Davioware's Forum Posts

  • Ah, ok then. I did miss the point. It 's just that you used the words "take a peek at them", which made it seem like you didn't want them to see what they contained. Since you used .ogg as the example it made it seem like you didn't want content to be easily accessed. Like you said though, it's for the sake of uniformity.

  • I know why you want this, but in this era of youtube and other sharing sites, it's very easy for people who haven't beaten the game (even casual users), to see all of your game's content in a video or some other thing. renaming music just so someone won't listen to it is a bit futile. Maybe make all the other files .ogg files?

  • I don't know very much on the subject, but i'm pretty sure you can't do multiple passes.

  • Very good idea. The exact same thing happens to me sometimes and I wish I could see what happened.

  • All I want is for it to be as stable as possible, and for the runtime not to crash, ever. Custom datatypes are great, along with the event based behaviors. Multicore support would also be mighty useful for those cpu hungry applications.

  • Hey Karl, nice pitch.

    The problem with it is that you have too little to show for such an ambitious project. Speaking from experience, it's very hard to find someone to help you with a project if you don't have a sufficient amount of content on display. A playable demo really helps in this area.

    Also, You say that the project is very popular, yet on your blog there are no comments, and only 2 screenshots of a few sprites.

    by the time I reach the level of skill required to, for instance, program the crafting/inventory system, all the project's popularity/interest will fade out.

    If your game is truly this good, people will not forget about it.

    Also, pretty much all of the very skilled Construct users around here have their own projects which they tend to. Asking someone skilled in an area for large amounts of their time to build your game,for free, is a very large request. The payoff in the end better be huge; and the only way to show that is by adding more content yourself, or better proving your games popularity. In general, games become popular after they are played/reviewed, or released an amazing trailer showing gameplay, etc.

    Of course I might be wrong, and someone will offer to help you for a while. You never know.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • fps:148



    Intel Corporation


    HD 4670 512 MB

    steady fps around 170-180

  • 1.8 ghz dual core, 2GB ram, HD 4670 512MB. Not top of the line, but I wouldn't call it out of date. . And just the fact that one of the demos lags on your pc speaks worlds about the plugin's performance. I've run fluid sims before and they mostly all ran better than this.(no offense lucid!) The low performance must be because of the construct implementation or just the general unfinished/unoptimized state of lucid's awesome plugin. I hope that future versions will run at more acceptable speeds.

    This is the kind of performance we need lucid.

    http://www.escapemotions.com/experiment ... index.html

  • Ok. The retrosmoke is amazing. And it almost doesn't lag.

  • Congrats!

  • i only tried the smoke and fire one.

    I have an E2160 dual core 1.8 ghz

    and a HD 4670 512mb

  • Awesome.

    It lags on my cpu though. Dunno if that's because the plugin's unfinished/some settings are set too high.

  • I guess there might be a big difference. Arima said 3500 events in one event sheet. You may have over 1000 splitted to several event sheets?

    no, it's all one event sheet, and preview time is around 2 seconds.

  • Care to post system specs? My game has over 1000 events but previewing and stuff is almost instant. I think the number of objects in a layout and resolution of sprites matters most in terms of IDE performance.

  • Biggest bug crossed off the list. Good work men. Now on to fix those layout switching crashes, they are public enemy number two.