Colludium's Forum Posts

  • vtrix and all - this is good news! Thanks for the info. I don't use Twitter (wrong generation I guess)... so I'm reliant on the c2 blog and roadmap...

  • I asked the very same question a while ago - I guess that a front to back renderer would require a complete rewrite of the engine (see here). I think it's a pity that some 3d draw principles cannot be employed for the sake of performance - so many threads and comments about gpu performance because of the need to needlessly draw lots of hidden pixels....!

  • You can add other hitbox sprites to a container with your player so, when you create the player then all of the hitboxes are created as well. Careful positioning of image origin points will ensure they are positioned where you need them - then just use On Created (player) to pin each hitbox to the player. Not multiple collision polygons, but it's really just the same thing IMO.

  • Haven't had to do this with mine... W8.1 and all NW versions from 10.5 to 12.1 have worked fine.... Genuine Xbox controller for me, in case that might be the problem?

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  • There are two things I can think of that are worth considering here. 1 - if you are using cocoonjs then your game should be running respectably fast - what hardware are you testing on? 2 - it could be that you need more optimization. Have a look at the debugger profile page and see which events are using up most cpu time - then work on those. With 15 sprites on screen there should be no problem at all for an average phone to handle, so the problem could lie with your events. Have a look at your collision polygons as well - for this sort of game you only need rectangles.... Lastly, use a check of is touching / trigger once - rather than on object touched; it uses less cpu power...

  • That means you're not right clicking on another point... The new point will be inserted half way in between the one you click on and the next one in a clockwise direction around the polygon.

  • Right click in the sprite editor on a collision point and select add point. You can drag the collision points around as well to finesse the shape.

  • Deleted. Blackhornet had the right answer....

  • Excellent! Remember you don't need to initialise your spriter objects in the first layout they appear in the final game - where it will cause a momentary delay. Assuming you have a start level you can place them all there hidden away where any delay doesn't matter (although doing that just might not make l your game logic more complicated because you'll still have to preview each layout and so will still need an on initialised there too). Glad it's sorted!

  • Are you looking to put a collision checker at the spawn location of each enemy to check if the enemy is 'at home'? You can easily do that using Containers and some instance variables. Like On Create Collisoin_Checker, set Collision_Checker.Enemy_UID to Enemy.UID. Then you need to decide whether to use On Collision or Is Overlapping; search the forum for discussions about efficiency and workload associated with each of those options - it depends on what you're really after as to which will be best to use. If On Collision is too demanding (lots of enemies) then you could do a distance check or, alternatively, manage their movement using a FSM so you just know when they are in collision with their start point Collision_Checker. As said above, it's hard to effectively guess what sort of help you need.

  • I think that the problem is caused because you're commanding character map changes on the first layout before the spriter Test object has been initialized. The object(s) only needs to be initialized once per game run (so the trigger will not fire on 2nd layout - this has caught me out before) and I suspect that that is why the On-Start-Of-Layout commands work the second time over. Good logic on the demo to order the objects on screen .

  • a678182f

    If you don't want to mess with booleans but oscillate between 3 and 6, you could use:

    Variable1 = (((Variable1 / 3) % 2) + 1) * 3

  • Your capx is missing Layout 1.xml and some animation frames, so it won't run. Are you setting the scale using the Spriter object On Initialised trigger or using an On Created trigger? Created a spriter object takes more than one tick, so referencing the object directly in sub events will not work correctly. I'm just guessing without seeing the capx, though.

  • Industrial location sounds good. Makes me think of some of the derelict factories me and my brother played in as kids. I shudder at the thought now

    Ha - yes! For me it's pure luck that I made it to adulthood (some would argue that I'm still not there yet).

  • This depends on what you mean by testing if an animation is "playing" or "not playing". An animation can be playing with an AnimationSpeed of 0 (set to zero or stopped using events).... Either way, if an image is displayed then an animation is playing. So, I think you're asking how to check if the frame rate for an animation is above zero. In which case, use something like:

    System : Compare Two Values [Sprite.AnimationSpeed > 0]

    To test if the sprite is on xxx animation:

    System : Compare Two Values [Sprite.AnimationName = "xxx"]