deadeye's Forum Posts

  • It is Box2D.

  • Are your walls solid? Do you by any chance have your LOS obstacle setting on "Solid objects?"


    Is this the sort of thing you're looking for? It uses "for each." But that might would get pretty CPU heavy if you have a lot of wall objects. If all you're doing is changing the color of walls, then you might want a different method that doesn't use LOS.

  • Well I'm in there but nobody's talking :/

    And who's YHT? I don't like not being able to ban people I don't know!!! I've been spoiled by power.

  • What

  • I was able to remove the behavior, reattach the bones and make a new animation with them and it worked okay then. I have no idea why it's not working the way it is now, though. Something seems buggy, for sure.

  • Maybe I'm spawning too many at the same time? Too many collision checks?

    Don't know, I've never really used instant hit bullets that much. If you're checking every tick then yeah, it might be too much. You could probably get away with every 20 milliseconds and folks with fast computers might not even notice the difference, but you might have a huge performance bump from it on slower computers. It all depends on how you're doing it, I guess.

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  • Hmm... there seems to be something up with LOS behavior in this build, but I don't see any changes to LOS in the changelog. It might have to do with Sprite changes.

    What's happening is if the Y position of a Sprite is exactly equal to the Y position of the object with LOS behavior, then the Sprite is completely invisible as long as it's on the left-hand side. I'll try to mock up a demo showing this.


    Here it is:

    Run this in 0.99.3 to see what it's supposed to do, then run it in 0.99.4 to see the difference. A hotfix on this would be super-swell (that is, if it's easy to do and stuff...)

    Edit 2:

    Platform School seems to be running okay, aside from a bit of a gravity issue when swimming. But I assume that has to do with the new gravity settings, and it seems I can fix that pretty easily. So barring any unforeseen difficulties it looks like work will continue on Platform School here shortly

  • So those new build rumors were true!

    Checking it out now...

  • The expression to get the display height is DisplayHeight. There is no layer height, because layers are the same size as your layout. Which, coincidentally, is expressed by LayoutHeight.

    Here's a list of other system expressions: ... xpressions

    Edit by Ashley: took off https!

  • Even if it broke old physics games, the time to do that is now - the sooner the better.

    Agreed. It's ultimately for the best.

    And even if there is a conversion checkbox, it wouldn't really be suitable to have it remain in the 1.0 version. People are going to have to bite the bullet some time, and either convert their physics settings and math to the new way, or finish their game with a beta version.

    Of course, that's just my opinion

  • It's a limitation of the physics behavior. If I remember correctly, the size of the layout is limited to a certain amount. Anything beyond that and physics stops working. I'm not exactly sure what the range is, though. David would be the one to ask, he's the fellow that implemented the physics behavior.

    And I suppose that's something that should be added to the wiki

    Anyway, if you're making a space game, there are better ways to make large areas like that. You can fake it with manually scrolling backgrounds, for instance. You don't actually have to make ginormous levels like that, it's kind of a waste. With a little pre-planning you can set up a system where it seems like the universe goes on forever but in actuality it's just a small area.

  • Nice job .

    The shooting seems very choppy for me though. As in framerate-wise. It looks like it's slowing down and dropping frames. What sort of effects do you have going on with that? One the whole though it's pretty good.

  • You could use the family picking trick for that, I think.

    Put all Sprites into Foo Family. Then do like so:

    + Sprite distance(Sprite.X, Sprite.Y, Foo.X, Foo.Y) is less than whatever
        -> Move Sprite away from Foo

    Wouldn't overlapping at offset work?

    How so?

  • "For Each" is a loop. Think of your events like so:

    1. Top of event sheet
    2. Do some stuff
    3a. Loop fifty times                  <--- this is your For Each
        3b.  Do stuff fifty times
        3c.  Go back to 3a fifty times
    4. Do some more stuff
    5. Go back to Top of event sheet
    The event sheet is read from top to bottom, and then starts over again.  Since the whole event sheet itself is a loop, then the For Each is basically a loop within a loop.  As Aeal said, barring any other conditions, a For Each loop will trigger each time Construct reaches it in the order of events.
  • You're telling Construct to activate the group named "Double Jump," but you have no group named Double Jump. It's just some regular events that aren't in a group. To add a group, do like so:

    <img src="">

    Enter the name for your group. And since you want your group to be disabled by default, be sure to check the box:

    <img src="">

    Now that your group is made, drag all the events that you want in your group into the group:

    <img src="">

    Also, the default value for your global "doublejump" variable is 1. That's not going to work. You want the group to activate when it becomes 1... so if it starts at 1 then you're going to activate your group right off the bat. You need to change this to 0:

    <img src="">

    And after all that it will work fine.