Colludium's Forum Posts

  • I appreciate the effort and sentiment here with this idea. My 2 pence:

    I think that theme 1 will be make or break for participation from the community, so it might be worth having a Ludum style vote-off to generate interest and a feeling of ownership for those that vote. I also think that it would be better if it were centred in the forums rather than on an external site (good effort putting that together, though). If i wasn't participating then i could easily glance in and see what's going on. Facebook and twitter nonsense could be done through Ashley and Tom I guess. If it becomes a separate entity then it could slide into oblivion....

  • I've also found that Wait and Timer triggers sometimes fail to fire even though the logic of the events looks good. I've also had them stop working for no reason after I've been working on a different part of an event sheet, but nothing consistent enough to put in a bug report for proper analysis (only enough for me to occasionally moan about it! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />).

    My advice would be to do 2 things here:

    1. Add a tripple event containing (1)Sword is on screen Inverted - AND - (2)Swordbull... is on screen Inverted - AND - (3)Trigger Once. Use this to set a variable "player_can_fight_time" to "time + Player.WeaponRespawn".

    2. Check player_can_fight_time < time as a pre-event to your key down checks (in place of the WeaponLaunched = 0 check). That should do it.

    Good luck! Like I said before, I've often found that once a game becomes very complicated with lots of time checks and trigger checks, the triggers sometimes get missed. This has resulted in an enemy not shooting at the player, for example (which can just about be excused) or something like the above problem where the player can no longer interact with the game (= fail!). This time check using an object variable technique might seem to be a pain at first but I've never found it to let me down (I rarely use Wait and don't use the Timer any more and I don't have to solve problems like this either...).

  • The image has a missing letter: line 5 after letter 12 it's missing "?" - or the character set is incorrect. Either way there's a mis-match. There might be other omissions but my Japanese is rather non-existent!

  • I don't think C2 has ever detected collisions between objects and particles. Is it possible that previously C2 triggered the event by detecting an overlap of your bullet and the particle emitter (C2 will allow a check of an object overlapping a particle in events, but you cannot check for a collisions/overlap of a particle with something else)? Someone else came on the forum a few weeks ago with a similar question IIRC. The processing overhead would be too great with any reasonable number of particles to check...

  • If I were you I would email Ludei support direct and report it as a bug. Best chance of getting it fixed or finding an answer IMO.

  • As soon as the system receives the command "Go to layout..." it switches to that layout and the associated event sheet - the set position functions you have never get seen... You need to put a command "On start of layout" in the appropriate event sheet to enable those set position command to work. I would probably use a global variable to determine which spawn position to go to if the event sheets are common between the layouts.

  • I became momentarily excited about the tile map object. Then I spent the whole of last weekend trying to get it to work in my game in a way that kept seams from flickering and spoiling the effect. It turns out I've found it impossible - it could be an artifact of my old computer system and its ATI Radeon graphics card, but my system is not that unusual. Anyhow, the only way to make the appearance of seams unlikely (and not impossible!) is to set the game settings to 'visually dissatisfying in every other area' - so I gave up. I look forward to this feature being tweaked so that it can be properly used in the future...

    & vtrix, I feel your pain.

  • RamPackWobble - you're right - my time on Elite helped make me the man I am today LOL! Elite Dangerous - sounds interesting. It's news to me but I'm about to search for it. Do you think they will recreate the 40 minute game loading time as well?

    OK, I just watched the video. That is exactly how I imagined Elite really was when I played it...

  • It depends on how you define effects, I suppose. I agree that feedback effects are really important and can really add a sense of quality to a game. Hence I tend to spend too much time tweaking in that area if truth be told. However, I try and steer clear of webgl shader effects because my target audience are probably playing on ancient laptops without dedicated graphics cards (my own laptop was once high end but now can't cope with rendering them).

  • C64. I dread to think how much of my life I wasted playing Elite and Revenge Of The Mutant Camels!!

  • Are we working up to another C2 game jam? If that's the case I'm just a little excited - not sure how to explain this one to the family, though...

  • helena,

    My 2-pennies worth:

    Nicely organised event sheets I thought (I wish mine were that well laid out). There are too many collision checks and too many objects on the layout for optimum performance in mobiles (348 objects iaw debug and 648 collision checks per tick!!) - this is very high for any game like this, I think (I would strive for a max of about 100 or so for a mobile game). Your use of 9-patches doesn't allow you the option of enabling or disabling collision checks on them: if I were you I would use sprites of different sizes and to fit that job and then I suggest disabling collisions for those objects not on the screen - that'll save some processing power and might make it more playable on mobile/ipad. Seems a bit odd that you can check for a ball collision with a 9-patch object but you can't turn the 9-patch collision attribute off if it's off screen.

    The backgrounds have collisions enabled which you can also switch off in the properties bar...

    In my relatively limited experience of using C2 it is excellent for producing browser based games that will be played on a desktop or laptop computer. The android/ios export options are still embryonic and, although do-able for a Nexus 5, they don't work well on an 'average' phone: you will get much better performance from using another development engine if your primary aim is to deploy to mobile. But - and it's a big but - C2 is an excellent development tool. Depends on your intended market...

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  • Interesting game idea. I would also be inclined to use Unity 3d for this with the Playmaker plugin to handle the game logic. Depending on your plan you could use one or more orthographic cameras to render the 3d world without perspective (sort of 2d to the player).

  • Sorry to report that it's all working ok for me...

  • I've been unable to recreate it - I probably wasn't testing thoroughly enough on different platforms / export options so my example could well just be an example of poor memory management on my part.