I get an error "framework not found UserMessagingPlatform.xcframework" when trying to build the ios export in Xcode, It seems to be an admob issue.
here a solution
1 - open your xcode project
2- open terminal and then add this command
3- add "cd (your project directory)" then press entre
4- add this code "pod install --repo-update"
Congratulation problem solved
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here a solution 1 - open your xcode project 2- open terminal and then add this command 3- add "cd (your project directory)" then press entre 4- add this code "pod install --repo-update" Congratulation problem solved
Have you actually tried and tested your app after using this solution or are you just assuming it will work? updating pods can have an impact on the app if there's references that are deprecated in the ios export build from construct. I appreciate your help though. But I would much rather construct fix the issue so there will be a little more certainty that the app wont crash.
the cause of the probem is Admob (Specially the new UMP update)
if you remove admob you not gonna have this problem and to answer you question yes i did try this because i was having the same issue and everything work fine
if you want to know more about this issue here links
Thank you!