datiel12's Forum Posts

  • It's been fixed! i went on the construct discord and a member helped me

  • Cause it didn't work i still have the problem

  • Did i do it right?

  • Still didn't work still have the problem where whenever you move and shoot the bullets go into the direction your moving in

  • i set the action to angle in motion but i still have the problem where when the player moves while shooting the bullets will go in the direction the player is moving in

  • imgur.com/ZDzOQo1 I don't know what the problem is does anyone have any suggestions what the problem could be?

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  • LOS is linked to the angle of the object so when the pawn flips set the family object that contains the los behavior to 180°

    Everything works perfectly! Thank you!

  • Ok now I understand what you are trying to do :) Here I made a capX to show you the method without getting it confused in your project. 1drv.ms/u/s!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIctBZUxl16ODNsyoQ

    You need to add the units to a family and have the line of sight behaviour on the family, then search for los to the unit, not the family.

    I do believe this works like a charm! Now I just need to have the line of sight flip when the pawn does.

  • Your project doesn't work properly for me sorry. Most of the time the pawns spawn to the left of screen and fall continuously and when they do spawn correctly there is no AIFOV visible.

    Also your events in the file are different to those in the pictures.

    I can see that in event 60 you have for each pawn followed by pick all pawn which seems to be incorrect.

    Can you explain more clearly what the the issue is and what you are trying to achieve?

    You'd press spacebar to spawn them at the mouse position. And press L to enable FOV.

    So, what i'm trying to achieve is for each pawn to be able to see and detect an instance of itself using line of sight.

    What my code is supposed to do is when a pawn sees another pawn mask, it'd store the pawnID (UID) of the detected pawn in an instance variable then set a boolean to true.

    What it does is completely ignore any other pawn and it'd only detect itself. And when I create a new pawn then every pawns line of sight will just reset and they wouldn't detect anything.

    Also, the capx you created in that thread will most definitely help!

    And the image is different from my events yes, I was testing different things and I saved before I got off..

  • So, I'm working on AI detection with line of sight. I want the AI to be able to get the UID of other instances of the same object, and I've got the AI to detect other AI but there is an issue. When creating a new AI it resets every AI's Line of Sight as shown here, it also detects its own mask as an enemy. My events are as follows

    Is there a way to fix? I've tried using families and for each events and nothing has worked so far.

    Heres a .c3p of the project if that helps.

  • I'd like to get access to the new arcade! Thanks!

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  • Tilemap can be empty. There must be a problem with some of those conditions in your event. Try disabling them one by one. Also, why do you have both Touch and Mouse conditions?

    See this demo, you may find it useful:


    I'll check out the demo, as for why I have Touch and mouse is cause I was testing to see if it'd work.

  • So, I'm making an editor for my game and I have my events set up like this.

    However when attempting to create a tile nothing happens.

    I Figured out that the tilemap itself cant be empty and there must be a tile existing to replace the tile with the selected tile.

    But that presents another problem. All tiles have some sort of collision and when testing the level the player will get stuck on those invisible collision tiles.

    So I need help figuring out if I can either

    Spawn a tile at the mouse position


    Delete all invisible tiles on the start of the layout.

    Any help would be appreciated!