cristianofromagio's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Construct 3 LiteTween minor bugfix

    I corrected a minor bug affecting display of behavior event in the event sheet.

    Image of one of the display 'problem': image

    Image after the bug fix: image

    I incremented the addon version to so we can update it in C3 smoothly.

    Here is the new file: LiteTween v.

    lunarray : If your good with this correction maybe you want to update your first post. Thank you for this addon, it's really useful.

    : Good work your port gave me the opportunity to work on my project in C3

    Thank you for the updated version! I made the port on the early stages of C3 beta so text highlight wasn't really defined, happy you could make it work!

  • Do you mind if I put the link of your port to c3 into the main post? It will be easier for people to find it.

    For now I already put it without asking for your permission, but if you somehow don't like it then I will remove it.

    lunarray Of course not! It's a pleasure to contribute with this amazing behavior. Actually, I've ported the behavior because we at our studio wanted it for the Construct 3 gamejam, so I kind of rushed the port to be on time with the tight schedule. But I sure plan to take a deeper look at it and do the polishment this behavior deserves (for example, it does not have the same 'bold' text support like it used to on c2 so the markup shows as text).

  • cristianofromagio I keep getting this error message when opening my file any ideas

    Sorry for the delayed reply, but did you try exporting it with project-bundled addons ( Otherwise it could be a construct feature support problem (seems you are using mobile).

    I'm afraid I can't go further to help you on that, but I'm willing to help at other issues.

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  • I've ported this plugin to C3 following the guide provided by Scirra. Since "all" you need to do is to reorganize the plugin/behavior definitions (the runtime.js code stays the same), there shouldn't be any problem that wasn't there before. I've searched this topic for some license type, but I couldn't find it, so I hope I'm doing what the behavior's author was willing to do since the beginning. All credits for this behavior development goes to lunarray, so if you can, support and thanks to him.

    Version 1.7 c3addon:

  • 4 posts