effects, or even a raycaster-type engine, check out David's Wolfenstein demo:

    Using this method you can make awesome stuff like this:

    It's all rather advanced though, so good luck.

  • If you make another account try even use proxy or something.

    Thanks for suggesting ways to buck the system, l33twash0r.