CREATOR4's Forum Posts

  • It is actually breaking during the first loop because of "stop loop"

    However, this For Loop is being ran repeatedly because there are no conditions. It's being ran "every tick", which is why it looks like it's never stopping

  • Tell him why you think he should walk. Ultimately it's up to him if he wants to walk though. You can't force him, you can only communicate your desires

  • They have a js sdk (called web), which I guess should be fine.

    Parsec is basically a tool for sending input data directly, so your session "believes" the gamepad for the remote player is a local gamepad. so you can create a local two player game but one gamepad is actually remote, and then you stream the video

    Thanks for your response

    I have no experience with JS. Do you have any tips or should I just dive in?

  • Hello,

    I recently learned about this service called Parsec. It works kind of like Google Stadia. Users can stream the game they're playing to other people, who can then play with them across the internet. This lets people play local games like Cuphead as if they're multiplayer

    Does anyone know how to go about integrating this into C3, or if that's even possible?



  • Make sure the scroll-to behavior is disabled by default on all objects

    If you have scroll-to enabled on multiple objects the camera will find the mid-point between them

  • Can you post a screenshot of your code?

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  • All you need to is turn on the scroll to behavior for the peer

    Something like:

    On peer created --> Peer.peerid = multiplayer.myid ? --> Enable scroll to

  • Newly created objects aren't "active" until the next event

    Why not call the color function using a On Text Created event?

    Or just pass the UID?

  • Since the platforms appear to be evenly spaced why don't you just make the score proportional to the character's distance traveled? Or if the background is scrolling, make the score proportional to the total amount scrolled?

  • Generally you want to put For Eaches after the rest of your conditions, when possible

    For example

    Donut is on screen

    For each Donut

    is MUCH better than

    For Each Donut

    Donut is on screen

    The reason is because "is on screen" filters out all the donuts, and THEN goes over them one by one

    If "for each" is first, then C3 goes through EACH DONUT one by one, and then checks if it's on screen. Much slower

  • Parameters will remain unchanged even after "Wait"s within a function

    Local variables will not

    So if you were to put rslt as a parameter your code would work as expected

    This is safer than using a static variable since only your function will have access to it's parameters

  • Maybe CashApp? They give you a free debit card

  • > After you create the tiled background use "Pick Last Created tbFamily." Then you'll be able to talk about the tbg in terms of it's family

    Thank you, that worked good.

    Is there any other way to select the child into the family as I explained?

    Thank you!

    I don't think there's any other way. Doesn't the solution I gave you work?

  • After you create the tiled background use "Pick Last Created tbFamily." Then you'll be able to talk about the tbg in terms of it's family

  • > Regarding a giant stretched out sprite vs a tiled background, I don't know which is better. I suppose the best way to know would be to test it yourself


    > You can accomplish a changing bg color with only one TiledBackground


    > 1. Import an image file to use for your Tiled Background (Files > Import files)

    > 2. Use Load Image from URL and enter the file name


    > This will let you swap out the TiledBackground's image


    I didn't notice much difference between stretched 1x1 pixel sprite and tiled bg.

    Regarding your method of changing background color, how would you automate it to go well with conditions? With animation frames it's very easy to always set the correct frame if you put all the frames in right order, like if each biome has 4 seasons then biome 0 has frames 0-3 and if you want to set the color to biome 0 season 3 then you set the animation frame = biome_number*4 + season_number, so you need to only use one condition that always sets the correct image color.

    It's very similar

    Name the files numbers like 0.png, 1.png, 2.png, etc

    Then just do Load Image from URL biome_number*4 + season_number & ".png"