Darklinki's Forum Posts

  • I made for some months ago into an half hour a small isometric playfield where you can build something. Its quite not much and buggy but it generates the whole thing.

    With some luck it helps you a bit.

    Next thing I wanted to do was to make automaticly streets and choose the right frames for them.


  • dzaky Alkaff

    Make that one on a seperate Eventsheet and include it into any Layout Eventsheet

    rEdge = invisible sprite at the right edge

    lEdge = invisible sprite at the left edge

    Level = global variable

    maxLevel = global variable with the number of your levels

    + on collision rEdge

    ++ Level != maxLevel

    --- Level + 1

    --- Go to Layout by name("Layout"&level)

    + on collision lEdge

    ++ Level != 1

    --- level - 1

    --- Go to Layout by name("Layout"&level)

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  • thanks didn?t saw that you have replied until the

    TwinTails .capx is down (without clay.io and bound)

  • Cant even start it, no play button on my screen

    and please use the right forum, "your creations"

  • you mean saving array into objects ?

  • tamngon

    Click on properties -> project settings -> orientation

    with the browser object you can also unlock and lock the orientation

  • We have 10 000+ events(no joke) and it is still easy to manage.

    For every Layout we have 1 eventsheet (14 actually) and for every bigger functions(like viewpoint functions or often used family/image management) another event sheet which gets included every time we need it.

    The eventsheets are grouped up by objects/functions.

    Eg. The player or the top bar is a big part so we create an group named "player" includes the groups "functions", "control or handling", "effects" and so on and every group includes more specific groups like "Creation" or "Attack".

    This makes it for us quite easy to manage and every team member can easily find what he searches ;)

  • you can also export trough phonegap or intel xdk, if something is easier for you ;)

  • Chess is so hard to make, checkers is much easier but still much work.

    I think something about 30 hours to get a "good" Ai. Which means you have to pay something between 300-1500 + Layout and "animations".

  • A book is currently written by someone. But you should not start with a book.

    Scirra offers you various Tutorials and an amazing manual.

    Learning by doing is the best you can do ;)

  • no thats not normal, if you have already a black screen after you exported to phonegap, something must be wrong.

  • System Stop loop ( = continue)


    -define local variable

    + for loop

    + variable != 1

    • set variable 1 as soon as you want to break ;)

    (= break)

    I could make a break plugin, but I dont think this would save much time.

  • could you reupload it without clay.IO and bound to layout ? I can help you for sure ;)

  • The effect you descriped is pretty easy and you dont need any animation.

    + Every tick

    • Object rotate clockwise: 1
    • Object set width to object.width - 1
    • Object set height to object.height - 1

    This will be a bit fast and not so smooth, but its the basic. To get it smooth read a bit about lerp and delta time ;)

  • + on click

    • //object picked

    everything in your on click event has an reference to the clicked object, if you also want it outside, there are many ways to do that.

    You could save the UID of the clicked object in a variable.

    + on click Object

    • variabel FuFu = Object.UID