d4ff02c2-d12d-4715-91a9-2bc09325d437's Forum Posts

  • here a solution

    1 - open your xcode project

    2- open terminal and then add this command

    3- add "cd (your project directory)" then press entre

    4- add this code "pod install --repo-update"

    Congratulation problem solved

    Have you actually tried and tested your app after using this solution or are you just assuming it will work? updating pods can have an impact on the app if there's references that are deprecated in the ios export build from construct. I appreciate your help though. But I would much rather construct fix the issue so there will be a little more certainty that the app wont crash.

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  • I get an error "framework not found UserMessagingPlatform.xcframework" when trying to build the ios export in Xcode, It seems to be an admob issue.


  • I've been able to publish and update apps now without the error since the beginning of may using only the builtin plugins and also most of the rex behavior plugins so you might need to check all 3rd party plugins to see if its been updated in the past few months. If not then I would recommend contacting the author of the plugin or replacing it. It looks like using the construct 3 editor works without the error appearing even with c2 runtime but c2 editor will still give you the same errors.

  • Since saturday night(4/11/2020) around my 6pm till now the ios builds are failing and show similar results. Ive tried 3 different projects all 3 successfully worked before that time. Error code:

    /Users/user171771/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Number_Merge-alowtuzpndgamkclrecdypzomrty/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Number Merge.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Number Merge.build/Script-304B58A110DAC018002A0835.sh: line 2: /Users/user171771/Downloads/Number Merge.ios.project (3)/Number Merge/Scripts/copy-www-build-step.sh: Permission denied

    Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

  • All this official ones












    None of which actually have browser functionality. Maybe MobileAdvert.

  • I think they finally put a date on it. I just submitted and app they put the date April 2020 this time.

    “ Dear Developer,

    We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Connect Hexas" 1.2 (1). Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:

    ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of new apps that use UIWebView APIs starting from April 2020. See developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiwebview for more information.

    After you’ve corrected the issues, you can upload a new binary to App Store Connect.

    Best regards,

    The App Store Team”