ddaan9's Forum Posts

  • Found a different more efficient way for my app. However also found the plugin that could help. It is a Rex plugin that you can find here at Date/Time: http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/

    Didn't use it myself, but hopes it will help saving someone else time!

    PS: To download the plugins from website, click on the yellow word plugin. It is small and it took me some time to figure out, thought they were tags. XD

  • No one can help me?

  • I saw somewhere a plugin which shows time passed when app was unfocused. You can yose this plugin to get an example if app was minimised more than one second - reload layout

    Thanks, do you know the name of the plugin???

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  • Hi guys,

    I have this app that needs to reload the page layout every time someone starts using the app. The problem is when an user uses the multi windows button (don't know the real name, the square one that allows you to switch between apps) the layout will be the same. How can I make sure the layout reloads or at least have an event that recognize this so i can create custom actions. So basically I need something that recognizes when the app is opened again whether it was the first time or it was running on the background.

    Thanks in advance



    Currently the plugin doesn't support the newest Cordova version. You should change your version to 4.X. You can do this at the main page with all your projects. Select a project and go to build settings. Change Cordova CLI Version to something that starts with a 4. For me it was 4.1.2.

    This should do the tricks.

    Thanks FrostyElk Devs, great product, great support!

  • Hi guys,

    I'm trying to build my app in intel xdk with Cardova Crosswalk but I get an error when building. It seems that the ParseSe plugin from FrostyElk is the problem or am I seeing this wrong (pasted the error underneath)? Anyone got the same problem with the plugin?


    :compileReleaseJava.../SweepyTest11/platforms/android/src/se/frostyelk/cordova/parse/plugin/ParsePlugin.java:99: error: cannot find symbol

    webView.post(new Runnable() {


    symbol: method post(<anonymous Runnable>)

    location: variable webView of type CordovaWebView

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    1 error


    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':compileReleaseJava'.

    Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


    Total time: 28.581 secs


    throw e;


    Error code 1 for command: .../SweepyTest11/platforms/android/gradlew with args: cdvBuildRelease,-b,.../SweepyTest11/platforms/android/build.gradle,-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true

    Command finished with error code 8: .../SweepyTest11/platforms/android/cordova/build --release

    ERROR building one of the platforms: Error: .../SweepyTest11/platforms/android/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 8

    You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project

    Error: .../SweepyTest11/platforms/android/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 8

    at ChildProcess.whenDone (/Developer/cordova/5.1.1/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/superspawn.js:134:23)

    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)

    at maybeClose (child_process.js:743:16)

    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:810:5)

  • I like that is uses the Pang idea, but since your projectiles are these short lines, unlike Pang's screen-height-if-needed projectiles it seems a little too hard, especially with the awkward mobile controls. So this makes the gameplay somewhat weaker than the nice presentation and overall polished feel.

    Perhaps make the shots taller if not behave exactly like Pang?

    Thank you. Once you played it for a few minutes, it is actually not that hard.

  • Only so few downloads? I say let all your people know & play it!

    Yes, for some reason the number stays stuck on one, while i know 100% that about 10 people installed it within the first 15 minutes... don't know what the problem is.

  • Thanks!!!

  • Hi guys

    I just released my first Construc game Bubble Bunny. It is a great game to kill time and also have a lot of fun. It really is a quality game with, so check it out!


    Some people really helped me out with bugs and problems. So thank you: ramones, LittleStain, Ashley, ErekT, xeed, A0Nasser, luisgmolina, Elliott, Sisyphus, Magistross, skg0091923, Somebody, imaffett, suneelnairk, Reinarte, AndreasR, Cybersurfer5000

    Thank you all,


  • I was able to get the In-App Purchase working. However, the purchase is not remember. When the App is closed and re-opened, the user does not have the In-App Product any more. Trying to buy it a second time results in an "Alert" message via the browser object I set up (browser>Alert>Purchase failed).

    I went through all the tuts, read and reread forum posts & the phonegap instructions but can't figure it out. Does anybody spot where I did the mistake? I would appreciate any hint so much

    Here are screenshots of the Google Console In-App section & C2 of all actions related to the In-App Purchase:




    Sorry but can't see the problem. I also had no experience with IAP, so I would recommend making a new topic and hope that someone sees the problem.

    Good luck!

  • Got it working!.....The only thing I needed to do was unchecking minify script when exporting. Thanks for all the help guys.

    Also as Reinarte pointed out earlier, in your events you don't need to check for 'has product' or anything, just make an event when touched...-> purchase product.

  • Hello friend,

    I would like to try to help you.

    you are using the plugin Phonegap IAP 2.0.31? Construct 2 and the R195?

    before compiling the project in Intel XDK onserve what is written in the file


    if that party is present can be to solve in the next compilation

    <intelxdk: pluginintelxdk:name="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.iap#4306f62a0d9683eca8d8be135533dd92f6a446c1"intelxdk:value="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.iap#4306f62a0d9683eca8d8be135533dd92f6a446c1" />

    <intelxdk: intelxdk plugin: name = "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" intelxdk: value = "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />

    aki are 2 lines only.


    Thank you for your help.

    I do use Phonegap IAP 2.0.31 and Construct 2 R195. I removed the extra subevents like you said in your other post. When i check the files, i can see intelxdk.config.additions.xml.

    Since I'm not a coder i have no clue where i should put:

    <intelxdk: pluginintelxdk:name="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.iap#4306f62a0d9683eca8d8be135533dd92f6a446c1"intelxdk:value="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.iap#4306f62a0d9683eca8d8be135533dd92f6a446c1" />

    <intelxdk: intelxdk plugin: name = "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" intelxdk: value = "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />

    Can you guide me? Really appreciate you taking the time to help me!!!!!

    PS: I do minify the script when exporting, is that ok?

  • In a way both are correct.

    When you import into XDK using the option "Import an existing HTML5 template" (you will see this when you try to create a project in intel XDK), the phonegap IAP plugin code is added automatically.

    I understood it better after going through the relevant shatter-box tutorial / how-to. you can find it on their website.

    Thank you for your response, but i just cannot figure out what is causing the problem. When i look at the pictures i can't see anything wrong, and I read almost every tutorial and forum post that you can find. All are showing the same steps as I followed. Really is annoying, this is the last thing i need to fix before I can publish....

  • Anyone?