Daimonmau's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hum, coll then

    I know how to mess around in mmf, but I think will have to change my project to the construct for certain reasons, and I was worried that construct would may not have this bullet time effect (that affect sounds).

    But now you aswered my doubt, thanks men.

  • There is a effect on mmf2 that is really cooll, and I was wondering how to do it on construct.

    So, how I do a slowmotion or "bullet time" effect on construct? but, when activated or deactivated, it has to increase/decrease to the desired game speed (in other words, when activated the speed of the game quickly slows down to the bullet time, then, when the effect is deactivated, it quickly (not instantaneous) go back to the normal speed.

    Also the sounds too are affected by the slowmotion

    Anyone here know how to do it or if there is allready some tutorial showing this?

  • Hey arima, your game is about what in geral? and when, more or less, you presume you will launch him?

  • HAHAHhahaha... The automatic translator seens to really be com algum problema.

    Hum... I was reading something about lags on mmf that are caused because of bad organization/strategy on the way of put the events of the game. like leting lots of things to be constant checked and rechecked by mmf when you could deactivate them. Are you sure this lags that you had some experience/or saw something in the past where not caused by something like this? (e ta esquizito fala em ingl�s contigo, hahaha)

    Terry, tu tem orkut? a�, se tu n�o se importar, de vez em quando eu poderia te perguntar alguma coisa (mas sem te encomodar de mais, � claro). ou, se tu preferir, e se tu passa pelo forum aqui com frequ�ncia, eu posso te mandar alguma pm de vez em quando.

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  • Bem, vo responder em ingl�s agora por causa da falha no automatic translator, hahaha.

    What?? MMF gives lag with certain effects?

    this is a serious thing, since, let's say, I could be far away on the project later to discover that, with the hero on screen together with his armor and weapons sprites, while fighting against some 10 enemys (with theirs respectives clothes and weapons) + lots of effects would cause great lags on mmf.

    So, for a game of this kind, MMF would sure lag? a serious or light lag? on construct there is no problem (or almost no problem) of lag?

  • Bah, tu � brazileiro tch�, hahaha

    �, eu li que n�o se deve utilizar o sistema de plataforma que vem no mmf, e sim utilizar um outro tro�o (tipo um aplicativo), que � o que to utilizando e ta indo bem at� agora.

    eu instalei aqui o construct, mas outra hora vo da uma analizada nele. N�o sei se vou tansferir o projeto pra ele agora que to come�ando a pegar o jeito no mmf. mas derrepente outra hora eu leio algo que me obrigue a utilizar o construct, haha.

    E quanto ao pixel shader... vou procurar algo a respeito se existe algo desse tipo no mmf (downloadeando algo)

  • No, not zelda, its a platform one (like metroid or castlevania symphony of play1).

    But what this pixel shader effect do?

  • I know this probably isn't the best place to ask this, hahaha.

    But the thing is this: I want to make a platform rpg action game, and I began to work on the "multimedia fusion developers 2". But soon I discovered that he is not well done on the part of assembling the animations of, for example, the hero. I mean, I am used to the mugen, where you can set the time of each frame of the animations and fix the position with ease (so, when the hero is doing some action, the change of frames happens with fluidity/are positioned right). I found ways to solve this, but I want to know if on the Construct (that I din't tested yet by the time I am writing this) is better than mmf on this part?

    Also, comparing with mugen (my previous experience), program is really easy since all is separated by states, and organized in a way that is easy to avoid conflicts (for example, on one state you give the order to the hero change to animation xx and don't need to be worried if this order will conflict with some other order of change animation on other state). but on mmf it's like a big state so I have to be checking conflicts here and there with frequency. But yesterday I tested a theory that kind of fixed that.

    But in the end I would like a explanation/opinion if I should change from mmf to construct?

    If construct seens to be better than mmf to make this kind of project?

    If on the long run, when the project be almost finished, exist something that someone here knows/imagine/presume that could make me regret to not have persisted on mmf instead of have changed to construct? I mean, what is the pros and cons (wich relation to make this kind of game) of mmf and construct?

    Obs.:I will test construct later this night, haha

  • 8 posts