Dark Savant's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Dang, I just. . . let me prostrate myself here and. . . hold that forehead down for a few seconds. . . you're awesome. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'll be looking over all this for a while, lol. I've been using Velojet's platformer tutorial, but I'll definitely look through Ashley's and see what I can combine from the two.

    Btw, I loved that Mini-RPG demo, lol. I got to lvl 1100 in a few minutes. They fell like wheat to the scythe. <img src="smileys/smiley15.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> What I looked over in the code before testing it was helpful, so I'll definitely be referring to it often as I progress.

  • That's pretty awesome. I was just about to need something like this for explaining controls as you move around, and to make the storyline happen.

    Question though. Is there a way to have this work when passing different instances of an object, such as multiple signs, to have it say different things without using a separate event for each one? This of course ties back into my lack of understanding with instances, and desire to learn them.

  • Thanks Kyatric, I had a feeling S was sounding a little too good to be true. I liked the tutorials though, really good at learning exactly how to do something you want in a WYSIWYG as opposed to just hand coding it.

    I'm not entirely clear on a number of things. I know how to create new instances, but I don't know how to change a particular instance. For example, in my levelup system I'm using different text boxes for every stat, when I might be able to use instances of a single text box to do the same. I tried to get that work for hours, but couldn't figure it out. Another thing is arrays. I don't know the difference between using the X value and making instance variables. Can I apply different numbers to an instance variable based on the X value when applied? (that's kind of what it looks like Yann's doing with his item stats. X is set to the number of animation frames, and Y is set to 5 which is the number of different stats; though it's not quite the same since it uses variables in a separate object. . . I think).

    If I'm overcomplicating things it's due to ignorance, and that's why I'm trying to learn. I'm trying to tackle this one thing at a time. I got my levelup system working using my knowledge of variables and a couple tutorials, but this is beyond my experience which is why I'm trying to learn it.

    I think this project may be too ambitious for my current skills, so I'm thinking of shelving it for the moment. I'd like to continue working on an RPG so that I can learn those aspects applicable to it as I go, but probably need something simpler to get there. One of my friends has been coding since he was 4, and he says if a project is too ambitious you should shelve it until you learn some of what you're stuck on.

    Here is the capx of my levelup system if anyone was curious (with some of the later, failed, attempts at swapping characters partially applied). It was down to 18 or so events before I added in the character swapping mess. If you use the little button next to the "Need" box, that applies XP for testing the leveling system. Apparently, I'm going to need more than 4 layers if I want to do the 3-tab info setup too. . . Another reason to shelve it for now.

    I'm thinking of trying my hand at a side scrolling platformer with some RPG (level up or skill up) elements instead. There are a lot more tutorials on platformers, and if I can get enough done before hitting a wall I'll feel less douchebaggy asking for help. <img src="smileys/smiley23.gif" border="0" align="middle"> Any suggestions on where to start? Like, build a level, make the character move in it, then make obstacles, then make enemies, then make levelup, etc.? Thanks for any advice.

  • I knew there had to be a way to use "For" but didn't know how to get it in Constructor, thanks Yann.

    I have a question though. Since floor() always rounds down, is it possible to randomly get a result of 10 unless you miraculously random a 10.0000000? I noticed on my example I wasn't getting 10 either, but that's why I used int() instead of floor(). This question is also one reason why I participated.

  • I know there has to be a cleaner way to do this, and I could in Python in a single line, but I'm not sure how to simply write code in Construct. Regardless, this takes 1 event and some screen space. You could use the variables however you want, but this gives them the random amount at start of layout.

    Example capx

    {Edit:} Just refresh your browser when testing the layout to see the variable numbers change and you'll see that it works. I had to use int(random(1,10)) because it was giving me floats without the int() code, and you didn't ask how to get to the ten-thousandths of a random number between 1 and 10. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Figured I'd post an example in case someone sees it and knows a better way, then we can both clean up our code a bit. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Ok, I'll do the dropbox thing since it's the popular way to share capx files and the like.

    Sorry if I rambled and made it hard to understand, I have a tangential method of speaking. ^^; That's why I added the summary at the end. I'll likely have to make a new project for everything I want to accomplish until I can afford the software, due to event limitations.

    I've started a new project for the inventory, but my problem is finding what I want to accomplish in example form. There are things that might work, like Yann's example, but I have no clue how to edit them due to the complexity.

    I'm thinking that the best system would be one in which the inventory is populated, then when you click on an item it highlights that slot and spawns a few buttons. Equip, Destroy, etc. If the character can't equip the item, the Equip button isn't created, or it is created but on a different frame to add a little "No" symbol so the player sees they can't equip it. The concept I have pretty solid in my head, but I don't know all the little code snippets necessary to actually turn concept into reality.

    That's why I was hoping someone would be available to gradually learn this particular bit from. Once I learn that, I should be able to create a shop without much help, if any.

    <center>-=*****Response to Yann*****=-</center>

    How would you recommend I structure it? For example, say I want to test it by creating a sword, a bow, and a couple pieces of armor. What's the order in which you would recommend structuring the development? I like your method of using a single default "Item" as the placeholder for all. Would it work well if I structured the development in this order?

    1: Set up the different variables on the item such as type, character, attack, defense, cost, etc.

    2: Figure out how to spawn random items (to verify stats are called/applied correctly).

    3: Work on inventory placement and applicability (whether conditions are met to equip).

    I feel that's not really enough steps since I need to learn some of the stuff, not just implement it. . . hard part is, I don't know what I need to learn in order to put it in the steps. I have some knowledge of Python code, but it's far from extensive. Some of the things you did in your example aren't things I know of, such as "tokenat" or "loopindex" which makes it hard for me to understand exactly what that line of code is doing.

    I'll gladly look things up and try them out, that's how I learned as much of Python as I did. I just need to know what to look up.

    Also, since I've seen a bit of the relevant work you've done and value your expert opinion (as well as that of multiple other users), what's your take on S? This Thread Since I'm a n00b, would it be faster/easier/better to learn to use something like that, or learn all the intricate code to generate my desired results without plugins?

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  • Hello.

    I've looked around on the forums and tutorials for an RPG inventory system or tutorial and I've found a number of drag & drops. None of them seems to really be what I'm looking for, and are a bit daunting to pick through as a Construct n00b. . . I like Weishaupt's tutorial, but having looked at his capx it's not exactly what I was envisioning. I love the appearance and function of Yann's example as well, but his seems to rely on the mentality of "this item goes in this slot" when generating the inventory. . .

    I can get the drag and drop mechanics to work by following Weishaupt's tutorial (since I have the plugins installed), but I'm a little more curious how to populate the inventory when new items are acquired. Unfortunately I can't afford the standard license yet, blame the economy. I'm in the process of waiting on a meeting with a manager, it all sounds good so far, but I need to actually get the job and a few paychecks before I can buy it. For that reason, I'm limited in exactly how complex I can play around. . .

    So far I have a stat and level-up system working with an acceptable UI, but it took almost a third of my allowed events. Yann's prebuilt would put me over 90, and I wouldn't know where to begin on modifying it, lol. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The layout I have, in case I can't get a picture to work, has 45 inventory slots available per page. I haven't tried to implement the page changes yet, but that's partially because I'm still trying to wrap my mind around Weishaupt's tutorial to get other parts of the inventory working properly. <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I also have the following equipment slots:

    Head, Neck, Arms, Chest, Legs, Left Wrist, Right Wrist, Left Hand, Right Hand, Left Foot, Right Foot, Left Ring, Right Ring. (I'm explaining because I've never successfully previewed on this forum, always get "nothing to preview" error) Not only do I need to get the item slot to work properly, it also has to read the character and see if they can wear it. Gary can wear the Plate Helm, but Stu can only wear Leather or Chain, yeah?

    I think it's great seeing people jump forward with capx files to demonstrate their idea instead of just giving a short 1-2 paragraph explanation, but I don't learn much from having the work done for me. . . I'll happily accept and look over demonstrations, but expect me to ask about how parts were done, why, and how they interconnect after. I'm a pain like that. <img src="smileys/smiley23.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Image linking attempt. . .

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/59065013/Construct%20Issues%20Screenies/Sample%20Image.png" border="0" />

    Aaand. . . summary? Yes, summary is good. I'll get on one right away.

    What I'm trying to achieve is a system that looks at the items it has and places them in order on the inventory grid (3r x 15c) even if that means onto a hidden page. If it has 32 items, for example, it will fill the first two entire rows of the first page, and two columns of the third row. If it has 47 items, however, it will fill the entire first page and two slots of the second page. Then, when the item is to be used, it need to compare not only the slot the player is trying to put it in, but the character who they're trying to equip it on.

    I don't need drag & drop, if that makes it easier to explain how. Little "Equip" buttons are plenty easy for me to add in and remove. My issue is the inventory population and slot/character verification algorithms(??). Please, someone teach me to fish. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello.

    I'm an avid gamer and have been for a long time. I got started on something old. . . can't remember anymore. Either our Tandy 1000 or IBM Compatible or something. Didn't even have a hard drive, just 5 1/4 floppies. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> The game that got me interested in my lifelong love of RPGs was "Heroes of the Lance", and later the Krynn series drove it home. Unfortunately, though wildly creative, I have spit all for skill in game development. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I've dabbled in RPGMaker 2 (Playstation 2), RPGMaker VX, and lightly in Python coding recently. I'm more of a story writer than code monkey, and have far more experience in doing so (over a dozen years of RP story writing on forums). I've written on request multiple times, but may not be able to devote hours to someone else's project since my family keeps me pretty busy (willing to give out ideas and proofread, however). I can also use image editing software with slightly more proficiency than a drunk epileptic wallaby at a rave, so my UI and such are usually decent.

    So far I'm liking Construct 2 more than RPGMVX. I'll still need help with the code until I get used to it, but you can be sure I'll bruise my brain trying it myself before I ask. Also, when I do ask, I'll be trying to get the how and why of it, not just the fix. Won't learn if I just plug and play, neh? <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Hope to get to know you all a bit, but don't be surprised if I go inactive for months at a time. My life's unpredictable like that.

  • Nice game. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    As harrio said, you can simply fly high enough to spawn the points and UFOs, then drop back to the ground and pick them up endlessly. Would it be possible to have the event which spawns the points also destroy the ground? If you did that, and falling down off the screen had the same effect as zealously flying out the top, you'd fix the scoreboard breaking issue with the game as-is.

    Keep it up. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Great concept. I'm a fan of ingenuity, so congratulations on this game. My score was 31/442 at the end. The only issue I had was the sliding doors not resetting after I hit a wall, so they were still closing even when I passed through their trigger. This was only a problem on a couple of levels, but I'd squeak in between the wall and the first door, only to have the second one finish closing as I entered the space.

    On the plus side, I finished level 10 by blasting between the corner and the door when it was less than twice as wide as my O-Ring after resetting from a collision, so if you reset all the doors I'd have had to try level 10 again. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Keep up the good work. I like your creativity.

  • 10 posts