Darklinki's Forum Posts

  • Use the Hash plugin instead of Array plugin, this works much smoother with json objects.

    You don't need to do anything against sql injections, do that in your backend and everything is fine.

    Currently C2 grants you everything you need to make a great Login system (Eg Webstorage to save sessions)

  • last post there made on 11 Jan 2012 at 4:32pm :D

  • bhentz

    If you want to work with your actual algorithm:

    + On touch box

    ++ brick is overlapping box

    ++ for each brick

    +++ justifuns stuff + checking all 4 arround

    If you want to do it better you should make a 2 dimensional array, insert into it for each field a number from 1-4 to identify the colors.

    If you rotate than a box you just have to rotate it and set the array informations right. This would make it much easier to build all functions that you will need ;)

  • into c2 click on -> file -> save as project

    Open the project folder, there should be know from every eventsheet a .xml.

    If you open the file with any editor(like notepad++, or sublime) you will have your code as "text".

  • Functions ;)

    Call the function with parameters to specify either the 3 counters or 1 counter with that you can easily get the other lined up counters.

    Methods are nearly the same than functions.

  • It's cause you use Wait 0.02 with a function parameter/local variable.

    At the moment your create triggers the function has been already over and the function param isn?t given any more. The only ways I know are to use global or instance variables.

    Eg. grand Starry 2 instance variables(functionX, functionY)

    + repeat 7 times

    -- create object starry

    -- set Stary.functionX to Funtion.Param(0)

    -- set Stary.functionY to Funtion.Param(1)

    -- Wait 0,02*loopindex

    -- Set position starry(starry.functionX, starry.functionY)

  • rekjl

    Yeah that makes more sense.

    This would be a great function, actually we have 2 different versions of our project for this 2 aspect ratios.

  • Sure:

    Event sheets you can include as many as you want just right click in your main event sheet and choose "include event sheets"

    For layouts it is a bit more complex and there are many different ways to do that. I think for that some one else should explain it to you. I personally make Layouts with global sprites and move them just into my game.

  • 1. Why would you create more windows ?

    • The window just set your/players viewpoint size

    2. Why you want that ?

    • If you want it just set on game start the viewpoint to somewhere else (Scroll to(x,y))
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  • They are different sprites, instead of duplicating them you should just copy them.

    Just click on them in the editor and press strg(ctrl) + c and strg(ctrl) + v.

    If you do it like you, you would need to put them into a family. If not you need for every object another event.

  • 9 different sprites or different instances ?

    Normally you just do something like:

    + On touch cell //Creates automatically a reference to the touched cell, this reference is available in every action and condition below of it

    -- cell spawn counter

    If you have different sprites put them into a family

  • szymek

    if you need any help tell it me

  • szymek

    Currently I?m on my day job so I cant have a look into smatoo for how to create a advertising zone.

    It support so many different ad formats eg floating banner and interactive ads(makes the most money ;) )

    some of them

    And with the net90 youre right but this is just the first time you payout(do that as soon as possible) after that you get it every 30 days ;)

  • So set them just invisible as soon as you move something over them.

    To avoid bugs insert into your on form actions a condition: is visible

  • szymek

    Smaato and flurry, didn?t found anything better.

    The best fill rate and the best money, easy to bind into c2(cause just an Iframe you have to include). Smatoo binds the power of many advertising networks into one and is also great to get costumers to your apps. I dont want to lie but I think admob is also included.

    The only bad thing is the first payout, it takes over 90 days to get it after that you get monthly payed out ;)

    Flurry is also very great cause of the much informations out that you can get the best fill and click rates but its hard to include it into c2 applications that got exported trough cocoonjs. It works fine for us trough phonegap but phonegap is just not well for games(poor performance) so we use flurry just for software apps.