cvp's Forum Posts

  • Ok

    I dont have time to make you an example right now. If you cant figure it out yourself I can make an example for your tonight.

    But my approach would be:

    Instead of creating the wantedTotal from a random number. Create the number from the numbers you have available on the sprites in the bottom. So pick 1,2 or 3(depending on how you want it) random numbers from the sprites in the bottom and them add them together to get a new wantedTotal

  • ahh.. ok.

    So the problem is that the wantedTotal asked for a number that is not possible to make?

  • You can use a double quote as escape character.

    So if you want the quotation marks to be visible you should use 2 "" evertime you want to display it.


    set text to """Damage:"" " & Function.Param(1) & newline & """MaxSpace:"" " etc.

  • Hi Narasimha.

    I am trying to figure out what your problems is. But i am having a hard time understanding what it is.

    You ask for a "WantedTotal" and you show a "Current" value. You can then click on the sprite numbers to try and get the "wantedtotal".

    That seems to work for you. So what is the problem you want to solve?

  • can you post the capx? would make it easier to help you. It looks like something with your encoding. It interprets your spaces wrong.

  • There is a whole section on multiplayer in the FAQ section.

    If you are looking for realtime though AJAX may not be your best bet. The would probably be better.

    FAQ section

    Go down to the section on Multiplayer/Networking there are some good posts there.

  • Uk4dee thx for the post (to Nofish). Helped me alot on the way.

    Another question though. Whenever you purchase a product you set the global variable "premium" to 1.

    How do you check when the app starts up a second time, if the product is already purchased? Do you persist the value of the premium variable?

    ....nevermind found out you can check if it has been purchased.

  • This is because we added some support for the next version of the CocoonJS launcher, which isn't out yet. It should be fixed at the next launcher update (hopefully in a couple of weeks). In the mean time switch to the old physics engine using the CocoonJS plugin property.

    The new CocoonJS is out in the app store. But i am still getting an error when the app starts.

    Running version 139(64 bit) of construct 2

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • did you get it working i have it working on ios if any one needs help but i havent got a android device to test android ones on


    Could you write a small step by step on how you got it working? that would be a tremendous help.

  • We plan to improve CocoonJS support over the next couple of releases, so hopefully things will get even better. We know there's a few issues like missing documentation on using IAP and such, but hopefully we can get it all sorted soon and then CocoonJS will be an easy and robust way to publish mobile games.

    Ashley any update on this? Think we are a few releases past February :-)

    Seems like there are several post asking about the IAP. I for one am a bit lost. It is almost the last thing i am missing to get my app out there.

    A working example would be a gift form above... or Scirra :-) I think it would also benefit construct 2 alot as a platform. IAP is really a must for mobile apps these days.

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  • For the smoothness you could use the lerp() function where you set the angle/move the player. will make a more smooth transition.

    Havent got the time atm to go through all of your code, but getting it to stay on the layout would to be math issue to me as far as i see it, but I might be wrong :-)

    Just my 2 cent...

  • For me CocoonJS (by Ludei) is the best option atm. I find the cocoonJS test app for IOS great. I have tried the XDK shortly, but it didnt really work for me.

    Phonegap is OK, but you will run into performance issues quite fast from my experience.

    You can find a lot of topics about it on the forum.

    Currently CocoonJS is free. Dont know for how long though :-)

  • Edit the background (double click in it)

    There you can alter the image origin point.

    In C2 it is default set to the center of the sprite/background

    It the number 2 from the bottom in the menu on the left. Looks like a crosshair

  • Look in the FAQ section of the forum.

    There is already a lot of topics about that:


    Especially look in the section about AJAX

    There is also a post about pasing things to C2 from the webpage in the general section of the FAQ:

    the post

  • there is a topic about that specific request in the FAQ section:
